Thrax: *awakes very early the next morning, slipping away from Ozzy and heads for his morning rountine*
Ozzy: *starts to wake up*
Talic: *knowing Thrax is not home, responds to Ozzy's whimpers and goes upstairs to check on him*
Thrax: *returns a while later and heads to the kitchen*
Talic: *patting ozzy's back, whom looks like he's been crying, as he cradles him*
Thrax; 8reaches out and strokes ozzy's hair8
Ozzy: *stirrs andlooks up at him then reaches for him, wrapping his arms around his sh oulders
talic: *chuckles gently* he wanted his daddy...
Thrax: *lifted Ozzy into his arms and cradled him*
Ozzy: 8nuzzles intoh is chest* Daddy... *sniffle*
Talic: That was quite a spanking he got last night. *had heard it and seen his red bottom when he changed the cell this morning*
Thrax; 8looked at ozzy8 Just hope he's learned his lesson this time.
Ozzy: *sniffs* Yes daddy...
Thrax; 8hitched Ozzy into a make shift harnees and began cooking8
Ozzy: 8nuzzleshim, still slightly sniffling*
Thrax; 8to Talic8 This isn't the first time this happened.
Talic: Oh? What did he do? I'm aware he was out of bed in the middle of the night but that's all I gathered.
Thrax; 8explianed what happened and the similar incident before they were found out8
Talic: *nods* I see.
Thrax; Trust me caring for him has been no picnic. 8he sets the table8
Talic: Much worth it though I imagine.
Thrax: *smiled* Yeah. *tickles Ozzy under the chin*
Ozzy: *giggles a bit and rests hsi head on thrax's shoulder*
Thrax: *finishes setting the table and cooking then heads upstairs to Northstar's room*
NS: *is awake and looks like she's been playing quietly on the floor with her dolls*
Thrax; 8smiled8 Morning honey.
NS: *smiles up at him and goes to him to huggle* daddy.. *nuzzle*
Thrax; 8lifts her up in one arm and kisses her forehead8
NS: *kisses back and gives ozzy a smooch too*
Thrax; 7chuckled and carried them both to the kitchen8
NS: Geeze daddy.. how'd you get so strong?
Thrax; 8smirks8 I work out.
NS: *giggles softly*
Ozzy: *nuzzles thrax a little and closes his eyes*
Thrax: *sets Northstar down by the table before unhitching Ozzy*
Ozzy: *once on his feet turns and hugs Thrax tightly*
Thrax: *hugs him back, stroking his hair then sets him down at the table8
Ozzy: *rests his head on his shoulder and once sat down, winces slightly still sore from last night's spanking*
Thrax; 8ties a bib round Ozzy's neck and took a seat at the table*
Ozzy: *gets intoh is lap*
Thrax: *begins feeding him*
Ozzy: *eats his breakfast, nuzzling him*
Thrax: Good boy. *continues feeding him until he's finished*
Ozzy: *rests his head on his chest, sniffling slightly* Hurts...
Thrax; Let it burn baby.
Ozzy: *rubsh is bottom a little bit
Thrax: *held him close, rubbing his back8
Ozzy: *sniffs softly* I'm sorry...
Thrax: *kissed his forehead, cradling him* I forgive you baby.
Ozzy: *kisses him on the cheek*
Thrax: *smiled softly then groaned clutching his stomach*
Ozzy: Daddy?
Talic: Thrax?
Thrax: What's going on? *groans*
Talic; 8comes over to him and places his fingers to his neck to check his pulse*
*Thrax's pulse was normal*
Talic: Thrax how do you feel?
Thrax: Like I'm about to explode but the only reason I'd feel like that is- *he paled* Oh Frank. . .
Talic: *gently* What is it?
Ozzy: Dad? Are you sick?
Thrax: Mother.
Talic: Is she in labor?
Thrax: *groans* I don't know if it's actual or false.
Talic: Would you like me to go check on her?
Thrax: *nods, handing Ozzy to Talic and phones his parents number*
Ozzy: daddy..
Talic: Shhh... *holds Ozzy close and pats his back*
Thrax: *mutters* Please let it be a false alarm. *the phone rings*
Thrax: *groaned* There's no answer.
Talic: *gently hands ozzy over to him* I"m going to go over there...
Thrax; Call me if anything hapeens.
Talic: I will whisper you. It's faster.
Thrax; 8nods, cradling Ozyy8 Be careful, mother will be out for blood if I know her.
Talic: Then we will simply have one more thing in common... *heads out, using the shadows to travel.. it's faster*
Thrax; 8held Ozzy close8
ozzy: *cling sto him*
NS: 8goes over to him as well, both children now snuggled up close to him*
Thrax; 8holds both of them close and groans slightly8
NS: Daddy what's wrong? *is frightened and worried*
Ozzy: I'm gonna call Drix.
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