
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Daddy Thrax-An OJ RP (Chp93)

*it's while she's cooking that Ozzy comes home*

Thrax: Hey baby. *kissed him*

Ozzy: Hi daddy. *looks a little sheepish as he gives hima kiss back*

Thrax: *raised his brow* No trouble I hope?

Ozzy: Well... yeah... *soflty* I had to do lines today because I was grumpy with my coworkers and with the cheif...

Thrax: *folds his arms* And. . .

Ozzy: *softly* I was cranky because I couldn't go out on the beat because of my ankle... and I kinda took it out on other people... *has that "I know I've done wrong and I'm in trouble" look on his face*

Thrax: Nothing else I hope.

Ozzy: *hands him the note from the cheif which pretty much describes what Ozzy just said though it detils some bad language used*

*the cell had obeyed orders today, he'd just been obstinate about it*

Thrax: *nods, scanning the letter* I hope I don't get another letter about you soon.

Ozzy: *softly* am I going to get a spanking?

Thrax: Only a mild one but I'm going to do somethiing abouth that mouth of yours as well. *leads him to the living room* Sit I'll be back in a minute.

Thrax: *when into the kitchen*

Ozzy: *bites his lower lip and sits on the couch*

Northstar: *is in the kitchen helping Sapphire* *smiles* Hi daddy.

Thrax: *smiled* Hey honey. *gets two glass of water, a bar of soup and a couple of towels*

Sapphire: *raised her brow but she knew what was happeing*

Northstar: What'cha doing?

Thrax: I'm just going to teach Ozzy a lesson, honey.

Northstar: Was he bad?

Thrax: *nodded and went back into the living room*

Ozzy: *still sitting on the couch*

Northstar: *hugs Sapphire's legs*

Sapphire: *pats her head*

Thrax: Fallow me Osmosis.

Ozzy: *stands up* Daddy? What are you going to do?

Thrax: *heads upstairs* Teach you a lesson about foul language.

Ozzy: *notes the soap and pales a little, slow to go upstairs because fo his ankle*

Thrax: *sets the stuff on the dresser* Drop 'em.

Ozzy: *softly* daddy please don't.

Thrax: You know you deserve this Osmosis. Now drop em.

Ozzy: I"m sorry... daddy please.

Thrax: Osmosis, now.

Ozzy: *swallows seeing that he's not going to change his father's mind and undoes his belt with trembling hands, hooking his thumb into the waistband of his pants to pull them down* *stands in his t shirt and diaper with his pants aroundh is ankles* Daddy don't.. .please don't.

Thrax: *hauls him over his lap, shoving the soap into his mouth* Keep it in. *he pulls the diaper down and begins the spanking*

Ozzy: *whimpers and bites down on the bitter tasting soap*

Thrax: *delivers a few harsh swats*

Ozzy: *yips almost spitting out the soap*

Thrax: Keep it in. *he delivers a few more*

Ozzy: *lets out a soft sob, gripping Thrax's ankle*

Thrax: *continues Ozzy's punishment*

Sapphire: *hears it* What the? *heads upstairs quietly and looks in*

Ozzy: *tries to let out an 'owww' but is gagged by the soap*

Sapphire: *kept herself hidden as she watch, having already finished cooking*

Thrax: *keeps going*

Ozzy: *whimpers, tears flowing freely down ihs face*

Thrax: *soon removes the soap a fter a while and pulls Ozzy up onto his lap*

Ozzy: *sobs into his chest, drooling slightly because of the soap* I'm sorry daddy!

Thrax: Not yet, Ozzy. *grabbed the washcloths and the first glass of water*

Ozzy: *continues to cry rubbing his eyes, now contrite*

Thrax: *gently placed the glass to Ozzy's lips*

Ozzy: *takes it, making a slight face as the soap and water taste rather icky together*

Thrax: *held the cloth in front of him* Now spit.

Ozzy: *does as he's told ands pits after rincing his mouth, giving his father a grateful look*

Thrax: *repeats the process a couple of times*

Ozzy: *is still tearful and sniffling when his mouth is rinced out*

Thrax: *set the empty glass and washcloth aside and brought Ozzy over his knee again*

Ozzy: No more spanking daddy! I'm sorry! *starts crying again*

Thrax: *doesn't hear him and starts again*

Ozzy: *clings onto his knee again and cries*

Thrax: *delivers a few hard fast blows to Ozzy's rump*

Ozzy: *cries harder* owww... daddy I'm sorry! I'll be good! I'm sorry!

Thrax: *gives the last few smacks making sure the last one gives a sore sting and burn*

Ozzy: *lets out sobbed out yelp and cries hard into Thrax's leg, his butt red and sore*

Thrax: *lifts him up and cradles him close*

Ozzy: *clings to his shirt and wails into his chest, sobbing his heart out, thoroughly sorry for having behaved badly today*

Thrax: *rubbed his back* Let it out baby, let it out.

Sapphire: *smiled at the scene*

Ozzy: M's-s-sorry daddy... M'sorry.. *buries his face in his chest, clinging to him, blubbering*

Thrax: I know baby, I know. *rubbed his back*

Ozzy: *continues to sob into his chest, clinging tightly to him and sniffling, holding on as if Thrax is the only solid thing left in frank*

Sapphire: *slowly stepped in*

Ozzy: *doesn't notice her, crying into Thrax's chest still*

Thrax: *looked at her* Now you see how things are for us sometimes.

Sapphire: *nodded* I understand. *sat beside him and stroked Ozzy's cheek*

Ozzy: *sniffles and looks up at her, finally seeing her and pulls one arm down to suck hsi thumb, still clinging to Thrax with the other*

Sapphire: Poor little one. *kissed his forehead*

Thrax: *smiled, gently setting Ozzy in her lap and when to get the essentals*

Sapphire: *cradled him close*

Ozzy: *sniffles, looking up at her timidly as he continue sto suck his thumb*

Sapphire: *rocks him* Hush-ssshhh-sshh. . .It's okay, it's over now.

Ozzy: *sniffles and nuzzles a little into her chest*

Thrax: *came back carrying the items*

Sapphire: *lay Ozzy on the bed and back away slightly*

Ozzy: *looks upa t thrax and sniffles* M'sorry... *looks down, tears still flowing steadily*

Thrax: *rubbed his stomach* I know baby, I know. *he spread the lotion and powder over Ozzy's burning cheeks and placed the diaper on him*

Ozzy: *whimpers softly as he feels the contact to his sore bottom but the lotion and powder make him feel better* Daddy? *sniffles, timidly* Forgive me?

Thrax: *tapped his nose* Yes. *fastened it in place*

Ozzy: *reaches for him, seeming set at ease with that, which is what he seeks when he says he's sorry*

Thrax: *lifted him up and cradled him close*

Ozzy: *sniffles into his chest*

Sapphire: *approached them* Even though you've been bad Ozzy you've learned your lesson. *slightly giggled* And you look cute like that. *stroked his face*

Ozzy: *blushes a little but nuzzles the she-virus' hand slightly*

Thrax: C'mon we better get dinner before it gets cold. *carries Ozzy dowNorthstartairs with Sapphire fallowing her*

Northstar: *is sucking her thumb herself and sitting on the couch, having seNorthstared the cell's distress*

Sapphire: Sweetie, dinner's ready. *offered her hand to Northstar.*

Northstar: *takes her hand and comes out from under the table*

Sapphire: Sets by the table and takes a seat*

Thrax: *does the same with Ozzy and takes a seat, tying a bib round Ozzy's neck*

Ozzy: *whimpers a bit as he's sat down and immediately goes for Thrax's lap*

Thrax: *held him close*

Northstar: *also wanting to be in a lap crawls into Sapphires as well since Thrax's lap is occupied*

Sapphire: *smiled, stroked her hair*

Thrax: *began feeding Ozzy*

Ozzy: *oddly not seeming embarassed by the company seeing it, opeNorthstar his mouth and complies, letting thrax baby him and feed him*

Thrax: Good boy. *continues feeding him*

Sapphire: *giggled lightly, finding the scene cute*

Ozzy: *blushes a little but continues to eat as long as Thrax will feed him*

Sapphire: *started on her own, smiling at the young cell*

Ozzy: *cuddles with Thrax and watches Sapphire*

Thrax: *allows him to finish and wipes his mouth*

Ozzy: *sniffs softly and nuzzles him once he's done eating*

Northstar: *also eating her dinner from Sapphire's lap*

Sapphire: *wiped her mouth and set her cuterly down then held Northstar*

Thrax: *eats his own and holds Ozzy close after he's finished*

Ozzy: *hugs him tightly around the shoulders*

Sapphire: *smiled* You ready are a good father Thrax.

Thrax: *blushed* Thanks.

Ozzy: *nuzzles him a little and sucks his thumb, starting to doze*

Thrax: *stands up* I'll just put him down for a nap okay. *heats up some milk and carries Ozzy upstairs*

Ozzy: *nuzzles him, sniffling*

Thrax: *sat down on the bed and slipped the bottle into Ozzy's mouth*

Ozzy: *drinks it and sniffles softly, snuggling up to him*

Thrax: *lightly pats his side*

OZzy: *drinks from the bottle as his eyes begin to get heavy as an effect of the warm milk.

Thrax: *allows him to finish, setting the emty bottle on the stand then lifts Ozzy to his shoulder and pats his back*

Ozzy: *shifts a little and actually lets out a little burp then a sl ight cough, snuggling into his chest*

Thrax: *hummed a soft lullaby to Ozzy*

Ozzy: *closes his eyes, snuggling into his chest, the last traces of his tears fading*

Thrax: *rocked him back and forth as he hummed*

Ozzy: * one hand tightly grips Thrax's shirt as he starts to fall asleep, thumb in his mouth*

Thrax: *smiled as he tucked Ozzy in to bed* Sweet dreams, baby. *kissed his forehead and quietly went out*

Sapphire: *was cleaning the dishes when he returned*

Ozzy: *sleeps*

Northstar: *is playing rincer*

Thrax: *blushes* Thanks for stopping by Sapphire.

Sapphire: *blushed as well as she put the dishes away* It was my pleasure Thrax.

Thrax: *went redder*

Northstar: *giggles softly with a "she like syou too daddy' look on her face*

Sapphire: *bit her lip and tried to get her act together* I better head home, I'll see you all soon Thrax. *patted Northstar's head and pecked his cheek then went out*

Thrax: *was frozen to the spot*

Northstar: *smiles letting out a soft giggle as her head is patted*

Thrax: *felt his knees buckle*

Northstar: *frowns, not understanding why he seems to be slumping* daddy?

Thrax: *his eyes are glazed and clear*

Northstar: *scared now* daddy!

Thrax: *snapped out of it* Sorry angel.

Northstar: what's wrong daddy?

Thrax: Just a little weak in the knees, that's all.

Northstar: Why? Should I call Gramma?

Thrax: *shakes his head* No honey it's just a feeling I thought I'd ever feel again.

Northstar: *hugs him*

Thrax: *hugs her back*

Northstar: *scolding him and sounding very serious about it too, kinda weird coming from a tiny voice like hers* Don't scare me like that again daddy!

Thrax: *taken back but smiles* I won't I promise, honey. *nuzzles her nose*

Northstar: good. *hugs him around the shoulders and nuzzles starting to suck her thumb*

Thrax: *rubs her back* Sorry but something when people are in love they are affected in some way.

Northstar: *nuzzles him* Daddy?

Thrax: Hmm?

Northstar: *sniff* I miss mommy...

Thrax: *holds her close* I know and though she maybe gone from this she's still with you here *places his fingers on her head* and here. *rest his hand on her heart*

Northstar: *sniffles softly though seems comforted by thegesture, snuggling closer to the virus*

Thrax: *held her close and began humming to her*

Northstar: *nuzzles into his chest, sucking her thumb and starting to drift off*

Thrax: *rocked her back and forth like he did with Ozzy*


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