Thrax: *leads them to Sapphire's home and knocks the door*
Lily: *answers* Oh good you three please come in. *she gestured them in*
Northstar: *clings to thrax, sucking her thumb as ozzy steps in*
Ozzy: *looks around a bit* wow. Nice place.
Thrax: Thank you. *heenters as well.*
Northstar: *enters with Thrax*
Lily: Thanks my step-mother's got a knack for decorating.
Ozzy: She sure does.
Northstar: *looks around timidly*
Thrax: *smiles* Really beautiful.
Lily: Thanks Thrax.
Sapphire: *smiles and comes over* I'm glad you guys could make it.
Thrax: *smiled, blushing* Thank you for the invitation Sapphire.
Saphire: Why don't you come sit in the living room? *smiles* Dinner wiill be ready soon
Thrax: *nodded* Thank you. *he leads Ozzy and Northstar into the living room and sat down on the couch*
Northstar: *is immediately in his lap*
Ozzy: Awww... You're ok lil bit.
Sapphire: *rubs Northstar' head* What's the matter little one?
Thrax: *holds Northstar close* She just shy and a little nervous.
Ozzy: I think new places kinda scare her a little
Thrax: *nods* She acted the same way when we met her. *cuddled her close*
Sapphire: Oh? *rubs her head again* Well there's nothing to be afraid of little one. *smiles* no one here will hurt you.
Lily: *nodded* She's right, you're safe here.
Northstar: *nods a little but keeps her thumb in her mouth*
Ozzy: *smiles* Aww she'll warm up. she's just gonna be shy for a little while.
Johnathan: *entered* Good evening Thrax. *he held out his hand*
Thrax: *shook it* Good evening Johnanthan.
Northstar: *though he is only moving to shake Thrax's hand her first reaction at the unexpected open hand moving in her direction is to flinch and hide her face in the chest of Thrax's turtleneck*
Thrax: *rubbed her back* Sorry she's very shy.
Johnathan: *nodded* Understandable, she's young. So she's your daughter.
Thrax: *nodde and smiled* Yes my little Northstar *he gestured to Ozzy* and this is my son Osmosis.
Ozzy: *extends a hand to Jonathyn* Nice to meet you sir.
Johnathan: *shook it* nice to meet you to Osmosis.
Ozzy: *smiles* Just call me ozzy. *shakes his hand*
Northstar: *looks timidly up at jonathan*
Johnathan: *smiles at her*
Ozzy: *gently* See? He's not scary huh lil bit?
Lily: Is that what she was worried about?
Thrax: *nodded* She got the wrong impression.
Northstar: *continues to suck her thumb timidly*
Johnathan: *reaches out and lightly pats her head*
Sapphire: *gently* it's ok sweetie you'll see.. my daddy's not scary, he's just protective.
Northstar: *flinches for a moment as though shethinks Jonathyn will strike her and timidly opens an eye and looks at him as he lightly pats her head*
Johnathan: *smiled sweetly at her*
Northstar: *can be felt trembling, but she doesn't seem to be clinging to thrax as tightly as she was a moment ago*
Thrax: *whispered to her* It's okay honey, he won't hurt you.
Ozzy: *smiles a little though he remembers the injured frightened little girl he brought home from the dirty allyway*
Lily: *knealt beside Northstar* It's okay, daddy may look rough but he's just a big teddy bear.
Northstar: *nods alittle and looks timidly up at the older white blood cell*
Johnthan: *smiled softly at her*
Northstar: *rubs her eyes al ittle*
Johnathan: *stroked her cheek gently*
Northstar: *flinches again but not as much as before*
Thrax: Sweet it's okay he won't hurt you.
Sapphire: *softly* She acts like someone used to hit her a lot...
Thrax: *sighed* Which is true.
Sapphire: *frowns* who would do such a thing?
Thrax: *quietly* Her father.
Ozzy:*softly* Yeah her biological father was pretty mean to her... *kind of like his biological mom*
Johnathan: *looked sick* Heart.less.
Northstar: *softly* daddy doesn't hit me. *referring to Thrax of course, she has yet to be disciplined more harshly than a time out in her room, she has yet to need it*
Johnathan: *smiled* He really loves you both.
Ozzy: *smiles*Yeah no question about that. *smiles* I mean nither of us were born his kids and he just took us in.
Johnathan: I'm the exact same with Sapphire. She's not my daughter by blood but I still love her.
Sapphire: *smiles* I love you too daddy. *kisses him on the cheek*
Johnathan: *nuzzled her softly, smiling*
Northstar: *softly* daddy's warm.
Johnathan: *stroked her hair* I bet he is.
A: *was standing at the doorway listening in*
Ozzy: *chuckles* Yeah makes him cuddly huh?
Northstar: *nods* Uh huh. *cuddles*
Thrax: *holds her close, smiling*
Ozzy: *smiling* She really likes being warm huh?
Northstar: *feels safe that way*
Thrax: She feels safe that way.
Ozzy: *smiles, he can agree with that, as a virus thrax has a higher body temprature than a body cell and being cradled close to Thrax's gentle warmpth has always been comforting*
Sapphire: *smiles* I'll see if dinner's ready yet
Lily: *smiled* Reminds me of my mother.
A: *kissed her step-daughter's cheek* Everything's ready my dear.
Sapphire: *smiles and goes to help set the table*
A: *smiled at her*
Johnathan: *sniffered the air* Looks like dinner's ready.
Northstar: *scents the air as well, intrigued*
Ozzy: Mmm yeah smells relaly good too
Thrax: *inhales* Yes it does. *he gets to his feet, holding Northstar.*
Johnathan: *leads them to the dining room*
Northstar: *holds tigh tto thrax's hand on the way*
Thrax: Looks delicous. *he set Northstar in her seat and sat down*
A: *smiled* Thank you.
Ozzy: *smiles* Smells delicious too.
Northstar: *curiosity overriding her shyness for the moment looks at the food lain out on the table*
Lily: *sat down* Awesome, looks mouth watering. *wiped her mouth*
Johnathan: *chuckled and sat beside his wife*
Ozzy: *tummy rumbles*
A: *laughs* Eat up everyone there's plenty.
*The twins happily started*
Northstar: *tugs on Thrax's arm a little*
Thrax: *stroked her hair* Which would you like honey?
Northstar: I dunno
*the table had several types of food, all prepared with skill. There were meats, veg, dairly, fish, drinks and all in different varieties.*
Northstar: I don't know.
A: Hmmm. . .what's your favourite food sweetie?
Northstar: *softly* I've got lots of them*
Thrax: She very fond of cheese but she can't eat meat.
A: *smiled, lifting a lid off a pot and revealed cheesy pasta covered in bread crumbs* How's this sweetie?
Northstar: That loosk really yummy! *smiles*
Thrax: *smiled softly*
Lily: *serves it out on a plate* Would you like anything else?
Northstar: *points to some of the other veggies*
Lily: *selects the portsioNorthstar and set the plate in front of Northstar* There you are Northstar. *she sat back down after selecting her own*
Northstar: *starts on her dinner*
A: What about you Ozzy? There's plently there.
Ozzy: *gets some dinner*
Thrax: *laughed slightly, selecting his own and starts eating*
*Everyone digs in and clears away every plateand everything on the table*
Northstar: *gets into Thrax's lap when she's done eating*
Thrax: *holds her close*
Northstar: *nuzzles him a little*
Johnathan: Delisous aa always A.
A: Thank you though I hope you all have room for desert.
Northstar: *nods a little and remaiNorthstar in Thrax's lap*
A: *smiled and walked out then came back carrying several slices of sponge cake with ice cream*
Northstar: *sucks her thumb a little from Thrax's lap*
A: *set them down and went back to her seat*
Northstar: *looks up at Thrax*
Thrax: *nuzzled her* Have you ever tried something like this?
Northstar: *shakes her head*
Lily: It's really delicous Northstar, a favourite treat.
A: Yes it's very good.
Northstar: looks at them and nods a little, moving to try some*
Thrax: *stroked her back*
Northstar: *nibbles a little, timidly*
*the twins watched her*
Thrax: How is it honey?
Northstar: *smiles* it's good
A: *smiled, taking a bite of her own* Glad hear you liike it sweetie.
Northstar: *smiles back at her*
Thrax: *ate his own and so did the others*
Northstar: *nibbles slowly on hers*
Thrax: *wiped his mouth after he finished, setting the spoon and folk down then held Northstar on his lap*
Northstar: *cuddles him starting to suck her thumb*
A: *smiles* You really are a good father Thrax.
Thrax: *blushes* Thanks.
Ozzy: *smiles* Yeah he sure is. *kisses thrax on the cheek*
Northstar: Best daddy ever...
*The twins giggled but silence when their father galared at them*
Thrax: *held both Ozzy and Northstar close*
Northstar: *nuzzles Thrax a little and looks slowly up at A and co*
*They all smiled as Sapphire and A began clearing away the dishes*
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