
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Thursday, May 17, 2012

My Enemy, My Son-An OJ RP (Chp60)

Sapphire: *tucks ozzy in*

Thrax; 8does the same with Northstar8

Sapphire: *kisses ozzy on the forehead* Sweet dreams little one

Thrax; 8does the same with both his children8

NS: *whimpers a littlea nd cilngs to thrax's arm*

Thrax; 8strokes her hair8

NS: *clings to his arm*

Thrax; 8looked up at his mate8

Sapphire She's still very clingy.

Thrax; She is, though who can blame her.

Sapphire: *nods* I don't..

Thrax; 8stroked her cheek8

NS: 8nuzzles his hand*

Thrax; 8smiled softly8

NS: 8continues to cling to his arm*

Thrax; 8sighs and lays next to her8

NS: *clings to him in her sleep*

Sapphire: *sighs soflty* She's still insecure.

Thrax; 8nods and sighs8

NS: *continues to cling to him*

Thrax; 8strokes her cheek8

NS: *sniffs softly and starts to go to sleep*

Thrax; 8hums softly8

NS: *coughs a little in her sleep*

Drix: How's her fever?

Thrax; Haven't really checked Drix.

Drix: Well if she doesn't feel hot just holding her that's a good thing.

Thrax; 8nods8

NS: *sleeps, cuddled close to thrax*

Thrax; 8nuzzles her softly8

NS: *nuzzles back, *

Sapphire: *chuckles* comfy love?

Thrax; 8narrows his eyes at her8

Sapphire: You know she'll cling to you as long as you 'll stay there.

Thrax; And it ain't easy getting out.

Drix: It is, however, amusing to watch you try to.

Thrax; 8glsred at the pill8

Drix: *chuckles, rather finding it amusing*

Thrax; 8tried to think8

NS: *sucks on her thumb, clinging toh is arm*

Thrax; 8tries to ease his arm away8

NS: 8clings a little tigher*

Drix: *cnuckles softly*

Thrax; 8clenched his teeth8

NS: *cuddles*

Thrax; 8stroked her cheek8

NS: *coos softly, sucking her thumb*

Thrax; 8sighed8

Sapphire: Drix?

Drix: Yes?

Sapphire: Would you happen to have a camera?

Thrax; 8his ears pricked8 Don't you dare.

Drix: Hold on a moment. *opens his chest compartment*

Thrax; 8snarled8

Drix: *looks for his camera*

Thrax; 8flared up his claw in warning8

Drix: 8chuckles8 Lighten up Thrax.

Thrax; 8growled8

NS: *whimpers in her sleep, frightened by th egrowling*

Thrax; 8stroked her hair8

NS: *snuggles up to his chest, asleep*

Thrax; 8nuzzles her softly8

Drix: *chuckles* That is sweet though

Thrax; Its hard, I'm not sure if she'll be able to over come it.

Drix: *softly* She needs time I think... She's sick and injured adn has been mistreated...

Thrax; *nods*

Drix: For now I think being coddled by mommy and daddy is just what the doctor ordered.

Thrax; You're right Drix. *kisses Northstar's forehead*

NS: *nuzzles in her sleep*

Thrax; 8tried to think how to easy away8

Drix: Need help?

Thrax; 7nodded8

Drix: 8looks for a stuffed toy big enough adn hands it to Thrax8 maybe if you let her cuddle your jacket and put this in the arm as you slide your arm out.

Thrax; Right. 8tries it8

NS: *tiredly seems to take the decoy*

Thrax; 8sighs in relief8 Thanks.

Drix: *chuckles* of cours eyou'll have to go without the coat for a while but at least you're tfree

Thrax; 8chuckles; Don't worry I hardly need it.

Drix: *nods*

Thrax; 8led his wife and friend back downstairs8

NS: 8cuddles with her brother and daddy's coat8

Thrax; 8looked round the house8

Drix: 8chuckles* I must admit... when we encountered you before I never ever would have pegged you as a family man.

Thrax; 8glared at him8

Drix: I'm simply being honest Thrax. Nothing more nothing less. I never would have thought before you'd be interested in a family... or that you would be such a positive part of Ozzy's life.

Thrax; 8shrugs8 Some people can surprise you.

Drix: 8nods and smiles*

Thrax; 8sat next to his wife8

Sapphire: *holds hish and8

Drix: I should head out.

Thrax; See ya soon Drix.

Drix: Take care

Carlos; We will.

Drix: *heads out*

Thrax; 8wrapped his arms round Saphire8

Sapphire: *purrs*

Thrax; 8kissed her neck8

Sapphire: *purrs softly, nuzzling hi 8

Thrax; 8purred back8

Sapphire; *purrs, nuzzling him*

Thrax; 8nuzzles her back8


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