
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bloody Romance-A Freddy vs Jason RP (Part 2)

Jude: *had came ovr to Lucas' plc for their usually morning jog bt he wasnt out of bed, so she thought she played a joke by pulling his sheets to flip him off the bed, inadvertedly waking Lucas up*

Lucas: Ow!! Sis! Thank God...*he still had his wounds from his encounter with Freddy* *his bed was red from his wounds, and his slash marks were still fresh

Jude: Woah! Wat the hell happened to u? U got night terrors or something? U thrash in ur sleep? *chked the wounds*

Lucas: was that man.

Jude: Tht man...? Oh, u mean tht guy who keeps showing up in ur nightmares these days?

Lucas: Freddy's his name

Jude: Freddy? U mean THE Freddy Krueger? The one old timers talk abt? Its just a fairytale, a boogey man story

Lucas: *shows the slash marks on his arm* this is real!

Jude: Oh dont be such a baby. U must've scratched it wen u were tossing abt in bed. Happened to me last week, see? *showed her shoulder* Had to hv 10 stitches outta tht

Lucas: Since when the fuck were slashes about this big?! *shows his nails, they were trimmed* That burned up sonofabitch did this!!

Jude: I didnt say u scratched it, u prolly scratched it on something else. Look, I think ur just a little stressed. How's abt u n I go take a trip, huh?

Lucas: A trip? After I was nearly killed?! Are you out...*calmed himself down* Fine

Jude: There, tht's better. Now go freshen up. A little jog will cool u off

Lucas: *Goes into the shower to wash off all the blood and put wrapping around his wounds* I don't I'll be able to jog today. *Got wrapping around his leg*

Jude: Oh right, well, I'm gonna go jog, n wen I come bk, I'm gonna treat u to breakfast. I wont take no for an answer~ *went off to jog*

Lucas: Fine. *he went to look in the mirror again* What does he want from me? He's been haunting me for two weeks


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