
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My Enemy, My Son-An OJ RP (Chp52)

Drix: *is at home cooking himself breakfast and humming a happy tune*

8his cell went off8

Drix: *flips his pancakes once more adn thenputs them on a plate as he answers* Hello?

Thrax; Drix/ It's Thrax.

Drix: *blinks and tuerns off his burner* Thrax? What's going on? Is ozzy ok?

Thrax; He's fine, it's my daughter.

Drix: Your daughter? What's wrong?

Thrax; 8explains the situation8

Drix: I see... I"m on my way.

Thrax; Thanks.

Drix: *heads out to Thrax's and knocks ont he back door*

Carlos; 8opened the door slightly then glared at Drix8

Drix: Thrax called me.

Carlos; 8hesitated but opened the door8

Drix: thank you *steps in* Where is Thrax?

Carlos; Master bedroom, upstairs first door on the left.

Drix: Thank you. *heads there*

Thrax; 8was sitting next to NS with ozzy on his lap8

Drix: *knocks on the door before stepping in*

Thrax; 8looked up8

Drix: I came as fast as I could...

Ozzy: *smiles a little*

Drix: *smiles backa t ozzy still getitng used to hsi best friend being a virus* Hey ozzy. *places his hand on top of his head*

Ozzy; 8giggled8

Drix: smiles* good to see you too. *looks to NS and frowns a little* Is this the lass?

Thrax; 8nodded8

Drix: *takes out a thermometer to take her temprature* hmm.. I don't think I can do it orally with her in this condition... i'm worried she will bite down.

Thrax; 8bit his lip8

Drix: *gently turns her over*

Ozzy; 8tilted his head8

Drix: sorry but I have no other way to take her temprature without risking her biting the thermometer... *gives Thrax a bit of a look when he sees the diaper on her but makes no comment as he takes her temprature*

NS: *protests w ith a whine in her sleep*

Thrax; 8covers ozzy's eyes8

Drix *puts the sheets over her lower half a little for modesty though she isn't fully awake and soon pulls the thermometer out and cleans it, frowning* What is her normal temprature. Do you know?

Thrax; Never really checked but it's too high at the minute.

Drix: One hundred three point eight...

Thrax; 8gulps8

Drix: has she been given anything lately *

Thrax; We've given her medachine but it only helps for a while.

Drix: *nods* when was her last dose?

Thrax; Yesterday, we tried giving her some this morning.

Drix: did she take it?

Thrax; 8shook his head8

Drix: *nods and takes out a capsule* Now you must be very very careful when you do this.. 8cradles her carefully* It's easy to choke her.

Thrax; 8watched closely8

Drix: * carefully pours a small ammount into her mouth ,holding her in a way that will prevent her from choaking and starts to massage her throat gently, not knowing how she reacted before when Thrax did it*

NS: *whimpers becooming frightened again.

Drix: easy now... easy... *moves his hand lightly in a downward motion, carefully moving his fingers down before lifting them and lightly stroking once more* It's alright... Thrax has she been choaked before?

Thrax; In an abusive way/ Probably.

Drix: *frowns* By whom?

Thrax; That I'm afraid I don't know.

Drix: How long has she been in your care?

NS: *couchs slightly*

Drix: *unwraps the wound and frowns* Thrax this is severely infected...

Thrax; She arrived a day or two after we got ozzy.

Drix: do you have any table sugar?

Thrax; Drix, we can only get what we can.

Drix: *nods* I understand. but do you have any plain table sugar.

Thrax; 8shook his head8

Drix: *nods* if you can get ahold of some do so. It's cheeper than ointment and far more effective against infection. *begins to gently drain the wound and clean it*

NS: *whimpers in pain and squirms, held gently still by drix*

Thrax; Easier said than done.

Drix: I"ll bring yuou some... I've plenty of extra at home... Shhh.. lass it's ok.

NS: *crying softly*

Thrax; 8strokes her cheek8

Drix: *looks at Ozzy to make sure he's ok*

Ozzy; 8was cuddling into his daddy's chest8

Drix: *cleans and redresses the wound wincing as NS nearly wails as he pours an antibiotic solution in the wound* How did she get this wound? It's righ tthrough her shoulder...

Thrax; An arrow.

Drix: *decides to ask later and gently wraps the wound* I'm going to give her a shot for pain...Do I have your permission?

Thrax; If it'll help.

Drix: 8ndos and draws up a syrenge*

NS: *would cry and wail if she were awake, but as it sis all she does is whimper as he injects it into the muscle of her arm*

Thrax; 8strokes her hair8

Drix: *lays her back down* There now...

Thrax; 8holds ozzy close8

NS: 8sniffles as she's lain back on her tummy*

Drix: Ozzy? *reaches over and stroke's his hair* Ar eyou alright buddy?

Ozzy; 8opened his eyes8 Hmmm/

Drix: Are you alright?

Ozzy; 8nodded and sighed in content8

Drix: *cant' help but smile at him* 8holds his arms out as if to hold him*

Thrax; 8rocks his son gently8

Drix: *offers to hold ozzy*

Thrax; 8gently rested ozzy in Drix's arms8

Drix: *cradles him carefully and can't help but smile warmly*

Thrax; 8smiled softly8

Drix: *soflty* Oh ozzy... forgive me for what I tried to do before... *holds him close*

Ozzy; 8cooed softly, slipping his thumb into his mouth8

Drix: *chuckles* Shall I take that as a yes?

ozzy; 8nuzzles him8

Drix: *kisses him on the forehead*

Thrax; 8chuckled8

NS: *whimpers softly, sore but the medicine is starting to kick in*

Drix: *soflty* Thrax are you comfortable giving a shot?

Thrax; For who/

Drix: To your daughter.

Thrax; If it'll help her.

Drix: Ar eyou sure?

Thrax; 8nodded8

Drix: *nods as well* I'll show you the dosage*

NS: *whimpers, starting to come around*

Thrax; 8took zzy back into his arms8

NS: *starts to cry fully*

Drix: Oh my... *picks her up*

Thrax; 8stroked her cheek8

NS: *opensh er bleary eyes, which widen upon seeing drix*

Drix: It's alright... I won't hurt you

Thrax; It's okay honey.

NS: *starts to call for her parents, still frightened adn feverish though nto as much as before*

Thrax; 8cups her cheek8

NS: *crying* Daddy... daddy! *though seem sto calm as she looks at his eyes*

Thrax; I'm here honey.

NS: *sniffles* daddy... I hurt...

Thrax; Ssshhh. . . .you'll be ok.

NS: *crying8 hurts daddy huuuurts! *reaches for him* 8tears up reaching for him*

Thrax; 8gently takes her into his free arm8

NS: *cries into his chest, nuzzling with him and Ozzy*

Thrax; 8holds them close8

NS: *nuzzles ozzy too, sniffling*

Ozzy; 8cuddled against him8

NS: *wraps one of her arms around ozzy too as she clings to Thrax*

Thrax; 8smiles softly8

Ozzy; 8cuddles against her8

NS: *sniffs softlky, nuzzling*

Thrax; How long until she well/

Drix: That's hard to say actually... The infection is pretty severe...

Thrax; 8bit his lip8

Drix: The shot I gave her should help her feel better. I know her shoulder will be sore after all that messing with it I did... But I got most of the dead tissue and pus out.

Thrax; 8sighs in relief8 That's good.

Drix: Her stomache might be upset for a little whiel as a side effect.

Thrax; Just that?

Drix: That's the most likely one.

Thrax; 8nods8 Thank you for your help.

Drix: You're welcome. I'll bring you the medicine and some syrgenges for the shots.

NS: *softly* Shots?

Thrax; *stroked her hair* How often will I have to give it to her.

Drix: twice a day. Can you handle it?

Thrax; Of course.

Drix: *nods* I'll get it ready for you.

Thrax; Thank you.

NS: *sniffles and looks timidly up at Drix*

Thrax; 8lightly pats her side8

Drix: *gently* I won't hurt you little one.

Thrax; He's right honey.

NS: *whimpers a little anyway*

Thrax; 8kissed her forehead8

NS; *sniffes and nuzzles him*

Thrax; 8rocks her gently8

NS: *rests her head on his shoulder, still very hot but not as msuch as before*

Drix: *goes to prepare the medicine thrax will need*

Thrax; 8nuzzles both his children8

NS: *looks over at ozzy and murmurs something softly that, in her language, means brother and cuddles up to him*

Ozzy; 8cooed softly8

NS: 8lets out a soft coo of her own to echo his, cuddling with Ozzy as though it were the most natural thing in the world*

Thrax; 8smiles softly at them8

NS: 8soon falls back asleep,she and her new brother nestled safely in their father's arms*

Thrax; 8wraps the blanket round them8

NS: *inhales deeply and lets it out as a long slow sigh*

Thrax; 8lays them both on the bed and tucks them in8

NS: *cuddles up to Ozzy*


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