Carlos; 8ran in with her and bolted the door8
NS: *looks at him*
Thrax; 8looked up8 What's wrong brother/
Carlos; Intruders.
NS: Who were they
Thrax; 8peeped out the window through the curtain8
NS: Who are they?
Thrax; FPD.
NS: What are they doing here?
Thrax; Wish I knew sweetie.
NS: *nuzzles him* 8moves to the window.
8three police oficers were looking round the area8
NS: *watches them closely*
Thrax; Northstar come here.
NS: they wont' see me.
Sapphire: Northstar... Unless you want both of us to spank you you will do as your father says.
Thrax; 8pulled Northstar away and peered out8
NS: *hisses a little*
Thrax; 8under his breath8 Dammit why are they here/
NS: Maybe we' ev been in one place too long and need to gather elsewhere... it's what my herd did whenever humans got too close
Thrax; 8looked at his family8
*at the mention of immunity most of the kids have gone to cling to their parents*
Thrax; 8hesitated, moving around would be hard8
Sapphire: *looks at NS then up at Thrax again*
Thrax; 8clenched his fist8
NS: *looks up at him* we didn't like to do it either but sometimes the herd had to move.
Sapphire; Easier said than done, we don't know where to go.
NS: *nods* Then we send a scout. I'll do it.
Sapphire; No you won't.
NS: I can do this. It's not that dangerous.
Ozzy: You're crazy... Immunities wil hurt you...
NS: Only if they don't see me.
Thrax; No young lady.
NS: But daddy I can do this
Julius; No, I'll go. 8stinks into the shadows8
NS: More ground will be covered with two.. *still wanting to go.
Thrax; No young lady. 8then he heard footsteps growing louder8
NS: *opens her mouth then tenses as she hears the footsteps*
Thrax; 8ushures his entire family into the basement8
NS: *crouches, ready to fight if need be*
8the sound of footsteps is heard over head8
NS: *tenses, preparing to fight, she's regained her strenght and not afraid to defend herself*
Thrax; 8held his breath8
NS: *narrows her eyes, watching the source of the footsteps*
*muffled voices could be heard8
NS: *slows her breathing, carefully waiting*
Sapphire; 8holds ozzy close8
Ozzy: *clings to her, crying silently*
Voice; 8muffled8 They're not here but someone has been, call back up and tell them to get here fast.
NS: *looks at Thrax then back up at the roof, knowing full well they have no choice but to move now*
Thrax; 8scoops her up then the family slowly sinks into the shadows8
NS: *moves with them*
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