Sapphire: *smiles, currently letting ozzy nurse*
Thrax; 8nuzzled his mate and kissed her cheek8
Sapphire: *kisses him bac adn smiles as he rocks ozzy while he nurses*
Thrax; 8lightly stroked ozzy's hair8
Ozzy: *smiles up at him as he nurses*
8the rest of his cousind finished nursing and snuggled against their mothers8
Sapphire: 8smiles softly as she pats ozzy's b ack holding him agains ther shoulder*
Ozzy: *yawns real big then blushes and lgiggles when he lets out aburp*
Thrax; 8chuckled8
Sapphire: 8chuckles* It will be bathtime soon for the kids
Thrax; 8nods, rubbing Northstar's back)
NS: 8actually rather likes that idea. She's always loved water and baths appeal to her.
Thrax; 8purrs softly8
Sapphire: would you like a nice warm bath ozzy? *smiles tickling his tummy*
Ozzy: *giggles*
Aoura: Let's just hope there's enough.
Sapphire: *nods*
Eliza; May as well see. 8gets up and heads to the bathroom8
*there seems to be plenty of stuff in there
Eliza; 8beckoned to her siblings8 We may need to pair off.
Sapphire: 8nods* the kids can bathe twoa t a time can't they?
Eliza; Two or three, it's a big tub.
Sapphire: *nods* Well Northstar adn ozzy can go together. *smiles* Who wants to bathe with them
Eliza; Best bet would be Angela.
Sapphire: *chuckles and ndos* Yes.
Eliza; 8lifted her daughter up8
Sapphire: *stands iwth ozzy in her arms* bathtime little one. *smiles*
Thrax; 8fallowed the two with Northstar8
Sapphire: *starts to run a nice warm bath and undresses ozzy, tickling hist ummy when she removes his shirt*
Thrax; 8undressed Northstar, being mindful of her shoulders*
NS: 8is a bit stiff wtih that arm but her shoulder wound looks like it's healing well thoug she still has another dosethis evening at bedtime*9
Eliza; 8undresses her shy daughter then sets her in the bath8
NS: 8doesn't seem to much midnbeing nude in itself but she does have a fair number of scars on her body, many looking suspiciously like they were from beatings*
Thrax; 8cringes8
NS: *leans on him a little, feeling vunerable*
Sapphire; *gently* it's ok sweetie. the bath will make you feel better.
Thrax; 8gently sets her in8
NS: 8still has a bit of a red bottom from her earlier spanking but her skin is far from being in danger of bruising*
Thrax; 8smiled softly8
Ozzy: 8smiles and reaches for some of the bath toys*
Thrax; 8hands them to him8
Ozzy: *siles andshares with Angela
Angela; 8blushes8
Ozzy: *giggles innocently as he play siwth a boat*
Thrax; 8chuckled and began washing Northstar8
NS: *giggles a little when something tickles but lets him bathe her, slmiling, associating the bath with parental affection'
Eliza; 8smiled as she bathed Angela8
NS: *chuckles * Ever hear the expression 'don't loose the baby in the bath water?
8the three cocked a brow at her8
NS: It's a phraze humans used to use a long time ago... the head of the household would bathe first adn then his wife and the kids from eldest to youngest so by the time the bathwater got to the baby it was... not really good to use... but they used it anyway. See by the time the baby'd get to use it the water would be so dirty that you could barely see anything under the surface so that began as a joke...
Thrax; It's an easeier way for we viruses to work.
NS: *nods* They didn't know it in those days though.
Thrax; 8rolled his eyes8
NS: Well they didn't... They didn't know what made people sick, especially the poor.
Thrax; 8shok his head and kept bathing her8
NS: *giggles abit* Careful that tickles.
Thrax; 8chuckles8
NS: *smiles*
Eliza; 8smiled as she continued washing her daughter8
Ozzy: *reaches over and offers one of the toys to her*
Angela; 8accepts, blushing8
Ozzy:* smiles*
Sapphire: *chuckles* play nice now little one
Thrax; We better make this quick.
NS: 8lets him bathe her, shaking off a bit after he rinses her hair out*
Thrax; 8lifts her out after he's done and wraps her in a towel8
NS: 8shivers8
Thrax; 8cuddled her8
NS: *cuddles, still a little cold*
Thrax; 8holds her close8
NS: *rests her head on his shoulder* I'm tired daddy...
Thrax; Let's get you dressed then it's naeptime for you.
NS: *almost pouting8 Not that tired...
Thrax; 8chuckled and carried her out8
NS: Not taking a nap.. nope.. not tired enough. *folds her arms*
Thrax; 8saw that the others were waiting outside the bathroom8
Sapphire; *picks ozzy up* Comeo n little one.. time to get dry clothes on. *Simles*
Ozzy: *giggles* mama!
Eliza; You to swetie. 8lifts Angela out8
Ozzy: *giggles as he's carried to the nursery to be put in a clean diaper and clothes*
8the next three went into the bathroom8
NS: *is fighting that naptime*
Thrax; 8dressed her then lay her on the bed8
NS: Not sleepy.
Thrax; 8stroked her hair8
NS: *yawns8 Not... 8yawns8 sleepy...
Thrax; 8chuckled and sotly sang to her8
NS: *yawns* nofair daddy..
Thrax; 8nuzzled her softly8
NS: 8nuzzles back*
Thrax; 8continued to sing softly8
NS: *wraps her arms around him and closes her eyes*
Thrax; 8smiled and held her close8
NS: 8clings a little*
Thrax; 8nuzzles her gently8
NS: *rests her head on ihs tummy*
Thrax; 8stroked her hair8
NS: *softly, tiredly* Not sleepy daddy...
Thrax; 8smiled softly8
Sapphire: *chuckles* Sure you arn't honey... *rocking ozzy whom is also getting droopy eyed, sucking his thumb*
NS: *sleepily* M'not...
Thrax; 8rolled his eyes8
NS: Not...
Thrax; 8stroked her hair8
NS: *nuzzles his hand, and nuzzles into his chest, falling asleep the instant the sound of his heartbeat reaches her ears*
Thrax; 8smiled softly8
NS: sleeps soundly against his chest*
Thrax; 8smiled up at his mate8
Sapphire: *cuckles* She sure sleeps soundly for one who wasn't even tired...
Thrax; 8chuckled8 Yeah.
Sapphire: *lays ozzy down and tucks him in*
Thrax; 8does the same with Northstar*
*they cuddle one another instigntively*
Thrax; 8smiled at them8
Sapphire: *smiles* How precious...
Thrax; They dore one another.
Sapphire: *chuckles* it's hard to tell really.. is he the big brother or is she the big sister?
Thrax; 8sniggered8 Ya have a point my love.
Sapphire; *chuckles8
Thrax; 8kissed her softly8
Sapphire: *kisses him back*
Thrax; 8smiled softly8
Sapphire: *strokes his hair8
Thrax; 8purred8
*the children sleep soundly next to them*
Thrax; 8sighed8 I wish we didn't have to hide.
Sapphire: *nods* me too... *sighs softly and nuzzles him*
Thrax; 8nuzzled her back8
Sapphire: *kiss him again* Someday my love...
Thrax; 8nods8
NS: 8stirrs in her sleep*
Thrax; 8stroked her hair8
Sapphire: *softly* for now we will do what we can to protect our little ones. (yep ^_^)
Thrax; 8nodded8
Sapphire :*kisses him again and strokes his cheek*
Thrax; 8smiled softly8
Sapphire: *leans on hi, nuzzling him*
Thrax; 8nuzzles back8
Sapphire: *smiles* come on.. let's let them sleep
Thrax; 8smiled then led his mate out8
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