Thrax: *straightened his shirt* Northstar Ozzy are you almost ready?
Ozzy: gettin' there... *dressed, he just hasn't got his tie tied yet*
Northstar: *is ready in a nice shirt and a pair of nice slacks* *barefoot though*
Thrax: *tightens his belt and fixes his collar* Hope tonight goes well. *he helps Ozzy with his tie and Northstar with her shoes*
Ozzy: Thanks dad... heh. *always has trouble with them*
Northstar: *is a bit wiggly* I don't wanna wear shoes.... Do I really have to go?
Thrax: Northstar it's good to meet other people besides we need to meet Sapphire's parents to get to know them.
Northstar: But her stepdaddy is really scary.
Thrax: Don't worry I wouldn't let him harm you. *strokes her cheek*
Northstar: *looks up at him but still keeps a firm grip on her feet, legs still crossed on the couch*
Thrax: *sighs* Northstar sometimes whjen you hear things about people you shouldn't quickly judge them.
Northstar: *bites her lowerl ip a little and looks up at him*
Thrax: *stroked her cheek* You'll see everything will be fine.
Northstar: *softly* Kay...
Thrax: *kissed her forehead* C'mon now. *he helped her with her shoes*
Northstar: *still protests, insisting she wants to be barefoot*
Thrax: *sighed* Honey they may find it uncivelised if you come barefoot.
Northstar: Why?
Thrax: No one comes to dinner in thier bare feet.
Northstar: I eat dinner barefoot at home.
Thrax: but when going out it's considered bad manners.
Northstar: Why?
Thrax: Many find it disgusting and unrulely.
Northstar: Oh...
Thrax: So no more resisting?
Northstar: ... Do I have to go?
Thrax: *stroked her hair* Sapphire's parents really like to meet us and that includes you.
Northstar: But her stepdad is scary
Thrax: *shook his head* I've met him, he overeacts and he's overprotective but not scary.
Northstar: *softly* Kay...
Thrax: Now c'mon now no more foolin' we need to leave. *he helped her with her shoes*
Northstar: *lets him put her shoes on but immediately stands up on the couch to wrap her armsa round his shoulders, insisting upon being carried*
Thrax: *lifts her up and takes Ozzy's hand* Let's go. *they left*
Talic: *waves to them*
Northstar: *sucks her thumb on the way there*
Ozzy: *squeeezes thrax's hand and smiles gently at his sister* It's alright.
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