Thrax: *gets up earlier than usual and goes out jogging before returning home to make breakfast*
Ozzy: *getting up when he gets back*
Thrax: *hears him and smiles as he sets the table*
Ozzy: *yawns* Mornin' dad.
Thrax: Morning Ozzy.
Ozzy: *goes to him and hugs*
Thrax: *hugs him back* Sleep okay, baby?
Ozzy: *nods* Yeah I slept pretty good
Thrax: *smiles* Glad to hear. *he seems less tired than before and continues preparing breakfast*
Ozzy: *is already dressed*
Thrax: *sets waffles on the table for both Ozzy and Northstar before heading upstairs to Northstar's room*
Northstar: *is asleep still*
Thrax: *creeps along the floor and sits next to her* Northstar? Honey?
Northstar: *stirs a bit in her sleep, sleeping lighter this morning*
Thrax: *strokes her face*
Northstar: *stirs slightly and yawns*
Thrax: *smiles* Morning honey.
Northstar: Mornin' daddy. *sits up*
Thrax: Sleep well?
Northstar: *nods* Uh huh.
Thrax: *strokes her cheek* Get dressed and go downstairs for breakfast. I made waffles.
Northstar: With syrup?
Thrax: *nods* Yep there's butter, jam and jelly as well if you want some.
Northstar: *goes downstairs in her nightgown*
Thrax: *goes to the bathroom to shower and change before coming downstairs* *smiles at his children as he enters and sits down to his coffee*
Ozzy: *is brushing Northstar’s hair for her*
Thrax: *chuckles taking a drink of his coffee* In time it'll be the four of us together.
Ozzy: When do you think that'll happen.
Thrax: *takes another drink* Depends how fast her memories surface.
Ozzy: *tilts his head*
Thrax: I won't rush in to anything. Maybe ask her out to dinner sometime and we'll see how it goes.
Ozzy: That'd be cool. where are you gonna take her?
Thrax: *finishes his coffee* There's a new Spanish restaurant near the upper back I was planning on taking her there.
Ozzy: I think I've heard of that place. ever been there?
Thrax: *shakes his head* Not yet but it was rated five stars.
Ozzy: *chuckles* Kinda restaurant you shouldn’t go to huh kiddo? *rubs Northstar's head*
Northstar: hey!
Thrax: Alright you two enough.
Northstar: *pokes her tongue out at Ozzy*
Ozzy: *does it back*
Thrax: *sighs* Ozzy you better finish up and get ready for work and Northstar finish your breakfast and get dressed.
Ozzy: I'm almost ready. I'm dressed.
Thrax: Well then, chop chop.
Ozzy: *goes to put on his shoes*
Thrax: *turns to Northstar* Maybe we can see her today.
Northstar: Maybe
Thrax: *stroked her hair*
Ozzy : I want to stay home today
Thrax: *glares* Osmosis I didn't take you in to be a slacker.
Ozzy: *flinches visibly* Sorry..
Thrax: Now off you go I don't want to get a call this early after a good night's sleep.
Ozzy: *nods and gets ready for work, heading off*
Thrax: *shakes his head* That boy sometimes.
Northstar: *sucks her thumb, done with her breakfast*
Thrax: *gathers up the dishes and washes them* Get dressed and then we'll head out okay.
Northstar: ok. *goes to get dressed*
Thrax: *finishes cleaning up the kitchen and waits for her*
Northstar: *comes downstairs fully dressed and smiles*
Thrax: *smiles* Let's go. *leads her outside and they head to the park*
Northstar: Think she'll be there?
Thrax: Hopefully. *they arrive at the park before Thrax let's go of Northstar*
Northstar: S*goes right for the jungle gym even though she never goes very high on it*
Thrax: *takes a seat on the bench and listens for 'her' voice*
Northstar: *seems a little more open about playing with the other kids this time.
Thrax: *smiles* She's starting to come out of her shell. *lays his head back and listens for her voice*
*there are some other parents around and one murmurs to her friend about what a shame it is that more fathers don't take their kids to the park like that anymore*
Thrax: *slightly opens his eye at them and grunts slightly but he bolts up as he hears a familiar tune on the wind*
*Eve's recarnation and her 'sister' are performing near an old oak, swaying to the music*
Thrax: *slowly gets up and makes his way to them with his eyes transfixed on the she-virus*
Northstar: *continues to play in the jungle gym*
Thrax: *keeps back slightly from the two but continues watching her*
She-virus: *completes her song and dance before approaching Thrax* Good day to you sir. *she bows*
Thrax: Good morning, Miss. *bows*
She-virus: I see you liked my performance, sir.
Thrax: Love it is more like it. I'm Thrax. Thrax Rojo.
She-virus: Sapphire. Sapphire-Eve Oxide.
Northstar: *sits on top of the jungle gym and watches*
Thrax: *takes her hand and kisses it* A pleasure to meet you.
Sapphire: *blushes* I must apologise for my 'sister's' behaviour last time. Lily can be extremely rude at times.
Thrax: *laughs heartily* It's no trouble Ozzy is a lot like that himself.
Sapphire: *laughs lightly*
Northstar: *starts to get down* ... Daddy!
Thrax: *turns to her* Coming honey. *turns back to Sapphire* Excuse me for a minute. *goes over and takes Northstar into his arms before going back to Sapphire*
Northstar: *wraps her arms around his shoulders, having gone too high and scared herself*
Thrax: *cradles her close* It's okay you're safe now. *rubs her back*
Sapphire: *smiles at her* She's beautiful.
Thrax: *continues rubbing Northstar's back* She is. This is my daughter Northstar.
Sapphire: *kneels in front of her* Hi there sweetie.
Northstar: *softly* Hi.
Sapphire: *smiles* She's adorable.
Thrax: *smiles* My little jewel. *kisses Northstar's forehead*
Northstar: *points to Thrax* he's my new daddy.
Sapphire: *smiles* I bet he loves you very much.
Northstar: *nods Uh huh... and he doesn't hit me either... and he calls me jewel instead of stupid.. *nuzzles Thrax a little and hugs him around the neck*
Thrax: *hugs her back, smiling*
Sapphire: I never met a man so devoted to his child, yet it seems familiar. *looks at Thrax* Have we met long ago?
Thrax: *hesitates buts answers* No we haven't.
Northstar: *sucks her thumb*
Sapphire: *slightly blushes, ignoring her sister's giggling* Maybe we could get to know each other better.
Thrax: *also blushes* I'd like that. *gulps* Would you like to go out to dinner some time?
Sapphire: *goes redder* I'd love to.
Northstar: Daddy do you got a date?
Thrax: *swallows and whispers to her* Looks like it. *looks back at Sapphire*
Sapphire: *hands him a slip of paper* Here's my number. Call me. *strokes Northstar's hair* I'll see you both soon. Goodbye. *grabs her sister and drags her away*
Thrax: *clasps the slips in his hand* Goodbye. *staggers a bit*
Northstar: Daddy?
Thrax: Yes honey?
Northstar: Are you ok?
Thrax: Just a little shocked that's all.
Northstar: *nods a little and sucks her thumb*
Thrax: *holds her close* *sets her down* Now don't climb too high on the jungle gym, okay.
Northstar: *nods and goes back to play*
Thrax: *staggers over to the bench and sits down, holding his head*
Northstar: *jumps into the middle of the jungle gym and then out*
Thrax: *softly smiles* In time she'll be here with her mother.
Northstar: *plays with some of the other kids*
Thrax: *keeps smiling* And it looks as though she's made new friends. *leans against his arm*
Random cell also at the park: Your daughter? *gestures to the playing children*
Thrax: *turns to the cell* Yes.
Cell: Not many fathers actually take their kids to the park.
Thrax: *chuckles* I'm devoted to my children and love being with them. *turns back in Northstar's direction*
Cell: too few fathers that way nowadays. C'mon Tim it's almost lunchtime. *waves to her son whom goes to her*
Thrax: *smiles at her and her son before calling out* Northstar time to go.
Northstar: Already?
Thrax: *walks over to her* I'm afraid so honey.
Northstar: Can't we stay out longer?
Thrax: It's nearly lunchtime honey and I'm sure you're hungry.
Northstar: Nuh uh! *stomach growls* ... Ok maybe a little....
Thrax: *takes her hand* C'mon now. *leads her home*
Northstar: *goes with him* *holds his hand as she goes with him*
Thrax: *leads her back home and goes into the kitchen* Mac n' Cheese, okay?
Northstar: *nods* Uh huh. can I have some milk?
Thrax: Of course. *pours her a large glass of milk before he starts cooking*
Northstar: *drinks her milk*
Thrax: *cooks up her lunch and sets it in front of her*
Northstar: *eats her mac and cheese*
Thrax: *laughs* You were hungry.
Northstar: *nomnomnomnomnom*
Thrax: *strokes her face, placing the slip of paper in his pocket*
Northstar: *softly* What will happen ?
Thrax: *looks at her* Hmmm? What do you mean honey?
Northstar: *softly* When she comes here... what will happen?
Thrax: *strokes her cheek* We'll be a family Northstar, nothing will change much when she comes to live here.
Northstar: *softly* Will you forget about me?
Thrax: *shocked* Never, when I said we I meant all of us including you.
Northstar: *softly* things change when family structures change.. *rubs her eyes* like when mama died... my dad forgot that he loved me too even though he still loved my sisters and my brother... he didn't want me anymore. *puts her fork down in her mac and cheese and rubs her tearing eyes*
Thrax: *sets her on his lap and hugs her, rubbing her back* I'd never forget you honey, you're my daughter and I never forget my children.
Northstar: *sniffles and looks up at him* You promise... cross your heart and hope to die?
Thrax: *chuckles at the childhood verse* I promise honey and always keep those kind of promises.
Northstar: *looks up at him for a moment then holds up her hand, her smallest finger held up* Pinky swear!
Thrax: *smiles, curling the tip of his smaller finger round hers* Pinky swear.
Northstar: *smiles up at him, seeming reassured and hugs him tightly*
Thrax: *hugs her back, stroking her hair* I'm be here for you now and forever.
Northstar: *softly* good
Thrax: *taps her nose and kisses her forehead*
Northstar: *nuzzles* I bet he doesn't even care that I’m gone...
Thrax; *holds her* Even if that's so, he not your father anymore.
Northstar: *nuzzles in to his chest*
Thrax: *kisses her again* You're here now honey and that's all that matter.
Northstar: *softly* I love you daddy
Thrax: *smiles* I love you too, honey. *holds her close*
Northstar: *rests her head on his chest and cuddles*
Thrax: *softly starts humming to her*
Northstar: *nuzzles again and starts to coo quietly*
Thrax: *continues humming the tune, rubbing her back*
Northstar: *sniffles softly into his chest*
Thrax: *keeps singing the melody, hoping to bring his daughter some comfort.*
Northstar: *softly* daddy?
Thrax: Yes honey?
Northstar: *softly* how come you 'dopted me?
Thrax: *smiles* Same reason I did Ozzy. You both were starved the love of a parent and I had love to give. I wanted to give you a better life than the one you were living.
Northstar: *softly* Why?
Thrax: *strokes her cheek* No one deserves to go through that pain especially a child. You both needed someone who cared for you and that role fell to me.
Northstar: *softly* Do you want me?
Thrax: *kisses her forehead* Of course I do.
Northstar: I just had to make sure... *HUG*
Thrax: *hugs her back but felt a little hurt at such questions*
Northstar: *sniffles and sucks her thumb as she clings to him, holding on tightly as if he's the only solid thing left in the room*
Thrax: *cradles her close, stroking her face*
Northstar: *after a while reaches for her mac and cheese but refuses to get out of his lap eating her lunch from his knee*
Thrax: *rubs her back gently while she eats*
Northstar: *finishes her lunch and snuggles up to him again*
Thrax: *cradles her close, rubbing he side and softly begins humming*
Northstar: *rests her head on his shoulder... her biological father never hummed to her... but mommy did* mmm.. *nuzzles into his chest*
Thrax: *kisses her forehead, wishing there was someway to help ease her suffering*
Northstar: *nuzzles into his chest*
Thrax: *his minds riddles with thoughts of his future and the future of his family*
Northstar: *closes her eyes and her breathing evens out as she falls asleep without meaning too*
Thrax: *smiles, carrying her upstairs and lay her on her bed before laying next to her* Rest, my little jewel. *pulls the covers round her and kisses her forehead before his eyes close and he to drifts off*
Northstar: *cuddles in her sleep sucking her thumb*
Thrax: *purrs softly in his sleep*
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