
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Friday, May 18, 2012

My Enemy, My Son-An OJ RP (Chp88)

8they quietly crept through the shadows, looking for a new place8

NS: 8stays close*

Sapphire; 8rubbed ozzy's back8

Ozzy: *sniffles softly, frightened*

Thrax; 8looked round for a place8

*in an abandoned part of town there are plenty of empty buildings*

Thrax; 8urshered his family into one of the buildings8

NS: *looks up at Thrax*

Ozzy: *sucks his thumb*

Thrax; 8looked out the window8

NS: *nuzzles Thrax a little*

Thrax; We can't stay here long.

Ozzy: *clings to Sapphire ands tarts to cry softly*

Sapphire; 8rocked him gently8

Ozzy: Where will we go?

Sapphire; I'm not sure baby.

Ozzy: *sniffles softly*

Thrax; 8growled as he saw several police cars round their old hideout8

NS: *nuzzles Thrax a little*

Ozzy: *sniffles softly*

Thrax; We'll need to move at nightfall.

NS: Move where?

Thrax; I'm not sure sweetie.

NS: *looks up at him then nuzzles a bit*

Thrax; 8sighed8

NS: We'll be ok daddy

Thrax; I hope angel.

NS:: *nuzzles him gently* Do the immunities know we're here?

Thrax; No not by the looks of it but they know viruses are about.

NS: *nods a little8 Maybe we should move on...

Thrax; Not until nightfall.

NS: *nods a little*

Sapphire; 8shuttered8

NS: *nuzzles thrax8 Will Drix be able to find us?

Thrax; 8shook his hrad8

Ozzy: 8sniffles softly and turns to Sapphire to nurse from her*

Sapphire; 8unbuttoned her shirt and let him feed8

NS: *walks over to the door carefully*

Thrax; 8sharply8 Northstar.

NS: I"m not gonna open it..

Thrax; Get back here.

NS: *looks over at him*

Thrax; 8drew her back8

NS: I wasn't going to go out.

Thrax; No young lady.

NS: I was just listening.

Sapphire; Stay close Northstar.

NS: *nods a little*

Thrax; 8hesitated8

NS: *looks up at him*

Thrax; 8peeked out the window8

NS: *moevs with him, listenign closely*


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