Ozzy: *comes home with some papers for Thrax*
Thrax: *looks up and goes to him*
Ozzy: hey dad.. *hands over the papers with an embarassed look*
Thrax: *sighed and looked at the papers*
*They are mostly "I will wait fo rbackup before morphing for an investigation" basically something the cheif had assigned him from yesterday's crazy stunt, a few of the others have the lines "I will be on time for work every morning" as the cell had been late this morning for work*
Thrax: *scanned the pages* Hope you learned your lesson Ozzy?
Ozzy: *nods, hands behind his back* Yes sir.... I'm sorry.
Thrax: *kissed his forehead* Kep it in mind baby.
Ozzy: *nods and hugs him*
Ozzy: *softly* am I in trouble?
Thrax; No you've been punished enough for the time being.
Ozzy: *huggles*
Thrax; *hugs him back, lifting him up and carries him into the living room.*
Ozzy: *hugs him*
Thrax; *rubs his back and sits on the couch*
Ozzy: *nuzzles into his chesat and looks up to see sapphire* MIss Sapphire?
Sapphire; *smiles* Hey little one.
Ozzy: *smiles* what are you doing here?
Sapphire: Thought I'd come round for a visit.
Ozzy: *smiles* nice tos ee you.
Sapphire; *smiles* And you to Ozzy.
Ozzy: *leans over to hug her
Sapphire; *takes him into her arms and hugs him gently*
Ozzy: *hugs her back*
Sapphire: *strokes his hair, not minding the bulge round his waste and nuzzled his hair*
Thrax; *smiled at the both of them*
Ozzy: *hugs her* *dozes slightly*
Sapphire: *smiled then handed the kids to Thrax, getting to her feet and went to the kitchen to begin cooking*
Thrax; *holds them both close*
Ozzy: *cuddles close then whimpers alittle*
Thrax; Ozzy?
Ozzy: *needs a change*
Thrax: *sets Northstar in Talic's lap and carries Ozzy upstairs*
Ozzy: *nuzzzles into his chest*
Thrax: *lay him down on the bed, sliding his pants down and untaped his diaper*
Ozzy: *opens his eyes and looks up at him*
Thrax: *gently stroked his cheek as he through the soilt diaper in the trash and tappede his nose*
Ozzy: *smiles a little though blushes*
Thrax: *lifts Ozzy's legs up, sliding a clean diaper uderneith then applies the oil and powder, rubbing it in and fastens it tight* There you go baby. *he lifts Ozzy into his arms*
Ozzy: *hugs him tightly*
Thrax: *carries him downstairs*
Sapphire: *has already set the table for dinner*
Ozzy: *nuzzles him* Where'd mis ssapphire go?
Sapphire: *smiled, stepping out of the kitchen* Right here, little one.
Ozzy: *smiles at her*Hi there.
Sapphire: *stroked his hair* Dinner's ready.
ozzy: You cooked?
Sapphire: *smiles and nods*
Thrax: Unless you forget baby she's a master chef.
Sapphire: *blushed* Thrax you flatterer.
Ozzy: *chuckles a little*
Thrax: *chuckles as well and carries him into the kitchen*
Sapphire: *goes to Northstar and Talic* Dinner's ready.
talic: *smiles and nods, taking the little girl into the kitchen*
Sapphire: *fallows them, removing the apron and sits down at the table*
*The table set with different kinds of foods*
Sapphire: I think I over did it a bit.
talic: *chuckles* There's certianly a lot.
Thrax: *chuckled as he set Ozzy down by the table.*
It's okay Sapphire we'll have the left overs fo the next couple of days.
"Nothing shall go to waste." Talic promised her, setting Northstar in her chair.
Sapphire: *smiled and began serving the food out*
Thrax: *tied a bib round Ozzy's neck*
Ozzy: *leans on him a little as he looks at the food.
Thrax: *stroked his neck gently and started feeding him*
Sapphire: *lightly chuckled, finding the scene cute*
Ozzy:* blushes a little but happily eats hisdinner, letting him feed him*
Sapphire: *smiled and slowly began eating hers*
Northstar: *munched on her dinner, giggling slightly*
Thrax: *continues feeding Ozzy until he was finished*
Talic: *smiles, he doesn't eat but he sits with the family*
Thrax: *wiped Ozzy's mouth after he'd done and held him close*
Ozzy: *smiles and cuddles up to him*
Sapphire: *smiled and finished her own*
Northstar: Good dinner miss sapphire.
Talic: Indeed.. It smelled great.
Sapphire: *wiped her mouth* Thanks, Thrax told me about your diet Talic so I don't feel offended.
Thrax: *smiles as he ate his own*
Talic: *nods* Indeed. *smiles* Unfortunately I am unable to imbide solid food.
Sapphire: *nods* I understand.
Thrax: *set his cuterly down and wiped his mouth* That was delicous Sapphire.
Sapphire; *blushed* Thank you.
Ozzy: *smiles* It really was.
Sapphire: *stroked his cheek*
Ozzy: *smiles at her*
Sapphire: *took him on her lap and gently bonced him*
Thrax; *smiled at the scene*
Ozzy: *winces a little and leans forward and huggled her*
Sapphire *hugged him gently*
Thrax: *smiled and began cleaning up the table.*
Ozzy: *nuzzles her under the chin*
Sapphire: *rubbed his back genrtly*
Ozzy: *smiles softly and seems content to snuggle with the female virus*
Thrax: *smiled at them as he set the dishes away*
Sapphire: *gently rocked Ozzy then heard a loud boom outside*
Thrax: *looked out and sw it was raining heavily*
Talic: *frowns, he's not going anywhere tonight*
Ozzy: *continues to rest against her chest* *mumbling softly in his sleepy state* You're as comfy as daddy... *cuddle*
Sapphire: *smiled and kissed his forehead then saw it as well* Looks like I'm staying the night
Thrax: *nods*
Ozzy: *sucks his thumb*
Talic: It woudl appear that going otu to hunt is out of the question.
Thrax: Can you last a while without feeding?
talic: *nods*
Thrax: Okay, I'll see if I can set up an extra bed for you Sapphire. *he heads upstairs*
Sapphire; *nods then heads into the livingroom and sits on the couch*
Northstar: you could ask daddy to donate.
Talic: If he wishes to.
Thrax; *from upstairs* Hey all you needed to do as ask.
Talic: If the hunger pangs set in I shall my brother. *smiles*
Sapphire: *smiles* You really care for one another.
talic: *nods* We had a rocky start but aye.
Sapphire: *smiled as rocked Ozzy* Same was with me and Lily.
Thrax; *came downstairs* I've set up the spare room for you Sapphire.
Sapphire; *smiled* Thanks Thrax.
Talic: *nods* Well I suppose the manner in which I introduced myself did not help... *chuckles*
Sapphire: *giggles* Guess so.
*a crack of thunder is heard*
Northstar: *yelps and holds onto Talic*
Talic: Shhhhh... It's alright... It's just noise.
Thrax: Remember honey, just imagine a drum beating when thunder happens.
Northstar: *nods but sucks her thumb*
Sapphire: *cuddled Ozzy in his arms*
Ozzy: *doesn't much like thunderstorms though he doesn't seem particularly fearful, still he cuddles close To sapphire*
Northstar: *starts to cry softly when another loud clap of thunder frightens her*
Thrax: *knealts next to her and strokes her hair*
Sapphire: *gently smiled at her*
Northstar: *sniffles softly as she cuddles*
Thrax: *took her into his arms and rubbed her back*
Northstar: *cuddles into his chest and kind of crawls into his coat*
Thrax: *held her close as he sat next to Sapphire*
Ozzy: aww don't cry. It can't hurt you.
Thrax: He's right honey, it's just thunder.
Northstar: *sniffles* S'scary...
Sapphire: *gently rocked her back and forth*
Ozzy: *cuddles her *
Northstar: *sniffles softly*
*the thunder and lightning stopped after a few minutes but the rain continued*
Talic: *smiles gently at the children*
Sapphire: *softly hums to Ozzy*
THrax: *cuddles Northstar close*
Northstar: *cuddles, sniffilng but calmer*
Thrax; *whispered* It's okay honey, it's over now.
Northstar: *sucks her thumb*
Thrax; *gently rubs her back*
Sapphire; *looked at the time* It's getting late, I should call my parents and tell them i'm staying til the storm passes. *she set Ozzy in Thrax's lap and goes to make the call.*
Ozzy: *huggles with Thrax and Northstar*
Thrax: *holds his children close, nuzzling both of them*
Northstar: *nuzzles into his chest*
Sapphire: *came back and sat beside Thrax*
Thrax; *smiled at her then looked at the clock* Guess we better call it a night.
Sapphire: *looked at the time and nods*
Thrax; *stood up with the 'kids'* Bedtime you two.
Northstar: Nuh uh! *clings to him, not wanting to go to bed when the storm could start going violent again*
Thrax: *nuzzles her* Honey the storm isn't going to get violent again, it's just heavy rain for the rest of it.
Northstar: *sniff* I don't care..*clings*
Thrax: *sighed as he carried them upstairs and put Ozzy to bed*
Sapphire; *fallowed him*
Northstar: *continues to cling to ozzy tightly*
THrax: Northstar let him go.
Northstar: *lets hinm go and goes back to clinging to Thrax*
Thrax: *kissed Ozzy's forehead* Goodnight baby.
Ozzy: *night dad.
Thrax: *tucked him in and quietly left the room*
Sapphire: *smiled softly as she watched him tend to his children*
Northstar: *clings to Thrx*
Sapphire; I better head to bed. Goodnight.
Thrax; Goodnight Sapphire.
Northstar: Nite miss sapphire
Sapphire; Night sweerie. *she headed into the guestroom and closed the door*
Northstar: *clingclingclingclingcling*
Thrax; *carries her to her bed, lays her down and tucks her in*
Northstar: *gets up again and clings to him*
Thrax; *lays next to her and holds her close*
Northstar: *clings tightly, nuzzling into his chest*
Thrax; *begins humming to her*
Northstar: *nuzzles and clings to him tightly*
Thrax; *kept humming softly*
Northstar: *clings to him tightly fighting sleep*
Thrax; *kept singing the soothing melody*
Northstar: *eventually slips off to sleep*
Thrax; *slowly drifts off as well*
Northstar: *sleeps on as long as he's next to her*
Thrax; *has dreams of Sapphire during the night*
Sapphire; *dreams of Thrax*
Northstar: *sucks her thumb and dreams of family*
*The night remains uneventful*
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