
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Friday, May 18, 2012

My Enemy, My Son-An OJ RP (Chp90)

NS: 8hunkers down a little bit*

Thrax; 8kept looking ou the window8

NS: *scents around their new haven

8the female set the kids down8

Ozzy: *sucks his thumb* Mama... m'hungry.

Sapphire; 8lifts him up and undid her shirt8

Ozzy: *nurses*

Sapphire; 8rubbed his back8

Ozzy: *nurses on her, starting to purr*

Sapphire; 8smiled, purring in response8

Thrax; 8kept watch for any threats8

NS: 8seems to be doing similarly to thrax*

Thrax; 8kept on high alert8

NS: 8scents at some of the windows*

Sapphire; We can't keep doing this. 8holds ozzy close8

NS: *soflt y* I wish Razik was here.

Thrax; Who's Razik/

NS: He's the high sentry. Noone gets past him. He also trained me.

Thrax; 8nods and looked out again8

NS: *follows and looks as well*

Thrax; 8sighed8

NS: *nuzzles*

Thrax; 8looked at his family in worry and wish they could get out of this8

NS: **starts climbing up some crates*

Thrax; Northstar get down from there.

NS: I won't get hurt

Thrax; Young lady.

NS: daddy...

Sapphire; Listen to your father.

NS: But mama heights don't bother me.

Thrax; 8placed his hands on his hips8

NS: I won't fall... *wants to stay up there, despite both parents having told her to come down.

Thrax; What kind of example are you setting for the others/

NS: *ears droop a little and she starts to climb down* ... *that got her* Sorry daddy...

Thrax; 8nods8

NS: 8moves back over to him*

Thrax; Good girl.

NS: *looks up at him*

Thrax; 8picked her uo8

NS *wraps her armsa round his shoulders*

Thrax; 8held her8

ozzy: *coos softly when he's done*

Sapphire patted his back8

Ozzy: *burps softly then giggles, cuddling*

Sapphire; 8cooed to him8

NS: *hears somethign and moves toward some crates*

Thrax; 8hissed8 Northstar.

NS: *looks at him then moves behind a crate, letting out a soft gasp*

Thrax; 8ran to where she was and pulled her back8

*behind the crate was a cat with tiny kittens*

Thrax; 8whispers8 Leave them.

NS: I wasn't going to hurt them.

Thrax; But the mother may see you as a threat.

NS: *chuckles softly then reaches out and pets the mother*

8the queen hissed and swiped8

NS: *softly* relax daddy... *gently strokes the queen as she feeds her kittens*

8the queen tilted her head8

NS: See? It' sok.

THrax; 8kept his ears pricked8

NS: Daddy?

Thrax; 8looked down at her8

NS: I have to... um... *blushes al ittle, she has to potty but has no idea where, though she is still wearing a diaper*

Thrax; 8bit his lip and looked round8

NS: *may have to just use her diaper and be changed*

Thrax; 8stroked her hair8

NS: 8clings on the way*

Thrax; 8brought her into one of the restrooms8

NS: 8hurries*

Thrax; 8keeps watch8

NS: 8finishes and comes out*

Thrax; 8quickly gets her back8

NS: *clings to thrax*


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