Ozzy: *s brought home by drix that evening*
Drix: I can' tbelieve you did That Jones! That was not Kosher.
Ozzy: come on I've done it before!
Drix: Yeah and it almost got you killed before too! I can't believe you didn't tell me what you were doing either! Damn it I'm your partner! I"m supposed to know this@
Thrax: *cleaning the house* What happened?
Ozzy: It was nothing... I morphed...
Drix: He went to go blend in with a gang of bacteria and he got caught... we were supposed to stick together but he just had to go off on his own and try to do it himself!
Ozzy: Drix!
Thrax: *rubs his forehead, remembering went Ozzy did the same when they met long ago* Don't you ever learn Osmosis.
Ozzy: I just.... I really thought ihad something.
Drix: Yeah and what you got out of it was some bruises... If I hadn't shown up...
Thrax: How could you have been so stupid?
Drix: You arn't stupid ozzy... why did you have to pull this?
Ozzy: I just...wanted to get to the bottom of it...
Drix: You could ahve gotten killed doing that... Now I know morphin gwas part of the plan but so was telling me when you were gonna do it and wher eyou wer egonna be. Did you tell me either of that? No...
Thrax: *massaged him temples* Drix leave him to me.
Ozzy: *frowned a bit when he hears hsi father utter those ominous words.*
Thrax: *gives him a stern look* You know what happens when you do something like this.
“No Thrax no!” Ozzy pleaded. “No more. I've learned my lesson don't paddle me!” He wailed, no longer caring that Drix was right there. It hurt so much and it still wasn't over! Though he would count himself lucky if Thrax decided not to infect him. The virus had very good control over the venom in his longest claw and was capable of giving a mild infection to his rear that did him no real harm but served to magnify the heat and sting in a bottom that was already red and sore from a sound spanking.
“Sorry baby but you put your life at risk today. You could have been hurt seriously... I can't let that slide baby. I love you but that behavior's gotta go. I'm not gonna lose you cause you had to go be a hotshot. Got that?”
Ozzy: Y-Yes sir... But I had to morph for my job!
Drix: You also didn't tell me what you were doing or where you'd be... *whichi s what has him upset*
Thrax: Which meant you recklessly endangered yourself and you were caught.
Ozzy: *bites his lower lip, not really having a defence for that*
Thrax: *places his hands on his hips, turning his head to Drix* Thank you for bringing him back Drix, I'll take it from here.
Drix: *nods and looks at Ozzy both concerned and stern* You're welcome Thrax... *softly* Please don't be too hard on him... but don't be too easy either...
Ozzy: *gulps, doubting that will be a problem for Thrax*
Thrax: Oh you know me Drix, I make sure he learns his lesson.
Ozzy: *swallows again, spankings given for being reckless with his life were less fun than those given for being defiant*
Thrax: *bowed to Drix* I'm sorry for the trouble he cause you.
Drix: He just scared me... *he looked again at the 'doomed' cell* But I feel better knowing he's going to learn his lesson. Goodnight.. *heads out*
Thrax: *calls out* Goodnight Drix. *he turns to his son*
Ozzy: *stands there with his hands in his pockets*
Thrax: *grabs him by the arm and leads him upstairs* to his bedroom*
Ozzy: *eyes go wide* N-no... c'mon please don't spank me! *knows exactally why they're going to his bedroom*
Thrax: *glared at him, dragging him into the bedroom then hauld Ozzy over his lap as he sat down*
Ozzy: Oh no... No! *reaches back to grip the edge of his pants to prevent him from pulling them down* Please don't! C'mon daddy no!
THrax: Osmois Samuel Jones you know fully well you deserve this.
Ozzy: *whimpers at the use of his full name*
Thrax: *pulled Ozzy's pants and underwear round to his knees and gave him a few hard swats.*
Ozzy: *yelps and grips thrax's leg* oww.. Please daddy it hurts!
Thrax: It's suppose to. *he gave a few more.*
Ozzy: *yelps again and grits his teeth*
THrax: *picks up the speed and strength of the blows*
Ozzy: Ow! B-but d-dad! It was... o-ouch! P-part of my job!
Thrax: *hits harder* That's no excuse for doing it alone.
Ozzy: *yelps* Oww! daddy I'msorry! *his bottom is already startign to redden*
Thrax: *wipes his forehead and continues with such speed and force*
Ozzy: *whimpers feeling the sting of every strike and felt tears starting to well up in his eyes... father is very much angry...*
Thrax: *continues with the strikes as watches Ozzy's rump redden.*
Ozzy: *cries out as the tears begin to flow, unable to keep from squirming, as his shirt is pulled up a nasty bruise can be seen on his middle back, but the cell is very much preoccupied on his sore bottom* Daddy no more! I"m sorry!
Thrax: *sees the bruise* Look at that, it would have been worse if Drix hadn't save your ass. *he gave a couple more.*
Ozzy: *begins to really cry, gripping his leg tightly* I'm sorry daddy! Sorry!
Thrax: *gave one last very hard whack on Ozzy now bright red rump* That's it.
Ozzy: *continues to bawl across his knee, rubbing his eyes*
Thrax: *stands him up with his pants round his ankles and points to the corner*
Ozzy: *looks at him and snuffles there without a word of argument and stands in the corner, bawling as he rubbs his eyes and rump*
Talic: *had taken Northstar outside when he realised Ozzy was in for a sound spanking, not wanting her to be frightened*
Thrax: *leaves the room and comes back after thirty minutes with the items he needs*
Ozzy: *is still in the corner, sobbing softly, his legs and pants wet, having had an accident while standing in the corner*
Thrax: *sighs* Time's up Ozzy.
Ozzy: *shuffles over slowly, sobbing, voice small* D-d-daddy... I h-had an ac-accid-dent... *tears continue to flow down his cheeks as he grips Thrax's shirt, clinging to him as he cries*
Thrax: *lifts him up and lays him on the bed, removing his wet pants and underwear.*
Ozzy: *is still crying, his bottom sore, this having been one of the worst spankings he'd gotten from Thrax and has thus regressed mentally quite a bit* M'sorry daddy...
Thrax: *wiped his tears away* I hope you lerned your lesson. *he lifted Ozzy's legs and slipped a diaper underneath him*
ozzy: *leaning agaisnt his hand, bottom lip trembling as he continues to cry* Y-yes d-daddy... *too upset to say 'sir' and simply reverts stregith to calling him daddy, wanting to be held the moment his bottom was diapered*
Thrax: *powders and oils Ozzy's burning cheeks, rubbing it in well and fasteNorthstar the diaper tight*
Ozzy: *reaches for him the moment the diaper is fastened, fresh tears spilling down his cheeks* Daddy!
Thrax: *lifts him up, cradling him close and rubs his back, sitting on the edge of the bed*
ozzy: *continues to cry into his chest, his bottom still throbbing though nto as much since the powder and oil*
Thrax: *gets up, tossing the wet clothes into the landry basket and carries Ozzy downstairs*
Ozzy: *sobs softly into Thrax's chest* M'sorry daddy..
Thrax: *rubs his back* I know baby but you have to learn the concicquences.
Ozzy: *sniffles into his chest, tears soaking the virus' shirt*
Thrax: *fixed up a bottle, sitting down in the living room and slipped it between Ozzy's lips*
Ozzy: *sniffles and looks up at him as he felt the nipple being slipped beween his lips then closed his eyes, putting one hand on it as he rested his head on Thrax's chest and drank*
Thrax: *lightly stroked his cheek and rock him back and forth*
Ozzy: *seems to calm, cuddled close to him as he drinks the milk from the bottle*
Thrax: *holds him close, nuzzling him*
Ozzy: *finishes the bottle and nuzzle sinto his chest*
Thrax: *sets it down, lifting Ozzy to his shoulder and rubs his back*
Ozzy: *sniffles* M'sorry I was bad...
Thrax: *strokes the back of his head* I know baby. *nuzzles him.*
Ozzy: *softly* do you forgive me?
Thrax: *nods* But don't you ever scare me like that.
Ozzy: *sniffles* Y-yes daddy... M'sorry daddy.. *nuzzles into his chest, clinging*
Thrax: *slips off his turtleneck and holds Ozzy to his bare skin*
Ozzy: *seems to take more comfort in the contact with his bare skin and sniffs, hugging him tightly as he closes his eyes*
Thrax: *rocks him back and forth, humming softly*
Ozzy: *snuggles into thrax's chest and listeNorthstar to his heart, sucking his thumb as his eyes closed, clad only in his shirt and a soft padded diaper.
Thrax: *lays back on the couch, holding him close*
Ozzy: *sniffs, snuggling up to him and slipping off to sleep*
Thrax: *smiles softly as he carries Ozzy upstairs to his bedroom, laying on his bed and pulled the covers round him*
Ozzy: *continues to suck on his thumb, his favorite stuffed animal next to his headboard*
Thrax: *sets the stuffed creature next to Ozzy*
Ozzy: *cuddles it instinctively , still sucking hsi thumb*
Thrax: *kissed his forehead lightly, picking up the monitor and quietly left, heading back downstairs*
Talic: *is back inside with Northstar whom he is comforting*
Thrax: What happened?
Talic: She's alright. She sensed Ozzy's distress. Shes' an empath.
Thrax: *nods* I understand but ozzy:s calmed diwn now.
talic: *nods* That was one of th emore severe spankings you've given him wasn't it?
thrax: yes but he needed to learn and he gave me such a scare.
Talic: It frigthened Drix too I would imagine.
Northstar: *looks up at thrax then reaches for him*
Thrax: *lifts her up and cuddled hers*
Northstar: *snuggles up with him and sucks her thumb*
Thrax: *sits down with her, keeping the monitor on his belt*
*for now the monitor convoys Ozzy's soft steady breathing and the sounds of the cell sucking his thumb*
Thrax: *cuddles her*
Northstar: *cuddles back*
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