Northstar: *plays happily*
Thrax: *smiled as he watched her*
Northstar: *chases a butterfly like bug*
Thrax: *chuckled lightly as he sat down*
Northstar: *giggles, trying to catch it*
*it lands on Thrax's nose*
Thrax: *twitches his nose*
Northstar: *giggles as the bug stubbornly stays on*
Thrax: *shakes his head trying to get it off*
*it finally flies off and gets chased once more by Northstar*
Thrax: *watches on as she chases it.*Northstar be careful.
Northstar: *continues to playfully chase the bug around the garden.
Thrax: *keeps close watch on her and keeps alert for any trouble*
Northstar: *goes over to him with a nother little critter she found, this one closely resembling a frog*
Thrax: *raised a brow*
Northstar: Isn't he cute? *smiles holding the creature up*
talic: *chuckles softly*
*the creature blinks twice not used to being handled clearly as it's bright markisn suggest it might be poisonus*
Thrax: *his eyes twitched* To each their own my pet.
Talic: *shakes his head* What is it with you and poisonus things. *chuckles* go let it go little one.
Thrax: Listen to your uncle Northstar.
Northstar: Awww but he's really cute. I won't hurt him.
Thrax: *raises his brow* Northstar.
Northstar: But..
Talic: Now young lady.
Thrax: *places his hands on his hips, giving Northstar a stern look*
Northstar: Aww... *holds it to her chest*
Thrax: Northstar you're not bring that into the house.
Northstar: Not even for a little bit?
Thrax: No young lady.
Talic: you are asking for a time out young lady... and you know what happeNorthstar after a time out if you don't behave?
Thrax: *nods*
Northstar: *softly* Spanking...
Thrax: Yes.
Talic: NOw what are you going to do young one...
Northstar: ... *hesitates*
Talic: *waits*
Thrax: *folds his arms and taps his foot*
Northstar: *looks between her stern faced father and uncle and goes over to a nearby bush to put the creature back then puts her handsbehind her back, digging her toe into the ground*
THrax: *nods in satisfaction*
Thrax: Good girl.
Northstar: *goes back over to him and lifts her hands a bit*
Thrax: *gently takes them and caresses them softly*
Northstar: *smiles at him a little bit then climbs intohis lap* I'm sorry daddy...
Thrax: *stroked her head* I know sweetie but please think before you decide to take an animal in.
Thrax: *nuzzles her*
Northstar: *nods and nuzzles back*
Thrax: *kissed her forehead*
Thrax: Now run along and play.
Northstar: *nods and goes off to play some more*
Thrax: *lays back, closing his eyes*
Northstar: *plays in the dirt this time*
Thrax: *chuckled lightly*
Talic: *chuckles* She likes her mudpies.
Thrax: She'll need a good bath after this.
Talic: *chuckles* Or we coudl take the hose and spray her out here.
Thrax: Very funny Talic.
Talic: *chuckles* Indeed.. Not really aplicable however I imagine she'd have fun with it
Thrax: *laughs heartily*
Thrax: She would.
Talic: Indeed. *chuckles*
Thrax: *chuckles and continus watching Northstar*
Northstar: *Builds random things from mud*
Thrax: *keeps close watch* *he looks at his watch*
*it's starting to get close to lunchtime*
Thrax: Northstar wash up forlunch.
Northstar: *comes over her shirt and hands and face all muddy*
Talic: Are you sure you don't want to take me up on my offer on hosing her down? *smirks*
Northstar: *giggles*
Thrax: *scoops Northstar up and carries her inside to the bathroom*
Northstar: *squeels teasingly and opens her muddy arms* want a hug daddy!? *giggle*
Thrax: I rather kep my clothes clean thank you. *turns on the water*
Northstar: *giggles again, knowing she's in for an early bath but not caring much.
Thrax: *turned the water off, undressed Northstar and set her in the tub*
Northstar: *gets in and plays happily in the water*
Thrax: *begins cleaning her muddy skin*
Northstar: *is soon all clean and still playful*
Thrax: *lathers some shampoo and washes her hair*
Northstar: *all clean*
Thrax: *lifts her out and dries her*
Northstar: *giggles softly* I'm hungry daddy
Thrax: What would you like?
Northstar: Tomatoe sandwich.
Thrax: *smiles* Okay anything special on it?
Northstar: *tilts her head* have you ever made one?
Thrax: Yes tell me if you anything special onit,
Northstar: Just normal.
Talic: *chuckles* She hasn't actually seen the sandwich being made for her Put a light bit of salt and peper on it and mayo on both halves of th ebread.
Thrax: *nods* Thanks Talic. *turns to Northstar* Now get dressed and it'll be ready for you.
Northstar: *nods and goes to get changed into clean clothes*
Talic: *chuckles* At least we need not worry if she touches somethign poisonus.
Thrax: *nods, heading downstairs to the kitchen and begins making her sandwhich*
Northstar: *bounces as he makes her sandwich*
Thrax: *chuckles* Alright take it easy. *he finishes withe adding a dash of salt and pepper then sets it on the table.* There you are honey.
Northstar: *digs in, getting her face and hands dirty all over again but fortunately not dirty enoug so that she needs another bath, just a good hand and face washing after lunch.
Thrax: *chuckles making himself a sandwhich and begins eating*
taic: *chuckles soflty and casts a soft spell to clean the gilr up when she's done eating and bounces her on his knee*
Thrax: *wipes his mouth and begins cleaning the kitchen*
Thrax: I just hope Ozzy's having a hassel free day today. *he sets the dishes away*
Talic: As do I. *quite hopes the cell won't be sent home with a note today as well*
Thrax: *nods but he had a slight twist in his stomach that something wasn't right*
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