*Luke was nearly done with his concert. He's currently singing a cover of Heal the World, making everyone sway their arms in the air, lighters lit in hand*
Lucas: Heal the world...Make it a better place....
*the crowd sang along with him, some were sitting on their lover's shoulders*
Lucas: *he finishes the song, the audience cheering very loudly* Heal the World!! Thank you all!
*Lucas "Luke" Oliva recently came on the scene of pop music a couple years ago, his debut already sold 15 million around the world*
*some of the crowd went wild as soon as he finished singing, screaming n fainting along the way*
Lucas: *Comes out to do his last song, Ebony and Ivory, snapping his fingers along with the beat*
*a little girl dressed in rags was outside the entrance of the concert. She could hear bt couldn't see a thing. She wanted to enter bt the usher forbid her without a ticket. She had no choice bt to sit at the corner outside the stadium, humming along to the song, closing her eyes n enjoying the music*
*Luke finishes the song and waves to the crowd* Thank you all! *He gives one more bow and heads off stage*
*the little girl looked up to see the crowd leaving. She knew the protocol. Whenever the crowd leaves, it meant that certain doors are open in the stadium n it would be tea time for whoever is performing, best time for her to sneak in for tidbits*
*The pop star headed to his room, exhausted and sweaty from the performance*
*the little girl snuck thru the workers' entrance n managed to enter the room where the treats were served*
Luke: *after he drinks a bottle of water, he heads to the service room, where the food will be served at*
*the little girl stuffed herself full with chocolate chip cookies and blueberry muffins, n was chugging dwn a bottle of coke wen the pop star came in*
Luke's bodyguard: Hey!! Who the heck are u n wat are u doing here?? *picks the little girl by the bk of her collar, lifting her with ease up in the air*
Lucas: Tom! Stop that! Put her down! Right now!
Tom: But she's eating ur food
*the little girl screamed n struggled, kicking her feet in mid air*
Lucas: Doesn't matter to me. *Gets himself a slice of a pizza* I just came for this. Let her go, please
Tom: *glares at the girl for a while n puts her dwn*
*the girl stuck her tongue out at Tom, kicked him on the shin n made a run for it*
Tom: Ouch~! Why, that little tart...!
Lucas: *He had a major soft spot for kids.* Hey wait! *Follows her*
*little girl ran all the way into the outskirts of the squatter area*
Lucas: Little girl wait!! *manages to catch up and get her* HEY!
*little girl stops in her tracks, turned to him shivering in fear*
Lucas: Are you okay? *kneels down, looking at her eye-level*
*she nodded*
*Lucas offers her a slice of pizza* Here
*She looks at it warily*
*Lucas just smiles* Don't worry, it's yours
*She takes it n munches on it, finishing it in less than 5 bites*
You've been following me around, haven't you
*She nods quietly, then hums his song Ebony n Ivory, although very badly*
You like that song very much. I can tell. What's your name?
*She tries to say it, bt because she nvr went to school, growing up in the streets all her life, she doesn't knw how to form words. She knew her alphabets though. She squat dwn n scribbled on the dirt* ILLUST
Luke: Illust, huh? *goes and scribbles his name Lucas*
*She reads it, then giggles, smiling at him*
Luke: *Offers his hand out to her* Cmon with me
*She shakes her head, scared*
Luke: Don't worry, nothing bad will happen. I'm here
*She looks at him skeptically for a while, before taking his hand*
Luke: *smiles and escorts her to where his limo is waiting*
Tom: *opens the door, then sees the girl* You again??
*Illust hissed at him like a cat*
Luke: Hey hey! Take it easy
Tom: Mr. Oliva, sir, u can't be serious abt letting this...this bum in ur car, do u?
Luke: Excuse me. She's the one who's been following me for a year
Tom: *rolls his eyes n let them in the car* ~Great, not only a bum, a stalker now~
Illust: *stuck her tongue at him*
Luke: Cmon, she's only..*thinks* how old are you
Illust: *thinks, then holds up both her hands, one showing one finger while the other hand shows 2 fingers*
Luke: You're 12?
Illust: *nods*
Luke: I'm 15. Well *hears clouds rumbling* Time to get some cover. *allows Illust into the limo, then gets in, closing the door behind them*
Illust: *looks out of the window n cringed as she saw lightning. She nvr liked lightning n thunder. She couldn't understand why*
Luke: Back to the hotel, driver *trying to comfort, he can't stand but look at her. She's such a cute little girl, but he's wonder why she was living on the streets*
Illust: *sees a drink stand in the limo n pointed at it, wondering if there were any drinks in there*
Luke: *smiles and gives her a bottle of coke* Here you go
Illust: *giggled as she drank it all dwn as fast as u can blink, letting out a loud burp*
Luke: Good one
Illust: *sees a candy dish beside the drink stand n helped herself to some, before realizing she was being stared at n blushed apologetically*
Luke: No no, please, go ahead *watches the little girl take the candy from the bowl* S'ok, you can have 'em
Illust: *takes a handful, then pops them in her mouth one by one, bt she doesn't suck on it like normal kids do. She chews them, n makes a loud crunching sound
Luke: Hey hey, take it easy there, Illust
Illust: *smiles at him n popped the last one in, bt this time she sucks on it as she sips her coke*
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