NS: 8rests her head on his shoulder*
Thrax; 8sat down beside Sapphire as he cradled Northstar8
NS: 8sniffs softly into his chest8
Drix: Awww... what's wrong?
Thrax; She doesn't like shots.
NS: *nuzzles Thrax al ittle*
Thrax; 8stroked her hair8
NS: 8starts to calm, coing sfotly*
Thrax; 8smiled gently8
NS: *smiles back, cuddlig*
Thrax; 8nuzzled her8
NS: 8coos soflty *
Sapphire; 8smiled gently8
NS: *looks up at her*
Sapphire; 8stroked her cheek8
NS: *nuzzles her hand8
Thrax; 8lay back gently8
NS: *closes her eyes*
Drix: Does she always get afraid fo the needle like that?
Thrax; 8nods8
Drix: *looks sort of guilty, feeling bad that he was the one to prescribe it*
Thrax; But it's to help her.
NS: *nuzzles his cheek*
Thrax; 8purred8
Drix: *soflty*I"m sorry it frightens you so much little one.. but it is to help you.. *strokes NS' hair gently *
Sapphire; 8looked over8
NS: 8looks up somewhat timidly at the pill*
Thrax; 8whispers8 It's ok honey.
NS: *sniffs a little8
Thrax; 8rubbed her back8
NS: *coughs a bit, snuggling*
Drix: May I have a look at her wound?
Thrax; 8nodded8 Be careful though.
Drix: 8nods and moves to where he is more level to her to avoid frightening her* It's alright little one... Just want to see.. there's a good girl.
Thrax; 8held her gently8
Drix: *gently removes the bandage*
NS: *clings to Thrax*
Thrax; 8stroked her hair8
Drix: *has a look at her wound, testing her arm movement as well* Any pain when I do this little one?
NS: *shakes her head*
Thrax; 8looks on8
Drix: 8smiles gently* It's healing very well... once the ten days on the medicine is up you shouldn't have to take anymore.
Thrax; 8tried to rememder how many's left8
*she has three days*
Thrax; Another week and it'll be over.
NS: *soflty* I don't like shots...
Thrax; 8stroked her hair8 They'll help you.
NS: *snuggles into Thrax's chest*
Thrax; 8stroked her hair8
Drix: 8smiles and pats her back gently*
Thrax; 8purred gently to her8
NS: 8nuzzles affectionately in responce to the purring, seeming to instantly calm down*
Drix: *smiles* She seesm to like that.
Thrax; 8chuckles8 So does ozzy.
Drix: 8smiles over at ozzy as he plays with the other kids*
Demona; 8tosses a ball to ozzy8
Ozzy: *catches it and tosses it back*
Thrax; 8smiled at the scene8
NS: *looks up at thrax, tugging on his shirt a little, her eyes a little teary and her face red*
Thrax; 8looked down8 What's wrong sweetie/
NS: *tugs on his shirt a little, not wanting to say in front of Drix that she had an accident*
Thrax; 8patted her back then carried her upstairs8
NS: *softly* i'm sorry daddy..
Thrax; Ssshhh. . . .it's ok honey.
NS: 8sniffs soflty*
Thrax; 8laid her on the changing mat and started cleaning her up8
NS: *has a diaper rash, having waited a while to tell him*
Thrax; 8rubbed in a good amount of cream and powder8
NS: 8looks up at him*
Thrax; 8stroked her stomach and rediapered her8
NS: *reaches for him*
Thrax; 8lifted her up and held her8
NS: *snuggles into his chest, clinging*
Thrax; 8rubs her back and carries her downstairs8
NS: *rests her head on his shoulder and sniffles* Daddy...
Thrax; 8nuzzled her as he sat down8
NS: *nuzzles back*
Thrax; 8stroked her hair8
NS: 8snuggles*
Thrax; 8purred softly8
NS: sucks her thumb*
Ozzy: *looks over* Drix come play with us! ^_^
Drix: 8blinks a little*
Thrax; 8sniggered slightly8
Drix: ^_^''' *comes over to play with them*
Angela; 8drew away as Drix approached8
Drix: *sits down gently*
Angela; 8backed away8
Drix: *gently* It's ok littleo ne.
Angela; 8whimpered8
Drix: *smiles gently at her but doesn't try to make her come closer nor does he approch, not wanting to increase the wee one's fear*
Thrax; 8bit his lup8
NS: 8nuzzles into Thrax's chest a little as Drixp lays carefully with the kids*
Thrax; 8nuzzles her gently8
NS: 8looks up at him*
Thrax; 8smiled gently8
NS; *coughs softly*
Thrax; 8rubbed her back8
NS: 8coughs softly, snuggling him*
Thrax; 8stroked her hair8
NS: *nuzlzes his hand, tired*
Thrax; 8gently rocked her8
Ozzy; 8grins*
Thrax; 8cocked a brow at him8
Ozzy: *glomps drix*
Sapphire; 8silently chuckled8
Ozzy: *grins, laughing as Drix plays with them*
Thrax; 8smiled softly8
Ozzy: *soon starts to look uncomfortable*
Drix: *is worried but doesnt' realise that Ozzy just needs a new diaper
Sapphire; 8smiles gently then lifts ozzy into her arms and carries him out8
Ozzy: *reaches for his mama*
Sapphire; 8cradled him close8
Ozzy: *looks all teary eyed
Sapphire; 8carried him upstairs, checking his diaper8
Ozzy: *soaked*
Sapphire; 8patted his back and laid him on the changing table to clean him up8
Ozzy: *sniffles*
Sapphire; 8tossed the soaked diaper into the pail, oil and powdered ozzy before rediapering him8
Ozzy; sucks his thumb and clings to him*
Sapphire; 8picked him up and cradled him close8
Ozzy: 8turns to nurse*
Sapphire; 8unbuttoned her shirt and let him nurse8
Ozzy: *purrs happily*
Sapphire; 8patted his side8
Ozzy: *coos softly and burps *
Sapphire; 8smiled then crried him back downstairs8
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