Thrax: *awoke the next morning and did his morning rountine*
Northstar: is not in her bed but still cuddled up close to Sapphire*
Thrax; *smiled at the scene then went into the kitchen*
Kitchen; *is all clean*
Thrax: *smiled and began cooking*
Northstar: *begiNorthstar to wake as she smells food*
Sapphire; *her nose twitched at the scent*
Northstar: mmmph..L *nuzzles a little and starts to open her eyes
Sapphire; *begins to awake*
Northstar: *yawns really big* miss sapphire?
Sapphire: *looked down at her and smiled* Morning sweetie.
Northstar: Mornin. *rubsh er eyes* Is daddy cooking?
Sapphire: *sat up, sniffing the air* Looks like it. *she got to her feet and carried Northstar to the kitchen*
Northstar: *wraps her arms around her neck*
Thrax: *just setting the table looks up and smiles* Morning.
Sapphire: *smiled* Morning Thrax.
Northstar: *smiles tiredly* morning daddy
Thrax: *walked up to them and kissed Northstar's forehead*
Sapphire: *smiled at them*
Northstar: *smiles, nuzzling him*
Thrax: *nuzzled her back and continued setting the table*
Sapphire: *sat down with Northstar in her lap*
Thrax: *sorted the food and set the plates in front of them*
Northstar: *sits in her chair* How was ozzy doing thsi morning?
Thrax: He was still asleep when I left sweetie but I'll go check on him. *he heads uopstairs*
Ozzy: *still asleep though it seems he could use a change*
Thrax: *smiles, lifting Ozzy up and carries him to the bathroom*
Ozzy: * bharely stirrs except to yawn and stick his thumb in his mouth*
Thrax: *smiles, laying Ozzy on the floor and begins changing him*
Ozzy: *starts to stirr as he's placed on the bathroomf or*
Thrax: *removes his solit diaper then slid a clean one under him, applying the oil and powder then fastens it tight*
Ozzy: *yawns a little and starts to open his eyes*
Thrax: *smiled softly at him* Morning baby. *stroked his cheek*
Ozzy: daddy? *yawns*
Thrax: *smiled, lifting him up after cleaning the bathroom* *nuzzled his nose and carried him downstairs*
Ozzy: *rests hsi head on his shoulder*
Sapphire: *smiles as they both enter*
Thrax: *sits at the table, stroking Ozzy's hair*
Ozzy: *seems to be feeilng better this morning*
THrax: *smiled* Hungry baby?
Ozzy: *nods*
Thrax: *tied a bib round his neck and began feeding him*
Ozzy: *eats more readily than he did lastn ight*
Thrax: *smiled* Good boy. *continued feeding him*
Ozzy: *continues to eat, smiling softly*
Thrax: *allowed him to finish and wiped his mouth*
Ozzy: *coughs a little*
Thrax: *strokes his throat*
Ozzy: *feels better after he does that, resting his head on his shoudler*
Thrax: *softky rubs his back*
Sapphire: *smiles at them, stroking Northstar's hair*
Northstar: *nuzzles her a little* *phone rings*
Thrax: Huh? *he gets up, balancing Ozzy on his hip and answers* Hello?
Cheif: Hey Thrax?
Thrax: Oh chief what Can I do for you?
Cheif: Just checking upon ozzy.
Thrax; *smiled* He's getting better.
Cheif: that's good. How's he feeling now?
Thrax: His fever's gone and he's started eating again.
Cheif: That's good, I want him to take tomorrow off if he's still not feling up to par.
Thrax: *nods* Okay.
Ozzy: *cuddles with thrax, letting out a soft c cough.
Thrax; *rubbed his back* I'll see how he's feeling tomorrow and I'll call you if he isn't.
Cheif: ok then.
Thrax: Alright, is that akk you need?
Cheif: Pretty much.
Thrax; *nods* Of course, I'll speak with you soon.
Cheif: Alright. take care Thrax.
Thrax; Goodbye. *he hangs up and returns to the kitchen*
Ozzy: *snuggling with him*
Northstar: *is finishing up her breakfast*
Sapphire; *so has she and she cuddles Northstar*
Northstar: *giggles softly*
Thrax: *chuckles as he sits down*
Sapphire: *smiled softly to him then set Northstar in his lap and began cleaning the kitchen*
Northstar: * helps to put up some of the dishes*
Thrax: *checked his own work sceduale*
*thrax has work today, ozzy was schedualed but is still sick so can't go*
Thrax: *nods and gently hands Ozzy to Sapphire before he goes to get ready for work*
Sapphire: *holds Ozzy gently, nuzzling him*
Ozzy: *rests his head on sapphire's shoulder*
Thrax: *comes down, fully dressed and kisses both Ozzy and Northstar* Now be good for Sapphire and Ozzy get plenty of rest.
Ozzy: *nods and rests his head on sapphire's shoulder*
Thrax: *ruffled Northstar's hair and headed out the door waving*
Ozzy: *watches him go and places his head on Sapphire's shoulder*
Northstar: *gently tugs on sapphire's shirt* can I go outside in the backyard?
Sapphire: *turns to her* Of course sweetie but stay close to the house.
Northstar: *nods and smiles, trotting outside*
Ozzy: *sniffles*
Sapphire: *sits on the couch, rubbing his back*
Ozzy: *cries softly into her chest, having regressed quite a bit and misses Thrax*
Sapphire: *rocks him back and forth* Sssshhh-ssshhh-sshh, it's ok sweetie he'll be back tonight you'll see.
Ozzy: *sniffles tonight,nodding but continues to cudde her*
Sapphire: *holds him close, nuzzling him*
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