NS: *heads out and immediately gets to playing*
Carlos; 8keeps close watch8
NS: *climbs one of the trees*
Carlos; 8keeps alert8
NS: *opens her wings*
NS: *flies over towarc the house and grabs onto a window sil*
Carlos; 8stared wide eyed8
NS: *smiles down at him*
Carlos; Get down from there young lady.
NS: I'm safe up here don't worry
Carlos; 8bit his lip8
NS: Watch. *braces her feeto n the wall andjumps, landing on the ground*
Carlos; 8sighed in relief8
NS: I've jumped from higher places before.
Calos; Just be careful.
NS: I am.. it's just been so long sinceI've flown for any distance... I"m afraid my wings will atrophie
Carlos; But you understand our family has to stay hidden.
NS: *nods* I understand.
Carlos; 8patted her head8
NS: 8nuzzles his hand8
Carlos; 8smiled gently8
NS: *smiles back and kisses his cheek before heading up the tree again*
Carlos; 8kept his ears pricked8
NS: *this time just plain climbes high in the tree*
Carlos; 8looked up8
NS: *pokes her head up from the top fo the tree* wow...
Carlos; 8looked round nervously8
NS: Your world looks completely different than mine yet the same.
Carlos; You just need to travel round. There are many worlds.
NS: It's beautiful though.
Carlos; 8smiled then heard foot steps8 Northstar inside.
NS: *soflty* What's wrong? *gets further into the tree*
Carlos; Inside NOW!
NS: *feeling strong enough to fight, crouches, concealed in the tree*
Carlos; 8climbed up the tree, hauled her over his shoulder and ran back inside8
NS: *lets out a surprised squeak as shes' brought back inside8
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