
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Daddy Thrax-An OJ RP (Chp 139)

Thrax: *came home just as they finished cooking and setting the table*

NS: 8greets him at the door with a huge hug*

Thrax: Hey honey. *lifts her up* Were you good for Sapphire today?

NS: *nods* Uh huh! *Smiles*

Sapphire: *from the kitchen* She was a big help Thrax.

Thrax: *smiled and nuzzled her, purring*

*the monitor starts to let them know ozzy is awake*

Sapphire: I'll get him you two take a seat. *she heads upstairs*

Ozzy: *looks at her bleary eyed as she comes in*

Sapphire: *sits on the bedside* Hey sweetie. *strokes his hair*

Ozzy *sits up and holds his arms out to her*

Sapphire: *lifts him into her arms* Dinner's ready.

Ozzy: 8smilse* good. I"m hungry. *seems to be feeling better and hugs her tightly*

Sapphire: *carries him down to the kitchen*

Thrax: *smiles when he sees him* Hey baby.

Ozzy: *smiles* Daddy!

Thrax: *stands up and takes him into his own arms*

Ozzy: *happy to see him wraps his arms around him and hugs him tightly*

Thrax: *hugs him back as he sits down by the table*

Talic: *chuckles8 he missed you

Thrax: *stroked Ozzy's hair smiling then tied a bib round his neck*

Sapphire: *sat down oppisite Thrax and Ozzy*

Ozzy: 8not minding it, snuggles up to him*

Thrax: *stroked his cheek and began feeding him*

Sapphire: *sorted Northstar's food for her and set the plate in front of her*

Talic: 8kisses NS on the forehead and notes the time and that it's getting dark* I'm going to need to seek nourishment soon. *has not fed in 24 hours*

Thrax: *nods* We all need to eat my brother.

Talic: *nods* Indeed. *waits until dinner time.

*Thrax began feeding Ozzy while Sapphire started hers*

Ozzy: 8eats as Thrax feeds him, quite content to cuddle*

Thrax: *smiles softly as he finishes every bite*

Ozzy: *is much better this evening*

Thrax: *holds him close as he starts his own meal*

Ozzy: *kisses thrax on the cheek*

Thrax: *nuzzled him softly as he finished his own meal and held Ozzy close*

Talic: *heads out to go hunt*


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