*Lucas was having a trouble sleeping, since he's been staying up for the past two days after having a serious fright from nightmares he's been having. But finally, he gave into sleep and hours in, he woke up to head to the bathroom*
*As he finished taking care of business, he went to wash his hands till he saw something in the mirror*
*the mirror reflection showed a guy in a sweater pressing his face against the mirror, grinning at him, then suddenly his clawed hands shot out of the mirror n grabbed the boy's throat*
*Lucas gagged heavily, trying to break free from the burned man's grip as he was pulled into the mirror. As he looked around, it was a hellish looking boiler room*
*a hoarse laugh was heard throughout the entire boiler room*
Voice: Wat's the matter? A little too...hot for ya?
Lucas: Who are you!? Why are you doing this to me! I didn't do anything to you!
Voice: Oh of course u didnt, bt I am definitely doing something to u~ *suddenly an invisible force flew n slashes his thigh*
Lucas: *screamed in pain and jolted around to see who did it, but still can't see him. Then it hit him...he remembered the stories...* Wait a minute....you're...you're him. F-F..
Voice: Tht's right, finish tht sentence, boy~ Who am I? *slashes at him again*
Lucas: *grabbed his wounded arm* Freddy Krueger... *took a deep breath and tried to show no fear, since fear is what fuels Freddy*
Freddy: *shows up frm the steam, brandishing his clawed hand* So glad tht I'm famous evn at these parts. Now, shall we continue our game? *slashed at him, forcing him to a corner*
Lucas: I'm not scared of you. You think a freak like you gets off on killing kids and wearing a Christmas Sweater
Freddy: Oh u like my sweater? I think it brings out the colour of my eyes *laughs* If ur so tough, why r u still trembling, huh? I can see ur pupils dilating, it reli has a lot of terror in them. The eyes dont lie~ Now, lets play~ *aims his clawed hand at Lucas' chest, bt before he could strike, Lucas has disappeared*
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