NS: *wraps her armsa round his shoulders and looks at the other kids playing*
8the adults smile at her8
Thrax; 8sits next to his wife8
Sapphire: *smiles and kisses Thrax on the cheek* Is our little girl feeling ebtter?
Thrax; A little but still groggy.
Ozzy: *smiles and brings some of his toys to angela*
Angela; 8tries not to blush8
Ozzy: *smiles as they play then leans over to give hre a playful kisso n the cheek*
Angela; 8goes completely red8
Ozzy: *smiles at her*
Thrax; 8chuckled at the scene8
Ozzy: Want to help me build a fort with the blocks?
Angela; 8nodded8
Ozzy: *smiles and brings over the blocks*
Sapphire: *chuckles* He's very willing to share his toys.
Thrax; 8chuckles8 He is.
Sapphire; *holds his hand and pats NS on the back* Has she been a good girl?
Thrax; There was a bit of trouble earlier.
NS: *hides her face in the crook of Thrax'sa rm*
Sapphire: Oh? What happened?
Thrax; She refused her shots.
sapphire: NOw little one you know those shots are to help you get better.
NS: *softly* Yes mama...
Thrax; 8patted her back8
NS: *nuzzles Thrax a little and looks up at some of the grownups*
8they all smile at her8
NS: *smiles back shyly*
8the kids look over at her8
NS: *cuddles with Thrax, resting her head on his shoulder
Thrax; 8strokes her hair8
NS: 8peers at the othe rkids*
8they're all playing their own games8
NS: *lays her head on his shoulder and cnotinues to watch the others*
Thrax; 8strokes her hair9
NS: *reaches over and takes hold ofh is hand and holds it*
Thrax; 8smiled softly8
NS: *nuzzles his hand and hlds it in hers tightly*
Sapphire: *smiles* I think shes' finally figured out that we will not hurt her*
Thrax; 8smiles8 It appears so.
NS: *keeps ahold of his hand and starts to suck her thumb*
Thrax; 8chuckles8
NS: *smiles softly*
Ozzy: Daddy? Can Northstar play too?
Thrax; She's not very well at the minute.
Ozzy: She looks better.
Sapphire: That's because the medicine is making her feel better sweetie.
Thrax; But has quite a way to go.
Ozzy: Oh... how far?
Thrax; A few days maybe.
Ozzy: Then she can play?
Thrax; 8nods8
Ozzy: *smiles* ok!
Thrax; Run along now baby.
Ozzy: *goes back to play with the other children*
8they all giggle8#
Ozzy: *plays with the blocks some more, smiling*
Angela; 8was spelling out words with letters blocks8
Ozzy: *feeling playful takes too blcoks and puts them on top of one of her words, his two blocks spelling out 'hi'*
Angela; 8giggles8
Ozzy: *giggles as well and takes them off*
Angela; 8spells with the blocks, unknown to ozzy, 'ANGELA LUVS OZZY'8
Ozzy: *smiles and starts to build a fort*
Thrax; 8sees Angela's words and smirks8
Sapphire: *chuckles and whispers to him* Is that not cute?
Thrax; 8chuckles8 It is.
Ozzy: *builds a tower and as he's adding another block it falls over toward Angel and he looks over to make sure she didn't get hurt*
Angela; 8looked up, the blocks missed her by inches8
Ozzy:*crawls over to her* I'm sorry Angela!
Angela; It's ok Ozzy.
NS: cuddles Thrax, coughing a little as she studies the other peole in the room*
Thrax; 8strokes her hair8
NS: 8kisses him on the cheek and lets out a soft coo*
Ozzy: *starts to pick up the blocks*
Angela; 8looked up8
Ozzy: Are you ok?
Angela; 8nodded8
Ozzy: *starts topick up the blocks*
NS: *looks over at the two of them*
Angela; 8looked up and smiled8
Ozzy: *hugs her*
Angela; 8giggled8
Ozzy: *smiles*
Thrax; 8chuckled8
NS: *coughs a little and nuzzles him*
Thrax; 8held her close8
NS: *starts to play with Thrax's hair a little*
Thrax; 8nuzzles her softly8
Sapphire: *smiles*
NS: peers over at some of the other grownups in the room as she toys with her foster father's hair*
8many of thhem smile at her softly8
NS: 8smiles back a little*
Thrax; 8strokes her hair8
NS: *nuzzles his hand, cooing softly*
Thrax; 8holds her tenderly8
NS: 8looks over again at her new family, just watching them for now*
8the kids continue playing8
NS: *looks toward some of the other grownups, including a pair of rather scary looking viruses*
Thrax; 8looked up to see who she was looking at8
NS: *looks over at the rabies viruses*
Thrax; 8smiles and whispers8 It's ok, they won't hurt you.
NS: *looks up at him adn then bakc over at the rabies viruses*
8they smiled softly to her8
NS: *timidly* hi.
Rabis (f(: Hey sweetie.
NS: *clings to thrax's shirt a little*
Thrax; 8rubs her back8
NS: *keeps looking at them*
Avarin; 8tugged a strand of hair behind her ear8
NS: *looks at Avarin again, still clinging to Thrax*
Thrax; 8softly8 They're family, they'd nver harm you.
NS: *nods alittle* and reaches for them a little*
Avarian; 8gently took her hand8
NS: *soflty* you're warm... warmer than daddy.
Thrax; Hey. 8feeling offended8
NS: That's ok. You're softer daddy.
Thrax; 8chuckles holding her close8
NS: 8kisses him on the cheek*
Thrax; 8nuzzles her8
NS: *nuzzles back, letting out a quiet coo*
Thrax; 8smiled softly8
NS: *nuzzles into his chest, looking up at the rabies viruses again*
8they both smiled at her8
NS: *seems a little more at ease when she rests her head on Thrax's shoulder again*
Thrax; 8strokes her hair8
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