*knocking at the door*
Ozzy: I'll get it. *goes to the door and answers it*U
*Vic and Marie are standing there, though Marie looks as if a gust of wind could knock her over*
Marie: *smiles weakly to him* Hello, little one.
Ozzy: *hugs her gently* Hey grams... You ok?
Marie: *hug him back* Just a little bit tired that’s all. *leans against Vic*
Thrax: *comes in* Mother? Father? What brings you here?
Vic: *nuzzles her* Evening son.
Thrax: Please come in. *gestures them in*
Vic: *steps in* how is everything this evening/
Thrax: We're fine father. Just finished dinner.
Vic: *hugs him*
Thrax: *hugs him back*
Marie: *hugs him and goes to sit down on the couch*
Ozzy: Want something to drink Grams?
Marie: *softly smiles* Just some water, Ozzy.
Ozzy: Alright. *smiles and goes to get her some water*
Thrax: *smiles then turns to Vic* So why the sudden visit?
Vic: Well we wanted to check up on you.
Thrax: Thanks. *heads to the kitchen* Just need to clean up.
Ozzy: Ok.
Northstar: *is in the kitchen still*
Thrax: Something wrong honey? *cleans up the kitchen*
Northstar: *hugs his leg*
Thrax: *lifts her up and holds her close* What's wrong honey?
Northstar: *hugs his leg*
Thrax: *cradles her close then carries her to the living room*
Northstar: *looks over at Thrax's parents*
Vic: well look who's here. Hey there lil tyke.
Marie: *looks up at Northstar* Thrax she's beautiful.
Thrax: She is isn't she? *whispers to Northstar* It's okay they wouldn't hurt you.
Northstar: *softly* Hi.
Thrax: *sits down next to Marie with Northstar in his lap*
Northstar: *sucks her thumb*
Marie: *smiles at her then turns to Thrax* How you'd two come across such a darling?
Ozzy: *softly* I found her near the PD. That reminds me. *gently lifts the sleeve of her shirt and nods at the healing bruise*
Marie: *shocked at the mark* What happened to her?
Ozzy: She was unconscious when I found her. She didn't remember getting this so I think it happened when she was knocked out.
Marie: *face falls* Poor child.
Northstar: *looks at Marie*
Marie: *slowly reaches out and strokes the child's face*
Northstar: *flinches a little then looks up at her*
Marie: It's okay young one, I will not hurt you.
Ozzy: *chuckles* Hey at least you aren’t biting anymore huh lil bit?
Thrax: *glares at him* Ozzy!
Ozzy: *cringes* Sorry...
Marie: Such innocence yet I can senses so much hurt in her. *strokes Northstar's hair*
Ozzy: Her dad was mean to her... But she's ok now.. right lil bit?
Northstar: *looks up at Ozzy.
Marie: *withdraws her hand* Looks like I was right, she is a lot like you Ozzy.
Northstar: I made a new friend today.
Marie: Oh?
Northstar: He lives in the bush outside.
Marie: *brings her legs up on the couch* What kind of friend?
Northstar: He is this big. *shows how big the lizard is* And his name is Kevin
Marie: *softly laughs* You really are making a few friends aren't you?
Northstar: *nods, though she really didn't meet many kids at the park.
Marie: *smiles* What is your name, sweetie?
Northstar: Northstar.
Marie: That’s a lovely name.
Northstar: *blushes*
Thrax: *smiles and gently lays Northstar into Marie's lap*
Northstar: *sucks her thumb, looking up into Marie's face*
Marie: *gently strokes her face, softly purring she holds the girl close*
Thrax: *smiles at the two, tossing his dreads back*
Northstar: You purr too?
Marie: *nods* Yes, Thrax inherited it from me. *nuzzles her softly*
Vic: It's a virus thing. though Marie has a softer purr than I do.
Marie: *smirks at him*
Northstar: *Softly* she's a girl. isn't she s'pposed to?
Thrax: *chuckles* Yes, a female would be softer than a male's.
Northstar: *sucks her thumb and leans on Marie a little*
Marie: *holds her close, rubbing her back*
Thrax: *softly smiles at the two with pride*
Northstar: *softly* Are all viruses warm?
Thrax & Marie: *chuckles* It's just our family.
Ozzy: Makes em comfy to cuddle huh? *huggles Marie*
Marie: *softly laughs, hugging Ozzy back and strokes his cheek*
Ozzy: *chuckles softly and rubs the top of Northstar' head*
Thrax: *smirks* You three seem content.
Marie: *gives him a slight smile then nuzzles her two grand-children*
Northstar: *reaches up and takes hold of some of her hair*
Marie: *gently takes Northstar's hand and massages her knuckles gently*
Northstar: *tilts her head a little bit and looks at Marie's hands*
Marie: *allows her to look but makes sure she doesn't go near the tips*
Thrax: *keeps watch on Northstar as well*
Northstar: *reaches for Marie's hair a little and plays with it*
Thrax & Marie: *exchange smiles and chuckle a bit as they watch Northstar playing*
Northstar: *starts to braid her hair*
Vic: *chuckles*
Marie: *softly nuzzles Northstar* Never thought we'd come across such a beautiful angel.
Thrax: *nods in agreement*
Northstar: I'm not a angel. I’m a unicorn.
Marie: *looks at her shocked* What?
Thrax: *shakes his head* Cat's outta the bag.
Ozzy: She’s a what? *he tilts his head not having seen her in her birth form yet, just the one he brought her home in and honestly he thinks she's playing*
Thrax: *sighs* We'll have to tell them the truth honey. *turns to his parents and son* But first you'll have to promise never to reveal this to anyone.
Marie: You have my word, my son. *nuzzles Northstar*
Vic: *nods* I promise son.
Ozzy: Me too. I promise I won’t breathe a word.
Thrax: *inhales deeply* Okay the second night after Northstar’s arrival I was awaken by a gentle breath near my skin and when I awoke I saw a pure white unicorn standing there. At first in thought I was dreaming but the creature motioned to Northstar’s room as if something was wrong. When I entered her bedroom she was curled up under the covers but when I pulled them back I saw a young unicorn laying there on the bed.
Northstar: *sucks her thumb looking up at Thrax as he tells them of that night*
Thrax: I couldn't believe what I was seeing but when I saw those innocent starry eyes I knew it was her. I stay with her the rest of the night, holding her in that form and when I looked out the window where the older unicorn was standing, it nodded at me as though smiling and in a blink of an eye it vanished.
Ozzy: So was the big one... like a ghost?
Thrax: Hard to say but the odd think was it looked a little like Northstar in her true form.
Vic: I see.. *looks to the young one in Marie's lap whom is still sucking her thumb and looking a little nervous*
Thrax: Northstar? Honey? Do you know her?
Northstar: *softly* That sounds like my mommy...
Thrax: Hmmm. . . the way she looked it was like she entrusting you to me but how would she truly know.
Northstar: I dunno.
Thrax: *strokes her hair* Seeing her, I would defiantly say you're your mother's daughter.
Northstar: *smiles a little*
Thrax: *kisses her forehead*
Marie: *smiles* That would explain why I sense pure innocence in you, young one.
Northstar: *tilts her head a little and looks at her family*
Ozzy: A unicorn huh... really?
Thrax: *nods* Would actually explain why she's a vegetarian.
Marie: And would explain her bright eyes as well.
Ozzy: And why she said last time she had meat she got sick.
Thrax: Yes, unicorn's are pure creatures that have special abilities and powers that make them very valuable. So we can't reveal this to anyone for I'd rather be thrown in the alcohol again than see her get hurt.
Marie: Amen to that. *nuzzles Northstar, purring*
Northstar: *nuzzles her back a little and coos softly*
Thrax: *smiles at the two* We promise, my jewel, that we'll protect you from any danger or threat.
Northstar: *reaches for Thrax*
Thrax: *takes her in his arms, setting her on his lap* You here with family that love you and will always be there for you. *kisses her forehead, holding her close*
Marie: *wipes away a tear of joy from her eye*
Northstar: *softly* I love you too.
Thrax: *softly purrs to her* We know, honey.
Ozzy: *smiles and morphs a bit, ending up in Marie's lap*
Marie: *chuckles, hugging Ozzy to her chest*
Northstar: Whoa how do you do that?
Ozzy: it's a cell thing. *stretches his arm out to huggle her and Thrax then brings it back to normal, causing her to giggle and forget that she was just a minute ago intimidated by this room full of people*
Thrax & Marie: *slightly snigger at Ozzy's trick*
Vic: *chuckles softly as well
Ozzy: lets her have his hand when she reaches for it and laughs softly when she ties two of his fingers in a knot*
Thrax: *strokes the back of her head* Your enjoying yourself.
Marie: They both are. *rubs Ozzy's side*
Ozzy: *chuckles* Seems she has a new toy.
Thrax: *nuzzles Northstar* Just don't play too rough you two.
Ozzy: *playfully* And no tying me in knots while I'm asleep.
Northstar: *giggles at the image*
Thrax & Marie: *laugh as well at the very thought*
Ozzy: *chuckles softly and cuddles Marie.
Marie: *begins humming to Ozzy while rubbing his back*
Thrax: *cradles Northstar close as he listens to her*
Ozzy: *smiles softly* What's that tune?
Marie: Lullaby for a Stormy Night, I se to sing it to Thrax when he was younger to calm him.
Thrax: *blushes but can't help smile a the memory.*
Ozzy: *smiles* Awww.
Marie: *begins singing tune softly while Thrax tries to stay awake while she sings it*
Northstar: * doesn't take her eyes off Marie as she sings seeming captivated by it*
Marie: *continues the soothing tune as she cradles Ozzy close to her*
Thrax: *shakes the sleepy feeling off, holding Northstar close to him*
Marie: *notices Thrax's reaction and keeps singing*
Northstar: *cuddles up close to Thrax and starts to suck her thumb, listening to the tune*
Thrax: *gently strokes her hair, continuing to listen to his mother's singing but tries his best to stay awake.*
Northstar: *cuddles into his chest and coos softly, starting to drift off*
Vic: *smiles softly, restraining a chuckle as he watches the adorable scene*
Marie: *singing the tune in a low melody*
Thrax: *can't suppress it any longer, lays his head back and falls asleep*
Northstar: *isn't far behind, snuggling into Thrax's chest*
Vic: *chuckles softly and gestures to Ozzy, whom is also fast asleep against Marie, his thumb in his mouth*
Marie: *silently chuckles before finishing the tune then whispers to Vic* Maybe now Thrax can get some real sleep. *quietly gets to her feet and gently take Northstar into her arms, holding her sleeping grand-children close*
Vic: *nods* Indeed so. *very gently takes Thrax into his arms and holds his precious son close to him*
Marie: *smiles at him* C'mon you two, time for bed. *carries the two 'kids' to their rooms before tucking them in and kisses their foreheads*
Vic; *picks Thrax up carefully and carries him to his room*
Northstar: *yawns a little in her sleep and clings softly to her shirt*
Marie: *softly smiles at her, gently easing Northstar's grip from her shirt* Goodnight, little one. *kisses her forehead then exits the room and does the same with Ozzy*
Thrax: *softly moans, laying against his father's broad chest*
Vic: *picks him up and lightly pats his back as he walks with him*
Marie: *enters the hallway and sees her husband and son* Now why does this look familiar? *smiles at the two*
Vic: *chuckles softly* Hmm... I dunno... why ever could it be familiar?
Marie: *approaches them, whispering* Maybe it's because I've seen you both like this years before.
Thrax: *snuggles into Vic's chest, softly purring*
Vic: *smiles purring back to his son and stroking his hair*
Marie: *leans against the wall, smiling* It's been so long since I've seen this. *reaches out and strokes Thrax's cheek lightly*
Thrax: *moans slightly at his mother's touch and cuddles close to Vic*
Vic: *smiles* Remember when he was little*
Marie: I remember. *smiles* The times we spent together were rare because were always on alert and didn't wish to drag him into our problems but they were special none the less'
Vic: *rubs Thrax's back*
Marie: *kisses Thrax's forehead* Might be best if we stay the night, I'm sure they won't mind.
Vic: I agree. *smiles*
Marie: The couch downstairs becomes a double bed. *strokes Thrax's face* Put our son to bed while I fix it up.
Vic: *nods* Alright. *gives her a kiss on the cheek and stands with Thrax in his arms*
Marie: *kisses him back and heads to the living room*
Thrax: *nuzzles deep into Vic's chest, sleeping soundly*
Vic: *lays him on the bed and carefully removes his son's coat and shoes to make him more comfortable then tucks him in*
Thrax: *gently snuggles down into the covers as Vic tucks him in*
Vic: *kisses Thrax on the forehead* Sweet dreams my son.
Thrax: *slight smile plays on his lips, allowing a deep sleep to take for a long night*
Marie: *finishes setting up the bed and waits for Vic*
Vic: *Strokes his face fondly before heading downstairs with his wife*
Marie: *approaches him and kisses his lips*
Vic: *kisses her back and smiles* Ozzy and Northstar asleep still?
Marie: *nods* Yes, both are out like a light for the night.
Vic: *chuckles and sits next to her nuzzling*(
Marie: *lays back on the couch-bed, her long hair flowing in every direction*
Vic: *lays next to her and wraps his arms around her*
Marie: *snuggles close him, purring before closing her eyes and settling to sleep*
Vic: *smiles warmly at her and holds her close as he settles to sleep as well*
Marie: *with Thrax settled she is able to get a good sleep as well*
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