H: So...it begins again... *he stands up, scratching his left leg with his right foot* So, another notebook has appeared...*reads the file of the previous case with Kira aka Light Yagami*
Matari: *comes in with a box of freshly delivered pizza* Here's ur pizza, H-sama. *he is a man in his 30's, looks a little bit like Matsuda but much more mature-looking. He was appointed as Near's caretaker until the day the boy was assassinated by a jealous member of the CIA, n now looks after H*
H: Thanks, Matari...*Henry Watson, after Near's death, has taken the mantle of L. He was appointed 5 years ago. He studied the Kira case in various case files that the original L and Near left behind. He opens the box and eats out a slice of hot pepponi pizza* Got the names of the convicts from the crash?
Matari: Here you are. The Federal Prison just printed these for us *gives H the stack of papers with names on it*
H: Thank you. *takes the files and starts reading 'em one by one. Originally, he left Wammy House to become his own detective, H. But has since given that alias up after becoming L. *
Matari: What do you make of this incident, H-sama?
H: Matari... you can stop calling me by that...just call me Henry or L...H was my past....as for the current situation, I think someone has taken up Kira's name...and wants to keep his legacy alive
Matari: I prefer to call u H-sama. This is wat ur name is meant to be. Anyone else can call u L. *studies teh article as well* Didn't think that after the original L and Near-sama strive so hard to capture the old Kira, a new one has emerged. Any suspects so far?
H: Nothing as yet...It has to be someone who still looks up to Kira, someone who has a childish sense of justice
Matari: Sounds logical enough, but you knw there are ppl who just does things, they don't have any justification for it. they just do
H: Maybe...this one just killed 200 convicts....
Matari: 200 is a big number tho
H: Yet...something doesn't make sense....
Matari: How so?
H: A teacher...a bar owner...these two deaths don't make sense...either they were ex-cons...or someone just didn't like 'em...
Matari: *takes out his PDA and clicks away* Well, the teacher had no criminal records. Just a regular Joe teaching chemistry. The bar owner used to do time for petty crimes, but nothing really serious
H: *something snaps in his head* Matari! Get an attendence list of all of the Teacher's classes!
Matari: Right away, H-sama *walks away to make some calls, then comes back with a sheet of paper* Here you are. The headmaster just faxed in
H: *lays out the attendence list* This could be it...one of these students has to be the new Kira...One...of 'em...*drops his pen and it lands by a name...Himawari Kenmochi....*
Matari: Any leads, H-sama?
H: Not yet...*gets his coat on and slips on shoes, taking his pen and a slice of pizza* Im going out...gonna clear my head
Matari: Alright. Be careful out there
H: I will...
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