*the hospital isn't crowd as much as it use to be*
Ozzy: *immediately finds out which room his neice is in and goes to her*
Amara: *was hooked up to several machines, including a feeding tube*
Ozzy: *hadn't realised that knee to her stomache had done so much damage* *holds her hand* oh honey... i'm so sorry...
Voice: It isn't your fault little brother, we shouldn't have sent her out.
Ozzy: *looks up at the voice* I shoudl hve taken her from him the moment I saw him bringing her in... I'm so sorry... It's all my fault...
K: *knealt next to him* Not your fault, never your fault.
Ozzy: *squeezing her hand gently* Is too...
*her husband, Azubuike, stood at the doorway with his hand over his heart*
Azubuike: You didn't know.
Ozzy: *softly* I knew he was a bastard that judges anyone with viral blood in them harshly...
K: But you couldn't prodict what he would do.
Ozzy: I should have.. *kisses his little neice on the forehead*I'm so sorry...
Azubuike: We're not blaming you but the one who put her here.
Ozzy: *looks up at him*
Azubuike: This isn't your fault, you couldn't have known.
Ozzy: *sniffles soflty*
K: *wraps her arms round Ozzy and holds him close*
Ozzy: *hugs her back tightly still blaming himself*
K: *strokes his hair lightly, nuzzling him*
Ozzy: *sobs softly into his sister's shoulder and looks slowly up at his brother in law. HIV viruses are one of the most tough and scary of all viruses, immunity is generally no match for them*
Azubuike: *softly smiled at him until his ears twitched and he looked round*
Ozzy:*rubbing his eyes* what is it?
*a group of doctors ran past, wheeling a preganat Spanish-Flu she-virus on a hospital bed with an oxegene mask on down the hall. Her husband stopped by the door, clearly out of breath.*
Azubuike: Antonio, what happened?
Antonio: *gasping for breathe* Attacked. *panted* Immunity.
Ozzy: *clenches his fists, damn it... he loves his job but his coworkers... what the hell is wrong with them!?* *after a moment the considers how supportive and compassionate a good number of his coworkers were when his neice was hurt adn as he looks at her hooked up to thsoe tubes he narrows his eyes* enough... I've had enough...
K: Ozzy?
*Azubuike and Antonio look at their brother-in-law.*
Ozzy: *turns to go back to the station* I'm not putting up with this anymore!
*The three watch him go and start to become really worried.*
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