Northstar: *is made for flight but takes to the water like a fish while she shrinks back from high places and seems to ahve a good time in the pool*
Thrax: *keeps close watch over her as she enjoys herself, ignoring the lustful stares from the women*
Northstar: *doesn't even realise the stares her father is getting and giggles as she plays in the water, swimmming toward the deep end without fear*
Thrax: *smiled, it made him happy when his daughter was having the time of her life*
Northstar: *actually swims to the bottom as well*
Thrax: *dived down after her*
Northstar: *seems just fine, putting her hands on the bottom of th epool and pushing back up toward the surface*
Thrax: *brought himself up, shaking his dreads lose and causing the girls and woman to stare dreamily at him*
Northstar: *giggles and playfully splashes him*
Thrax: Hey. *splashed her back lightly*
Northstar: *giggles again and dives down again* catch me daddy!
Thrax: *dived after her*
Northstar: *grins at him under the water and dives for the deeper areas, swimming quite well*
Thrax: *smirked and swam after her*
Northstar: *giggles and darts under the water and up toward the surface*
Thrax: *snuck up behind her and lifted her up* Got ya.
Northstar: *squeals, playfully kicking her legs*
Thrax: *nuzzled and kised her forehead*
Northstar: *giggles* Silly daddy!
Thrax: *chuckled* Only because of you and your brother. *purrs*
Northstar: *smiles and glomps him*
Thrax: *held her close, nuzzling her*
Northstar: How deep can you go daddy?
Thrax: Rather deep.
Northstar: Me too! *dives again*
Thrax: *fallowed her*
Nortshtar: *goes to the very bottom of the deep end and sits, grinning up at him*
Thrax: *raised his brow and went after her*
Northstar: *continues to sit there, not seeming to be in distress and plays about at the bottom*
Thrax: *chased after her and scopps her up*
Northstar: *giggles softly as he picks her up*
Thrax: *kissed her and headed to the surface* *shook his dreads lose when he reached the surface*
Northstar: *giggles playfully splashing him*
Thrax: *chuckled, splashing her lightly*
*The females kept gawling at him, much the disappiontment f their husbands and boyfriends.*
Northstar: *seems more concerned about playing with her daddy than with the other patrons of the pool though in time she begins to look tired*
Thrax: *smiled* C'mon honey, let's head home. *he helped her get ready and they headed home*
Northstar: awww... but I wanna play some more. *yaaaaaaaawns*
Thrax: *chuckles* Not from where I'm standing. *lifts her up and goes home*
Northstar: *yawns and complaisn a little but in the end does as she's told*
Thrax: *arrives home and lays Northstar on the couch*
Northstar: *yawns, still in her bathing suit but all dry now*
Thrax: *covers her with his coat and strokes her hair*
Northstar: *snuggles into the couch, sucking her thumb, mumbling something about daddy, it's hard to tell what but from her tone and relaxed body language her thoughts as she drifts off are happy*
Thrax: *softly smiles and goes to prepare lunch for them*
Northstar: *has a peaceful nap on the couch while he does that*
Thrax: *sets out the table with their lunch and drinks*
Northstar: *smells the food and wakes, sitting up and rubbing her sleepy eyes* Daddy?
Thrax: *comes into the living room* Hey sweetie, lunch is ready.
Northstar: *smiles* It is? Good cause I sure am hungry!
Thrax: *chuckles* C'mon before it gets cold.
Northstar: *hops to the kitchen and hugs him tightly around the waist*
Thrax: *hugs her back, stroking her hair*
Northstar: *sits at the table*
Thrax: *sets a grilled cheese sandwhish in front of her and a glass of juice before sitting down to his salad and water.*
Northstar: *happily gnaws on the sandwich and smiles up at him*
Thrax: *smiles back, eating his own*
Northstar: *eats her lunch*
Thrax: *finishes of his and wipes his mouth*
Northstar: *finishes too and smiles up at him*
Thrax: *smiles back stroking her cheek*
Northstar: *smiles bigger andlets out a coo cuddling*
Thrax: *wraps his coat round her and holds her close*
Northstar: *cuddles, having been cold*
Thrax: *nuzzles her gently but his mind starts to wander, worried about his mother, Sapphire and his extended family*
Northstar: *shivers a little as she cuddles into his chest*
Thrax: *pulls his coat tighter round her until he hear the door knock* Huh? *holding Northstar close he goes to anwsers it*
Northstar: *snuggling as he aNorthstarwers the door*
Sapphire: *is standing there, holding a hadn made bag over her shoulder smiling*
Thrax: *blushes* Sapphire what a surprise to see you.
Sapphire: *blushes as well* Sorry to drop in like this but I was in the neighbourhood and thought I'd visit you, Thrax.
Thrax: *shakes his head* No problem, please come in. *he invites her in*
Northstar: *waggles her fingers* Hi.
Sapphire: *smiled, kneeling to her height* Hey there, little one. *she strokes Northstar's cheek*
Northstar: *smiles a little, liking the viral woman's eyes*
Thrax: *sat on the couch, cradling Northstar and jestered Sapphire to sit with them*
Sapphire: *took a seat next to him* I'm sorry to drop in like this but for some reason I feel as though I should be at your side Thrax. *she blushes*
Thrax: *blushes as well, biting his lip*
Northstar: *smiles* me and daddy went to the pool.
Sapphire: *smiled* Did you have fun?
Northstar: *nods* Uh huh.
Thrax: *chuckled* We both did. *stroking Northstar's hair*
Sapphire: *crosses her legs* I can tell. *tapped Northstar's nose a little bit*
Northstar: *giggles at the tap*
Thrax: *smiled* You're very good with kids, Sapphire.
Sapphire: *smiled back* I've always have been since my youth, just can't stay away from them. *giggled*
Northstar: *giggles softly and reaches for sapphire*
Sapphire: *gently took Northstar into her lap, stroking her back*
Thrax: *smiled at them with pride*
Sapphire: *her dark blue eyes gazed at young girl in her arms and she felt a feeling that she though she lost long ago*
Northstar: *sucks her thumb*
Sapphire: *nuzzled her, purring*
Northstar: *giggles and coos*
Sapphire: *smiled then turned to Thrax* Would it be okay if I met your son? I haven't seen him yet.
Thrax: *nodded* Of course, he'll be glad to meet you.
Northstar: Ozzy gets home from work at five. *smiles*
Sapphire: *smiled* I'll just call my family and tell them where I am, after the attack my step-dad's been keeping me close.
Thrax: *rolled his eyes* Go ahead. *he took Northstar into his lap and Sapphire went to make the call*
Northstar: *sits on her father's knee* will you bounce me?
Thrax: *chuckled, *kissed her and did so*
Sapphire: *came back in and smiled at the scene.*
Northstar: *giggles softly as she plays with her father*
Sapphire: *chuckled as she watch but for some reason the scene was familar*
Northstar: *squees, thoiugh she should probably change out of her bathing suit soon*
Thrax: *gets to his feet with her in his arms* C'mon I think it's time you changed out of your swim suit. *carries her upstairs*
Northstar: *giggles soflty* OK, I forgot i was wearing it
Thrax: *chuckled, carrying her into the bathroom and turned on the water*
Northstar: *giggles softly and doesn't even take off her bathing suit before getting in the tub*
Thrax: *lathered up some shamepoo and massaged it into her scalp*
Northstar: *giggles softly, her lil wings sprouting from her shoulders and fluttering*
Sapphire: *who was standing at the door, gasped when she saw Northstar's wings*
Northstar: *doesn't appear to notice and lets Thrax wash her hair*
Thrax: *risened her hair and body, lifting her out of the tub and removed her swim suit then wrapped her in a large towel*
Northstar: *all squeeky clean*
Thrax: *lifted her up, nuzzling her nose then turned to Sapphire*
Northstar: *giggles her wings spreading out to dry*
Sapphire: *slowly approached them and stroked Northstar's wings gently*
Northstar: *looks up at her and smiles*
Sapphire: *smiles back and caresses Northstar's cheek*
Thrax: *carries Northstar to her room, changing her into her pjs and the three of them head back to the living room*
Northstar: *climbs onto Thrax's shoulders*
Thrax: *looks a little concertained*
Northstar: *giggles and rests her head on top of Thrax's*
Thrax: *sits on the couch, stroking Northstar's side*
Northstar: *coos softly*'
Sapphire: *smiles at them as she sits down*
Northstar: *starts to braid Thrax's dreads*
Sapphire: *silently laughed at the sight*
Thrax: *chuckled lightly and allowed Northstar to continue*
Northstar: *braids as many as she can then takes them out and braids them again*
Sapphire: *chuckled as she watched*
Northstar: *giggles and playfully tickles thrax's nose with one of his own dreads*
Thrax: *sneezed*
Northstar: *giggles* Bless you!
Thrax: *sniffs a bit* Thanks.
Northstar: *giggles and kisses his cheek*
Thrax: *nuzzles her softly*
Northstar: *nuzzles back*
Sapphire: *smiled at the scene*
Northstar: *smiles* I think my daddy really likes you.
Thrax: *hissed* Northstar. *blushes*
Northstar: Well it's true. YOu smile every time talk about her!
Thrax: *groaned and placed his head in his hands*
Sapphire: *blushes furiously and looks away*
Northstar: *looks confused * Did I say something wrong?
Thrax: You shouldn't say such personal things.
Northstar: Oh... I'm sorry...
Thrax: *sighs* Sweetie lease, next time keep it to yourself.
Northstar: *climbs down* I'm sorry daddy...
Thrax: *sets her on his lap and holds her close* I know honey, I know.
Northstar: *sucks her thumb and looks guilty*
Thrax: *rubs her back*
Sapphire: *smiled at them* Thrax if you wish I could cook tonight.
Thrax: Oh Sapphire I don't want impose.
Sapphire: Oh nonsense I always love to cook for those I care about.
Northstar: *nuzzles Thrax affectionately* *smiles* You're a nice lady miss Sapphire.
Sapphire: *smiled* Thank you sweetie. *strokes her cheek*
Northstar: *smiles a little, seeming to feel better since the grownups obviously don't seem to be angry with her*
Sapphire: *looked at the clock* I may as well get started. *she ties her hair back, grabs an apron and begins*
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