
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Refuged Love-Chapter 6

*it had been almost 2 weeks since Harry hidden in Spinner's End, n was constantly on his toes bcoz of fear of some DeathEater barging in. During tht 2 weeks too, he suffered night terrors evry night, n tonight was no different

Severus didn't know what to do with harry. He was use to trying to comfort a child. He tried to think about how to do it and his brain just stopped. he did go out to meetings with the deatheaters but thankfully no body came to his house.

Harry: *was tossing n turning, mumbling abt his parents n then the Dursleys, then was starting to scream as if he was being hit by the Cruciatus curse*

Severus awoke. Jumping out of bed with his wand in his arm. Looking around.

Harry: *was still screaming in his night terrors* No, no, no, stop, no~!! Dont~!! Pls~!!

Severus came in. How was he suppose to wake up Harry? he went over to his side and gently shook him.

Harry: *still tossing n turning, seemed caught inside his night terror*

Severus shook him more.

Harry: *suddenly shot up n in a blur, lashed out as he hit Severus on the shoulder, his eyes wild with fear*

"Potter wake up." He yelled.

Harry: *was hyperventilating, bt his eyes soon showed signs of realizing tht he had just had another night terror, then buried his face in his hands, sobbing*

"Not again." he mouthed to himself and put his arms around him. The only thing that kept coming into his mind when he did that he would get cough and others wold think he was raping the boy.

Harry: *clung onto him n sobbed in his arms. The years of being subjected to a fate worse than death caught up with him, n all the pent-up feelings has yet to be flushed out of his system, tho he couldnt understand why he was so at ease to let loose his emotions like this than in front of his friends*

Severus was cold, but not as cold as most thought. It must of been the years of no one loving him that had made him so cold. but he knew what Harry was going through. He just didn't know how to process it.

Harry: *the pang in his heart came bk. He couldnt understand why wouldnt Sev respond to him. Even Siri n Remy gave him a pat or two wen he was dwn. Somehow, either out of impulse or desperation for some sort of reaction, he lunged up n kissed Sev deep*

That just shocked him. What the hell. His body did respond, but he pushed him away. "Potter!"

Harry: *fell bk frm the push* I'm...I'm sorry...I...I dunno wht got into me...I...

"I wonder myself. if you need a sleeping potion. Then all you have to ask." He straightened his shirt.

Harry: No! *grabbed his sleeve* I...I...dont want sleeping potion...I...Can u accompany me? ....Pls?


Harry: Accompany me. Lay beside me...just until I fall asleep. Pls...?

"Potter that is highly inaproprite. I am older and once your teacher."

Harry: Once. Not anymore. We're not in Hogwarts, n I'm not 11 anymore. Wht r u so afraid of? Is it bcoz of me?

"I am not afriad. I just do not think that this is proper. Especially since you kissed me."

Harry: I kissed u bcoz I wanted a goddamn reaction frm u! I want u to stop being such a statue with me! I dont want a cold porcelain doll, I want a person who is actually alive! U being like this is no different than me living alone in my home where ppl ignores me! I did it because I love u!! *covered his mouth in shock at wht he just blurted out; it was not supposed to be known of his secret crush for Severus*

"Don't be stupid, Potter. You are young. you have a fleeting crush for God knows what reason. And i am a statue because it helps in the war. if i acted like you I would havee been death the first month."

Harry: *decided to let it all out* Its not a fleeting crush! Its not! I knw wht u've been doing, being a double agent n all tht. If it werent for u, I'D be dead! I owe u my life! Everything u did was primarily for me! N I love u bcoz of tht! Dont u get it?!

"I didn't do it for you, Potter. I did it because I had too. I wanted wanted clemancy for what I had done!"

Harry: Wht u had done...? Wh...Wht do u mean...? *confused*

"Nothing. Go to sleep." Severus turned and walked from the room.

Harry: *gripped his sleeve again* No! Severus, I've been staying here for 2 weeks now n u dont speak more than 2 words to me! Now talk to me!

"I do not have to speak to a child." he spat at him.

Harry: *scowled, gritted his teeth, then slapped Severus before shoving him out the door, slamming n locking it*

Severus blinked then frowned and left.

Harry: *buried himself under the covers, absolutely devastated tht his love confession had gone all wrong n haywire, nvr felt so upset n embarrassed in his whole life*


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