
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Ebony&Ivory-Chapter 25

Luke: *heads out with Illust and gets into the car with her*

Illust: *looking vry chipper, happy n looking forward to it*

Luke: *puts on his ipod, playing the original WATW*

Illust: *hummed along with it*

Luke: *looked down at his niece and smiled*

Illust: *tries to copy Diana Ross's singing*

Luke: Keep it going, Illust

Illust: *smiles* I just wanna perfect myself. So I can sing good with u guys later on

Luke: It's about an hour's drive

Illust: Oi vey, I dont wanna tire my voice out

Luke: *pats her head*

Illust: Why r we invited to sing Papa Bubbles' song?

Luke: It was on Janet's request.

Illust: Wht r we singing it for?

Luke: There was a huge earthquake in Haiti

Illust: Oh no, anyone get hurt? *was a little innocent*

Luke: 200,000 people died.

Illust: *covered his mouth in shock*

Luke: The song's going to them

Illust: Then I'll do my best to get thru to the public with this song

Luke: That's the spirit! *an hour later, they reach the recording studio*

Illust: *takes Luke's hand n followed him*

Luke: *takes her and leads her inside, a lot of known singers are in the building*'

Illust: *seeing them in awe, n was flustered*

Luke: Wow, a lot of people I know are here.

Lionel: Yo, Luke! Now there's my man right there

*everyone turned to see them n clapped their hands*

Luke: Thanks Lionel.

*A woman with brown hair walked to them*

Luke: Hey Celine

Celine: Hey Luke. Aren't you looking handsome

Illust: *looked up at her n was evn flustered*

Celine: *looks down and kneels* Is this your niece?

Luke: Yep, she's a huge fan of yours

Illust: *stammered* I-I-I-I...

Luke: *heads over, and is shown the solo he's giving* Oh man! (instead of that kid in the beginning, it's gonna be Luke. you did good) Illust, look. *Shows his highlighted part* I got the intro

Illust: *stopped stuttering in front of Celine n made her way to Luke* Wow. Wht do I get?

Celine: *shows her the parts* You're doing a duet with me, dear.

Luke: OMG, Illust

Illust: W-W-W-Wht...?? I-I-I-I... *bk to stuttering again*

Luke: *Gets her a bottle of water*

Illust: *takes n gulps it dwn* S...Sorry...

Luke: ^^ hehe

Celine: Just take deep breaths and you'll be great

Illust: O...OK *nodded nervously*

Enrique: Ah, is this the famous little Illust everyone's been raving abt?

Luke: *looks up* Whoa, Enrique Iglesias! *shakes his hand* Great to see ya

Enrique: Great to see ya as well, Luke. Its an honour to be doing this with u

Luke: Same here. I have all your material, including your Spanish stuff. Man, it's amazing

Enrique: Well now I'm flattered. Ah, looks like ur niece is getting acquainted with the Jonas Bros

Luke: *looks over and smiles. He looks around and sees his Aunt Janet* Aunt Janet?

Janet: *turns to see him* Hey, Luke *went ovr to hug him* So good to hv u here

Luke: *hugs her* I haven't seen you since my birthday. Whatcha doing here?

Janet: I'll be singing Diana Ross' part at Mike's first part

Luke: So, you're singing with Michael's part?

Janet: Yup, tht's right, n then Barbra will take ovr

Luke: Oh awesome *looks around for more familiar faces*

*there were plenty, including Wyclef, Pink, Fergie and Miley, who was talking to Illust*

Orianthi: *sees Luke* Yo, boss!

Luke: Hey Ori! *hugs her* You got picked too?

Orianthi: Yup, totally! I'm asked for my guitar expertise

Luke: Oh awesome. Did you see that Santana's here? (Santana is Orianthi's guitar idol)

Orianthi: S-S-Serious?? I better go talk to him *rushes to Santana*

Luke: *snickers and looks around*

Miley: You're are so lucky, Illust ^^

Illust: He he, its thanks to Luke. I'm barely as famous as he is

Miley: But didn't help you sing better?

Illust: Yeah, he did. He trains me well

Miley: That's really cool!

Luke: *is talking with another singer he admires a lot: Pink*

Pink: Yo, Luke. How's it hanging there?

Luke: Really good. *thinks: Wow, it's Pink! I really am a big fan of her* *tries to calm himself down* I just wanna say...I'm sure you get this, but I'm a fan of yours. Since your debut, I've gotten all your albums.

Pink: Now ur making blush. I'm glad I've made an impact on u

Luke: What I mostly like about you is your attitude. Especially with the Missunderztood album. You really showed your stuff. You won't believe my fav song by you is

Pink: Oh? Surprise me

Luke: Family Portrait

Pink: Ah, yes, tht song meant a lot to me. I was hoping to let ppl see the real me thru tht song

Luke: Yea, I heard you had a hard life growing up. *sees Ilust walk up to him* Hey Illust

Illust: Look who I brought with me who's ur big admirer!

Jennifer Hudson: OMG, it's reli u, Luke~!

Luke: OMG! American Idol Contesten, Jennifer Hudson?!

Jennifer: In the flesh *grins* Goodness, I nvr thought to see THE Luke Oliva here~! I'm ur big time fan

Luke: Thanks. You're my choice for American Idol! Michael and I were saying you were gonna win

Jennifer: Reli? Oh my, I feel so honoured. Bt unfortunately I'm not tht lucky

Luke: I mean, look at you now. Oscar winner and Grammy Winner

Jennifer: Heh, I guess not winning the AI was a blessing in disguise then. Man, I sometimes wish I could rub it in on Simon

Luke: *snickers* Tell me about it.

Illust: *turns to see Hayden Panettiere* Ah! It's the immortal girl frm Heroes!

Luke: Go and see her ^^

Illust: *tottered off to her n tugged at her sleeve* Claire! Claire!

Hayden: Yes? *sees Illust* Oh hello

Illust: It reli IS you, Claire! Can I stab u? I wanna c u heal!

Hayden: *laughs* Honey, that's just in the show. My name's actually Hayden

Illust: Aww...I was hoping to be real. U were so cool as Claire. I wish I hv tht power

Hayden: Aren't you the little girl that was found by Luke?

Illust: Yup! Illuscia Nester Himawari Presley-Oliva. U can call me Illust

Hayden: Nice to meet you, Illust ^^

Illust: *grins*

Luke: *is conversing with the young Miley Cyrus, whom Illust just spoke with earlier*

Miley: I'm still trying to get ovr the fact tht I'm actually chosen to sing this remake

Luke: I can understand. You've gotten more popular when you started to release albums as yourself. And I admire that

Miley: I try my best. Although I'm quite amused tht there is this fad on YouTube of pairing me with Nick just bcoz we sang Before the Storm. Did u knw they called our pairing "Niley"?

Luke: That's just weird. Btw, I wanna say that I feel honored when you mentioned me and Michael during Party in the USA live

Miley: Oh it was nothing. Just my way of remembering u n the King

Luke: Which of my songs is your favorite?

Miley: I like Ebony and Ivory. Its reli sweet

Luke: Thanks. ^//^ It's very personal to me

Miley: No worries *sees Quincy* Ah, looks like we're abt to start

Quincy: Okay everyone, we're going to be doing the choruses first.

*everyone got into their places, getting their headphones*

Luke: *got his headphones on and adjusted his glasses*

Illust: *got her headphones bt they were too big n kept slipping off*

Luke: *adjusted them for her and got them back on*

Illust: Thanks

Luke: You're welcome ^_^

*everyone waited for the cue frm Quincy*

Quincy: *has the music start and conducts everyone throughout the chorus*

*everyone sang according to Quincy's conducting*

Luke: *sang his heart out*

Illust: *tried her best to sing as good as everyone*

*After half an hour, everyone completes the choruses*

Illust: *claps her hand to everyone doing a good job*

Luke: Whew. *takes his phones off, applauding with everyone

*everyone cheered n whooped, while being filmed by camera men who will be in charge to put the MV together*

Luke: The solos are next

Illust: I'm dueting with Celine, right?

Luke: That's right. I'm opening up the song

Illust: *with her headphones still on, took her plc beside Celine*

Celine: You ready?

Illust: *nods, then sees Josh Groban frm afar n blushed at his handsome looks*

Luke: *put his phones back on and got ready, sitting by Nicole from the Pussycat Dolls and Jennifer Hudson*

*the camera crew got ready to film them*

Luke: *the music starts and he starts his part* There comes a time...when we heed a certain call...*Jennifer and Nicole join in* When the world must come together as one...

Jennifer Hudson: There are people dying...

*The song continues till it reaches Celine and Illust*

Illust: *duets with Celine* Woah, woah, woah, let's realize...that the chance can only come...

*An hour passes by, but everyone manages to finish recording their parts*

Illust: *took off her headphones* Phew~

Celine: Great job, Illust

Illust: Thanks, u too~!

Celine: *hugs her8

Illust: *blushed reli hard, being hugged by her idol*

Luke: *hugs Nicole and Jennifer

Illust: *steals a look at Josh Groban again, having being mesmerized by his singing just now*


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