
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Daddy Thrax-An OJ RP (Chp 103)

Northstar: *sucks her thumb as she loosk at the others in the room, the only grown up cells or viruses she's really been exposed to having been her immediate family or the parents of children on the playground from afar*

A: *strokes her cheek* There's nothing to be afraid of sweetie. *she smiled, a silver locket hung round her neck*

Northstar: *looks up at her and then tilts her head as she looks at the locket*

A: *held the locket tight, fighting back tears as she headed into the kitchen.*

Northstar:*lets out a soft whimper and looks up at thrax as if to ask 'did I do something bad?'*

Thrax: *shook his head and cuddled her*

Johathan: *sighed* Even though she's with me her heart belongs to him.

Ozzy: Oh..

Johnathan: As mine does to Kia. *clasps his hands together*

*The twins' heads dropped while Lily and Sapphire fought back tears*

Thrax: *held his children close, knowing how the others felt*

Northstar: *nuzzles Thrax a little and looks slowly up at A and co*

Ozzy: *looks a little sad*

Thrax: *nuzzled them both*

Northstar: *nuzzles back*

Thrax: *whispers* We better not prie any further.

ozzy: *nods*

A: *came back in, still clutching her locket and sat next to her husband*

Johnathan: *wrapped his arm round her and held her close*

Northstar: *looks over at them sucking her thumb*

Thrax: *stroked her back*

Northstar: *slips slowly from his lap and approches the couple*

*They both slowly look up at her.*

Northstar: *timidly reaches up to them a little*

A: *lifted her up and set her on her lap*

Northstar: *gives them both a big hug*

*They hug her back smiling*

Thrax: *smiled as well*

Northstar: *coos a little*

A: *stroked her cheek lightly*

Northstar: *looks up as she feels her hando n her cheek* *softly* You're warm like my daddy.

A: *smiled* Than you sweetie,

Ozzy: *chuckles softly* she sure likes being warm doesn't she?

Thrax: *chuckled* She does.

Northstar: *looks at Jonathan* You're kinda soft and squishy like my big brother.

Ozzy: hey! *blushes*

Johnathan: *smiled and blushed* We white blood cells are like that.

Northstar: *sucks her thumb*

Johnathan: *patted her head*

Northstar: *giggles a little*

Sapphire: *smiles and comes over, giving thrax a kiss on top of the head*

A: *laughed* You're a spunky one sweetie.

Thrax: *blushed a deeper red*

Northstar: *smiles*

*A and Johathan smiled at her and chuckled as they saw Sapphire kiss Thrax.*

Sapphire: *smiles* Thrax has been good to me. And Ozzy's a sweetie. You help your dad take care of your little sister don't you?

Ozzy: *blushes a little as his head is rubbed* Yes ma'am.

Thrax: *smirked* But most of the time he needs looking after as well.

Ozzy: *blushes* Daaaaaad...

Thrax: Well it's true, baby.

*The twins burst out laughing*

Northstar: *looks over at the twiNorthstar*

A: *glared at them* Thant's enough you two.

*They both covered their mouths and ran out of the room still sniggering*

Northstar: *shrinks a little from the glare even though it's not directed at her*

A: *shakes her head* Those two sometimes. *she strokes Northstar's hair* Sorry for scaring you sweetie.

Northstar: *nods al ittle, sucking her thumb still*

Thrax: *smiled at the two and pulled Ozzy onto his lap*

Ozzy: *blushes but nuzzles him a little*

Thrax: *nuzzles him back and kisses his cheek*

Northstar: How come uncle Talic didn't come daddy?

*talic is accustomed to people being afraid of him at first glance and decided it best just not to go for fear of spoiling the meal*

Thrax: He thought his present would spoil the evening sweetie, he can be scarey at first glance.

Northstar: *giggles* Uncle talic's not scary. *of course she's known him all her life and to her his presence means cuddles and protection*

Thrax: That's because you've known him all your life but when people first meet him he can frighten them slightly.

Northstar: why?

Ozzy: *chuckles* you mean aside the fangs and claws?

Northstar: Daddy's claws are bigger than uncle talics. And they both have the same color eyes.

Johnathan: Someone like Thrax we're use to seeing but I don't know about this Talic person.

Northstar: *looks up at him* But he's good.

A: Do you have a picture of him?

Northstar: *ndos and takes a locket out of her own shirt*

A: *takes the locket in her hands and opeNorthstar it*

*inside the locket there are actually several pictures stuffed in the acordian style, the first one being her mother*

*on the other side is a picture of her father, turning the pages, reveals a picture of Northstar as a baby and another one of talic giving one sleepy-eyed baby a bottle while another, identicle one, sleeps on his chest, presumably already fed*

A: *looked at the photos and smiled softly*

Johnathan: *smiled as well* He really cares for you young one.

Northstar: *nods* After mama amd Mysteria died dad got really angry and mean... and uncle talic moved in... and my daddy didn't like it much... one time he threw me agaiNorthstart the stairs and uncle talic made himself all shadowy adn got in between us and then he took me away upstairs

A: *gasped* How can anyone do that to an angel like you?

Northstar: *softly* It's my fault mama died... *sniffs a little*

Ozzy: No way that could be true kiddo.

A: *stroked her head* I know it wasn't your fault sweetie.

Northstar: *softly* Mama was saving me...

A: What true mother wouldn't save her child?

Lily: *nodded and hung her head*

Northstar: *looks up at her and Jonathan and sucks her thumb, a little teary*

Johnathan: *wiped her tears away*

Northstar: *flinches very slightly for a moment then lightly nuzzles the older cell's hand*

Johnathan: You're safe now with your uncle and Thrax.

Northstar: I was really scared of daddy at first when I saw him though... and of ozzy...

Ozzy: Well you were hurt and you woke up in a new place with complete strangers. of course you were scared kiddo

Thrax: It's normal behaviour honey.

Northstar: even that I wet the bed?

Thrax: *nuzzled her* Accidents happen honey.

Northstar: *nuzzles back, smiling*

A: *smiled* You've really helped her alot.

THrax: *blushes* Yeah I have.

Ozzy: Yeah and me... *gets in less trouble at work now*

A: *chuckled* He's done alot for the both of you

Ozzy: HOnestly I think I'd be dead from doing some thing really stupid if it wern't for him.

Johnathan: That I can imagine with all you did in the Immunity.

ozzy: *blushes* Yeah... well now I get real consequences when I do stupid crap.

Johnathan: *nods* Keeps you in line.

A: Tough but fair. *smiles* Sounds like you Johnathan.

Ozzy: *blushes*

Thrax: *kisses his forehead*

Ozzy: *smiles*

A: *smiled* You all are well addapted to each and that's good.

Thrax: *smiled* Thanks.

Northstar: *nuzzles a a little*

A: *stroked her hair lightly*

Ozzy: *chuckles* I think she's getting sleepy.

Thrax: *looked at the clock* It is getting late. *he picked up Northstar into his arms*

Sapphire: Already?

Thrax: *turned to her* Sorry Sapphire but I should get these two to bed.

Sapphire: *nods* Yeah I understand. *smiles* gotta put the kids first after all. *gives him a kiss on the cheek and kisses both Northstar and Ozzy on the top of the head* You two take care ok. Be good. *smiles*

Ozzy: *blushes* yes ma'am.

Northstar: *nods a little yawning* Aye.

Johnathan & A: Good Night Thrax.

Ozzy: G'night.

Thrax: Goodnight everyone. *he walked out with his children*

Ozzy: *waves and heads out* Nice family huh? *smiles*

Thrax: *smiled* They are.

Ozzy: *smiles and rubs Northstar’s head* See? He's not so scary huh?

Thrax: What do you think of them honey?

Northstar: *doesn't answer, already fast asleep in his arms*

Thrax: *smiles and heads home, keeping hold of Ozzy's hand*

Ozzy: *smiles at him*

THrax: *smiled back, kissing his cheek unaware they were being watched*


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