Thrax: *fixed himself up* Ozzy you better hurry.
Ozzy: Almost ready dad.
Thrax: *waited by the door*
Ozzy: *hurries downstairs*
Thrax: Now Talic you know to contact me if there's trouble right?
Talic: *nods* Indeed my brother. *strokes Northstar' head whom clings toh is leg* I willd o so immediately.
Thrax: *nodded* Okay let's go Ozzy. *they head out*
*City Hall was packed with reporters and police when they arrived*
Ozzy: Yeesh i havn't seen this place this packed in a long time...
Thrax: *nodded and lead him in*
Ozzy: *goes in with him basically ignoring the reporters, his face narrow-eyed and serious*
*His siblings and Richard were standing there away from the crowd taking with Leah*
Ozzy: *walks over to them* Everybody bout ready?
Leah: *nodded* Just waiting for you Ozzy.
Ozzy: Well I'm here. Let's get this show on the road
*They nodded and took their seats*
Mayor: *gave his speech and explained the situation to the crowd then called Ozzy up*
ozzy: *comesup
Reporter* Mr. Jones how do you feel about the situatuion?
Ozzy: you mean other than the fact that the two incidents that happened today were a complete disgrace to FPD? come on now there needs to be harmony in this body... if we're gonna go after and harrass innocent pathogens in here, that arn't doing any harm to the body adn are having to struggle just to survive here because of it, where are we gonna get the energy to fight off a REAL threat when it comes along?
Reporter 2: But Mr. Jones some of them are the deadliest dieaeses around.
Ozzy: I know that... shoot THEY know that... but you know what? They're not doing any harm. you know why? Because they're good people and they don't want to hurt anyone.
Reporter: What about the massicure at 'Look Out Point' not too long ago?
Thrax: *gulped*
Ozzy: Well whoever did that was likely provoked. That area has been known to have these sorts of attacks on couples, whom are expected to be unarmed. As for the ones killed the FPD has been after them for a long time for charges including robbery, carjacking, rape and murder. *had expected that question and did soem extra research on the oones Thrax killed*
Reporter £: Mr. Jones there has been evidence of slaughter by those of Rabis descend with what was found at their lair.
Ozzy: Seen the profiles of the ones they killed?
Repoter 3: What's that got to with anything?
Ozzy: You mean aside the fact they were actively trying to harm the body? *did his homework*
Reporter 3: *nodded*
Repoter: Has the Immunity done serious harn to any of them?
Ozzy: for the most part said rabies hybrids are doign a fair job of keeping away from immunity but I'm sure if certian members could they would, however they have kept away from cells in general except for close family members and friends, none of which ahve come to harm.
Repoter 2: What about the thefts thwy havd done?
Ozzy: Seen what was reported stolen? Food... survive because otherwise, the hostility toward them makes it impossible for them to get jobs to buy it. a lot of times if they don't they simply don't eat... and you'll see families malnourished because they cant' get enough to eat but the grownups still make sure their kids get more food.
Repoter 4: What is the condition of the she-viruses taht were attacked a few days ago?
Ozzy: one has thankfully been released along with her twins as the attack forced her body into labor... the other... is still in critical condition.
Repoter 5: What exactly is your connection with the two, well four?
Ozzy: One is my half sister, three are my neices and nephew.
Reporter 2: Connected through your mother who was excidcuted a couple of months ago?
Ozzy: *nods* Yes... and, I might add that she was a full white blood cell... and has doen a lot of harm to this body in general...
Reporter 4: Mr. Jones how did you react when you saw their living conditions?
Ozzy: How do you think I reacted? I was apalled and they don't deserve to live that way. *narrows his eyes* They're good people despite being related to me through my monster of a mother.
Reporter: What about the rest of your family? *talking about Thrax's section and Richard's*
Ozzy: theys hare my reaction to this... My father was enraged.
Reporter: *nods*
*Several cells there and many watching look at the group of ragged hybrids and start feeling guilty about what has happened*
Reporter 2: Mr. Jones even if this is sorted, what would happen if some didn't agree on the terms?
Ozzy: I don't care if they don't like it. they can not like it if they want. They have every right to not like it but the fact remains that they step beyond their rights to attack my family or deny them the right to live in peace.
Reporter: One last question Mr. Jones, What are your family's plans after this is sorted?
Ozzy: quite simply? To get out of this hole that they've been forced into, which means jobs and food on the table. *folds his arms, sternly at the reporter*
Mayor: *got up and patted his shoulder then turned to the crowd* No further questions. *Leah lead Ozzy away* *stands before the crowd and starts discussing the plan of action*
Leah: *smiled* You did well Ozzy.
Ozzy: *smiels softly* Thanks Leah-girl.
Leah: This mess will be sorted soon.
Ozzy: I hope so. * on an impulsive whim, gives her a hug*
Leah: *hugs him back and leads him to his family*
Ozzy: *approches his family and smiles supportively to them*
Richard: *patted his back* Good job Ozzy, the goal is at hand.
Siblings: Thank you little brother for all that you've done.
Ozzy: how can I do less?
Sakura: *smiled and kissed his cheek* You've done so much.
Ozzy: *hugs her tightly*
Sakura: *hugged him*
Kenji: After this is all sorted, I'd say it calls for a celebration.
Ozzy: Here here
*Everyone agrees*
Mayor: *approaches Ozzy* It won't take long for the preparations to be finished Osmosis, we're turning the old fat area into new homes for them and we're seeing about employment for them.
Ozzy: *simies and nods. glad there's finally progress*
Mayor: *smiled* There's still lots to do but they won't take long. See you soon Osmosis. *he departs*
Leah: I better go to I'll see you soon Ozzy.
Ozzy: See ya round leah girl. and thanks so much for all your help.
Leah: *ruffled his hair* Anytime. *she left with the mayor*
Thrax: *smiled* You did well baby, you opened their eyes to the truth. *nuzzled him*
Ozzy: *smiles*
Xavier: *smiled* We'd all better get home and tell everyone the good news, well see you soon little brother. *he and his siblings departed*
Thrax: Guess we better head home ourselves.
Ozzy: *nods* yeah
Thrax: *tightened his trenchcoat and lead Ozzy home*
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