
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Daddy Thrax-An OJ RP (Chp 140)

Sapphire: *finishes her meal and looks at Northstar*

NS: Can I go back outside andplay? *it's dark out*

Thrax: It's too dark honey, you have to stay in.

NS: awww... but daddy...

Sapphire: *gathers the dishes* Listen to your father Northstar.

NS: But I wanna go outside...

Thrax: It's getting late Northstar and I don't want you playing out after dark.

"But I won't leave the yard."

Thrax: The answers no young lady.

NS: Pleaaaaaaaaaaaase?

Thrax: *sternly* Northstar.

NS: I"ll stay right in the yard.

Thrax: The answer's still no. *he stood up and went to the living room*

NS: *watches him and pauses for a moment then starts to sneak outside*

Sapphire: *grabs her8 Oh no you don't. *she pulls her back and locks the door*

NS: But I wanna go outside!

Sapphire: It's too late.

NS: Nuh uh.

Sapphire; 8placed her hands in her hips8

NS: *folds her arms* Hmp...

Sapphire; Now come along. 8leads her to the living room8

NS: *whining a little as they go into the living room.* But I wanna go outside...

Thrax; 8sighed as he cradled Ozzy8 Northstar we're not permitting you to go out.

NS: But why?

Ozzy: *restsh is head on Thrax's chest, really hoping his little sister doesn't push it too fasr*

Thrax; It's dangerous even if you stay in the yard.

NS: Why? I'll stay in the bushes.

Thrax; Northstar you're trying my patience.

NS: but Iw anna go outside.

Thrax; 8angrily8 Northstar. no.

NS: But I wanna go out and plaaaaaaay.

Thrax; Northstar don't make me take you over my knee young lady.

NS: uh uh!

Thrax: Then behave.

NS: But I wanna go out and play.

Theax; 8his patience was wearing thin8 Northstar Calla Lincon taht's enough.

NS: But daddy...

Thrax: No buts young lady, up to your room now.

NS: No! I don't wanna!

Ozzy: 8bitesh is bottom lip a little and looks up at Thrax, knowing that if he'd done that it would be an automatic trip over his knee*

Thrax; 8set Ozzy onto Sapphire's lap, getting to his feet and taking Northstar's arm8

NS: noo! *tries to pull back*

Ozzy: *frowns a bit and buries his head in Sapphire's shoulder*

Thrax; 8marches her up to her room8

NS: Noo! Daddy no!

Thrax; Your behaviour was unacceptable young lady. 8he pulled her over his lap8

NS: No! No no! *tries to get up off his lap* No daddy I'm sorry don't spank me!

Thrax; This is the only way you'll learn. 8he gave her a few swats to her butt but not as hard as the ones he gives Ozzy8

NS: *but to her they feel plenty hard8 oww! Daddy stop! *cries much quicker than ozzy too, already bursting into tears just from those few swats*

Thrax; 8rolls his eyes and continues8

NS: *Squirms across his lap and starts sobbing* oww.. daddy I'm sorry I'm sorry!

Thrax; 8gives a few more making sure the last one leaves quite a sting8

NS: *still crying when he's done, rubbing her eyes as the tears flow freely*

Thrax; 8sets her to her feet and points to the corner8 Ten minutes.

NS: 8rubbing her eyes* daddy no corner...

Thrax; Now young lady.

NS: 8cries about ti but goes to the corner, still rubbing her eyes*

Thrax; 8rubs his temples as he heads back to the living room8

Ozzy: 8looks up at Thrax, worried*

Thrax; Talic warned me about her behaviour.

Ozzy: *softly* did she get a spankin? *it's a reduntant question, they heard her crying all the way downstairs and she can still be heard sniffling and sobbing*

Thrax; She needed it but she isn't as bad as you.

Ozzy: *blushes a little and looks down*

8After ten minutes Thrax goes back to Northstar8

NS: 8is no longer in the corner but is still in he rroom, sobbing softly on the bed while she hugs her favorite stuffed animal close to her*

Thrax; 8walked over to her and sat beside her8

NS: 8looks up at him tearfully*

Thrax; 8wrapped his arm round her and nuzzled her8

NS: 8wraps her arms tightly around his shoulders and cnotinues to sob into his chest* I'm sorry daddy!

Thrax; 8rubs her back8 I know honey, I know.

NS: *sniffilng* Are you still mad?

Thrax; No honey but you've got to watch your attitude sometimes.

NS: 8sniffling* I'm sorry daddy

Thrax; 8holds her close and rocks her gently8

NS: 8sobs intoh is shoulder8 i'm sorry daddy... I'm sorry...

Thrax; 8continues rocking her8 Sssshhhh-ssshhh, I'm here honey.

NS: 8continues to sob softly and cling to him* I'm sorry.. I'm sorry...

Thrax; 8rubs her back8 I forgive you honey.

NS: 8sniffles softly and nuzzles into his chest, clinging tight still* *but she seems to calm upon being told she's forgiven* 8sniffles, hugging him tightly and starts to suck her thumb*

Thrax: *rubbed her back softly, getting to his feet and brought her downstairs8

NS: *continues to sniffle and nuzzles into his chest, clinging to his shirt with one hand as she sucks her thumb*

Thrax; 8sits next to Sapphire as he cradles Northstar*

Ozzy: *reaches over a little and brushes NS' soulder*

THrax: *strokes his hair*

Sapphire; 8stroked Northstar's cheek*

NS: 8sniffles softly and nuzzles them though continues to cling to thrax*

Thrax: *rocks her softly*

NS: *nuzzles into his chest and sniffles, all worn out*

Thrax: *held her close*

NS: 8sniffs softly and nuzzles his cheek and looks up at him still teary eyed*

Thrax; *wiped her tears away gently*

NS: *wraps her arms tightly around his neck*

Thrax: *cuddles her*

Sapphire: *cradles Ozzy*

Ozzy: *nuzzles her and rests his head on her chest*

NS: *seems to be calmer* *small voice8 Daddy?

Thrax: Hmm?

NS: *softly* I promise I'll be good

Thrax; That's okay sweetie.

NS: *huggles him, sniffing slightly*

Thrax: *rocked her softly*

NS: *sniffles again* Daddy?

Thrax: Yes honey?

NS: I need a tissue..

Thrax: *took a tissue off the table and wiped her nose*

NS: *snuggles closer* Thanks daddy..

Thrax: *kissed her forehead*

NS: 8sucks her thumb, cuddled close*

Sapphire: *smiled at them*

NS: *nuzles up close to Thrax, this had been her first spanking from Thrax and sheh ad been pretty scared at first but seems to be alrigh tnow

Thrax: *nuzzled her softly*

NS: *nuzzles back* I love you daddy....

Thrax: And love you to honey. *nuzzled her*

Sapphire: *smiled at them and cuddled Ozzy*

Ozzy: *smiels as well, snuggleing*

NS: *closes her eyes and starts to drift off to sleep*

Thrax: I think it's time you both went to bed.

NS: *nods a little, sniffling into his chest as she sucks her thumb*

*Thrax and Sapphire got up and carried the kids to their rooms*

*both are nearly asleep by the time they get there*

Thrax: *tucked Northstar into bed and kissed her forehead* Goodnight honey.

NS: *whimpers softly and clings to his shirt*

Thrax: *stroked her hair softly*

NS: 8sniffles* I wannasleep with daddy...

Thrax: *smiled softly, laying beside her and held her close*

NS: 8wraps her arms around his waist and nuzzles into his chest* I'm sorry I was bad...

Thrax: I know you are honey but like your brother you've got to watch your behaviour.

NS: *nods, sniffling softly*

Thrax: *holds her close, nuzzling her* Rest now angel.

NS: 8sniffs softly into his chest and cuddles close*

Thrax: *nussled her and closes his eyes*

NS: 8falls asleep soon after, cuddled close*

Thrax: *falls into a deep sleep*

Sapphire: *tucks Ozzy into bed and kisses his forehead* Goodnight sweetie.

Ozzy: *sleepily* night mama... *nuzzles into the pillow*

Sapphire: *her heart fluttered everytime he said that, smiling and quietly leaves the room*

Ozzy: *sleeps peacefully*

Sapphire: *packs up her stuff and depatrs for her home*

Talic: *is just returning as she steps out and smiles friendly to her* Heading home?

Sapphire: *smiles* Yeah, Johnthan doesn't like me being away for too long.

Talic: *nods* Have a goodn ight Sapphire.

Sapphire: And you to Talic. *she departed waving to him*

Talic: *waves back and heads in.

*The rest of the night was uneventful*


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