
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Daddy Thrax-An OJ RP (Chp100)

Northstar: *goes off to play*

Thrax: *takes a seat on the bench*

Thrax: *and cradles Ozzy*

Ozzy: *leans on him, not minding the attention.

Talic: *just sits by and watches the little one play*

Thrax: *nuzzled Ozzy gently*

Ozzy: *nuzzles back a little with a soft smile*

Marie: *had just entered the park, sat down on a bench and took out soem knitting*

Northstar: *sees her and glomps her leg* ^_^

Marie: *looks down* Hey little one. *strokes her hair*

Thrax: *carries Ozzy over* Glad to see you mother. *takes a seat next to her*

Marie: *smiles* And you my son.

Ozzy: *smiles and hugs her* Hi Grams.

Marie: Hey sweetie. *kisses his cheek*

Northstar: *coos softly*

Marie: *strokes both children's hair and keeps knitting* Surprised to run into you today.

Northstar: daddy brought us out to play! *smiles*

Talic: *comes over and bows in greeting* good morning.

Marie: *turned around* Oh good morning Talic. *she gives a small bow*

Talic: Are you well?

Marie: *smiled* We're both doing well. *she rubbed her stomach*

Northstar: *puts her ear on her stomach and listens*

*a smalll flutter and a tiny kick is felt*

Northstar: *squees*

Marie: *smiled softly*

Thrax: *chuckled* Soon you'll have the young one your arms, mother.

Marie: *quietly nodded*

Northstar: Is it going to be a girl or a boy?

Marie: We're not sure yet but we don't care ethier will be fine for us.

Northstar: *smiles*

Thrax: As long as the young one is heathly it doesn't matter.

Marie: *nodded as she knitted* That's right Thrax.

Northstar: *smiles and gets into Marie's lap, hugglign her*

Marie: *sets her kniting down and hugs her*

Thrax: *smiled as he cradled Ozzy*

Northstar: What are you making?

Marie: *held up a tiny pair of booties, blushing a little*

Northstar: *giggles* They're cute!

Marie: *smiles* Brings back the memories. *he smiled at Thrax*

Thrax: *blushed a deeper red*

Northstar: *gigles* was daddy really cut ewhen he was a baby?

Marie: *reached into her wallet a brought out a photo of a younger her holding a smiling baby Thrax*

Thrax: *groaned and went redder*

Ozzy: Awww dad you were a cutie! *smiles*

Thrax: *hung his head*

Marie: I hope the little one will be as cute as you were Thrax.

Ozzy: *chuckles* babies are always cute.

Marie: So are you and Northstar, little one. *tapped his nose*

Ozzy: *blushes*

Marie: *chuckled, stroking Northstar's hair but making sure not to hold her too close to her stomach*

*a soft singing was heard on the wind*

Thrax: *his ears twitched and he looked around*

Talic: It would seem Sapphire is near.

Marie: *looked at him* Sapphire?

Talic: I believe that would be Thrax's place to explain

Thrax: *gulped*

Sapphire: *was over near the old tree with her sister, doing their performance*

Thrax: *spotted her and went redder*

Northstar: Wanna go watch her? *smiels*

Marie: I would like to see her. *she got up, still holding Northstar and went over to where the young women were*

Thrax: M-mo-mom-mother. *still holding Ozzy he ran after her*

Sapphire: *was dancing to the haunting melody she sang while Lily played on the flute*

Thrax: *kept going redder with each movement of her*

Northstar: *smiles and hugs her grandmother as she watches Sapphire and lily do
their show*

Marie: *smiled then saw her son's redder face and scowled*

Ozzy: *watches the show*

Sapphire: *finished her rountine and bowed to the crowd as they threw money the hat on the ground*

Ozzy: *claps*

Sapphire: *turned to the group* Hey you guys. *she ran over to them*

Marie: *narrowed her eyes*

Thrax: *blushed* Good day Sapphire.

Northstar: Hi miss sapphire. *smiles at her*

Sapphire: Hey sweeties. *she stroked Northstar's hair and Ozzy's cheek*

Ozzy: *smiles* Nice show there you guys.

Lily: Thanks. *winked* Helps us earn a little extra money.

Sapphire: *punched her in the arm* Knock it off. *she saw Marie* I don't believe we've met.

Marie: *glared at her*

Sapphire: *drew back slightly*

Lily: *saw Talic and darted behind her sister*

Talic: Good to see you again Sapphire. *pays no mind to the other cell’s' fearful reaction... he's used to it*

Sapphire: *bowed* And you Talic, you're looking well.

Talic: *bows as well* and glances at Marie, his eyebrow quirking at her scowl*

Thrax: *notices his mother's look* Oh boy.

Sapphire: *sees the angered she-virus* Is she okay?

Northstar: *softly* Grandma?

Marie: *kept her eyes narrowed at the younger she-virus*

Northstar: *whimpers from the angry look in her grandmother's eyes*

Thrax: *bites his lip, shifting his eyes* Eve you better reveal yourself.

Lily: *looked at him in confusion* Eve?

Marie: *gave him the same look* Eve?

Northstar: *pops her thumb in her mouth*

Sapphire: *starts swaying, her eyes go blank as the she-virus spirit appeared before them*

Marie: *her eyes widened as she saw who stood before her*

Lily: *her jaw dropped and stared in awe*

Northstar: *continues to suck her thumb looking up at the benevolant spirit*

Eve: *smied at them, her blue eyes sparkling*

Marie: *approached her* Eve? Is that you?

Eve: *smiled* Tis I Marie. It's good to see you again.

*many in the park stopped and stared at what was going on*

Talic: *tilts his head, ery much interested*

Eve: *leveled with Marie* It's been so long.

Marie: It has my dear. *she looked at Sapphire then back to Eve* So this what happened to you after the incodent.

Eve: *nodded* I was hoping one day to be reunited with my husband and I guess my wish came true. *sees Marie's bump* Looks like both ours came true. *she stroked Maries's stomach making the child move around a lot*

Marie: *smiled and nooded*

Northstar: *continue:s to suck her thumb as she looks up at Eve*

Eve: I wish I could stay long but I can't maintain this form for very long, my new body doesn't know of her pervious life yet but she will in time. *she kissed Ozzy and Northstar's foreheads* In time my children and Marie stay save. *she turn to Thrax* We'll be together soon my love. *she kissed him on the lips and slowly faded back into Sapphire*

Sapphire: *swayed holding her head*

Lily: *blinked, trying to make sense* O.o Dood what just happend?

Ozzy: *smiles* You ok?

Sapphire: *holds her head* Yeah another of my spells, they getting very common now.

Northstar: *doesnt' seem sure what to say , sensing the grownups wouldn't like it very much if she said what happened*

Lily: *tried to say something until Maire's blood red eyes stopped her cold*

Sapphire: *gathered up the stuff* We better head home, Richard still at me after what happened I'm afraid.

Northstar: Your scary stepdaddy?

Lily: Dad isn't scray just very over protective.

Northstar: *shakes her head, unconvinced* Nuh uh... he sounds scary... *hides her face in Marie's chest*

Sapphire: *stroked her hair* Once you get to know him he's not so bad.

Northstar: *softly* I still think he sounds really scary.

Sapphire: *kissed her forehead* In time little one.

Northstar: *nuzzles a little*

Sapphire: *smiled* I'll see you all soon. *she waved and left with Lily*


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