
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Thursday, May 17, 2012

My Enemy, My Son-An OJ RP (Chp72)

Thrax; 8carried her down to the living room8

Sapphire: *chuckles*She won't sleep?

Thrax; 8shakes his head8

Sapphire: *genlty* bad dream?

NS: 8shakes her head*

Thrax; She doesn't like being left alone.

Sapphire: *softly* She's still insecure hm?

Thrax; 8nods8

Sapphire: *strokes NS' hair gently* poor thing

Thrax; 8cradled her close8

NS: *sniffs softly nuzzling him*

Thrax; 8gently handed her to his mate8

NS: *cuddles into Sapphire shoulder*

Eliza; 8smiled at the scene8

NS: 8takes gentle hold of some of sapphire's hair, not tugging, just holding it*

Thrax; 8chuckled8

NS: *nuzzles*

Sapphire: 8chuckles softly and pats her back*

Thrax; 8smiled at her8

NS: *sucks her thumb a little as she cuddles *

Thrax; 8stroked their daughter's hair8

NS: *nuzzles his hand a little*

Thrax; 8purred8

NS: *looks up at his face*

Thrax; 8smiled softly to her8

NS: 8coughs a little*

Thrax; Rest little one.

NS: *nods, snuggling with her mother*

Thrax; 8wrapped his arm round his mate and daughter8

NS: *nuzzles his arm, still sucking her thumb as she closes hereyes*

Thrax; 8smiled softly8

NS: Not tired daddy...

Thrax; 8chuckled8

NS: M'not...

Thrax; 8looked at his mate8

Sapphrie: Whatevery ou say sweetheart

NS: *eyes widen a bit thn she tears up and hides her face in Sapphire's shirt*

Thrax; Hey what's wrong sweetie/

NS: I had an accident...

Thrax; 8lifted her up and carried her to the bathroom8

NS: *whimpers8 please don't spank me...

Thrax; Sweetie it was an accident. 8he lays her down and changes her8

NS: 8tears still streaming, sniffles as she's changed*

Thrax; 8stroked her cheek8

NS: 8reaches for him* daddy...

Thrax; 8finishes then lifts her up and cuddles her8

NS: 8sniffs softly clinging to him*

Thrax; 8cradled her close then carried her back downstairs8

NS: 8clings tightly toh im on the way down, sniffing*

Thrax; 8rubbed in back8

NS; 8clings to him*

Thrax; 8sat next to his wife8

NS: *clings tightly to Thrax*

Thrax; 8rocked her gently8

NS: *coughs al ittle, nuzzling*

Sapphire: *soflty pats her back* Easy now...

Thrax; 8rubbed her back8

Sapphire; *softly* It's naptime now little one.

NS; *shakes her head8 no nap mama...

Thrax; 8smiled8

Sapphire: *chuckles and pats her back steadily*

8their brothers and sisters watched from afar8

NS: Don't want to take a nap mama...

Sapphire: *chuckles, patting her back*

Thrax; ~Stubborn little one~

Sapphire: *nods* ~She is... ~

Thrax; 8sighed8

Sapphire: ~Would you like a bottle for her?~

Thrax; ~Maybe it'll help~

Sapphire: *nods and stands, going to get a bottle of warm milk*

Aoura; Rough times ahead, sis.

Sapphire: *nods*

Aoura; 8laid her head back8

Sapphire: *brings theb ottle to Thrax*

Thrax; 8takes it then gives it to Nortthstar8

NS: *is a little surprised to find the bottle in her mouth*

Thrax; 8patted her side8

NS: looks up at him curiously8

Thrax; 8smiled softly8

NS: ... *starts to drink*

Thrax; Good girl.

NS: *feels a little weird drinking from it but soon starts to relax*

Thrax; 8patted her side8

NS: 8continues to drink from the bottle moving aside and leaning into his chest as she feels her eyes droop*

Thrax; 8smiled softly8

NS: 8begins to nod off8

Thrax; 8removed the bottle from her mouth then rocks her gently8

NS: 8closes hereyes, clinging to his shirt with one hand*

Thrax; 8cuddled her close8

NS: 8sucks her thumb, cuddling as she finally goes to sleeP*

Thrax; 8sighed in relief8

NS: *falls fast asleep in her daddy's arms*

Thrax; 8cradled her close8

Sapphire: 8chuckles softly* Think it would be safe to try and tuck her in with he rbrother?

Thrax; Not sure my love.

NS: 8nuzzles in her sleep, clinging to his shirt8

Thrax; She may not want to move.

Sapphire: I think you're right... poor thing... she's so insecure.

Thrax; 8nods8

NS: *clings tightly to him in her sleep*

Thrax; 8cuddles her close8


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