
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Daddy Thrax-An OJ RP (Chp87)

*When he arrives home Talic, ozzy and NS are cuddled on the couch and talic is reading a book to them, Northstar is conked right out but ozzy is still awake*

Thrax: *enters in, whispering* Hey.

Talic: 8smiles and bows ever so slightly careful not to disturb his charges, one leathern wing on each of their backs, his voice a soft whisper* How was your evening?

Thrax: *steps into the light, revealing his ripped and torn clothes* Could have gone better.

Talic: *looks at him and frowns* what happened?

Thrax: Gang of punks attacked Sapphire and I near the lookout and tried to rape Sapphire. As you can see it caused me to transform.

Talic: *nods, speaking in spanish* I hope they are now dead...

Thrax: *holds up his killing claw and smirks*

Talic: 8ndos approvingly and gives the sleepy cell a kiss on the forehead*

Thrax: *notices Ozzy's diaper and shakes his head*

Talic: we had a bit of an adventure.... a bit of running in the house... and amishap that knocked over some shelving. the mess is clean now, however when Ozzy refused to go sit in the corner as I had bid them both he ended up with a spanking instead.

Thrax: *carefully lifts the dosey cell into his arms and cradles him close*

Ozzy: 8opens bleary eyes as he feels himself lifted from his vampiric guardian* daddy? *looks up at him* daddy. *wraps his arms around him and clings tightly*

Thrax: Hey now, I'm here baby. *rocks him back and forth, patting his rump gently*

Ozzy: 8sucks his thumb cuddling close, his bottom is still tender but no longer burns as much as it did, Talic was thorough, but not cruel*

Thrax: *continues rocking Ozzy as he sits down next to Talic*

Ozzy: *softly* daddy?

Thrax: Hmm?

Ozzy: 8stills oftly, figuring daddy knows he was naughty tonight.... daddy always knows* I'm sorry daddy...

Thrax: *strokes his hair* I know baby but you have to learn you know. *kisses him*

Ozzy: *sniffling,s till groggy and more childlike in this state than usual* I got 'panked daddy...

Thrax: *holds him close* I know, Talic told me what happened.

Ozzy: m'sorry daddy...

Thrax: *nuzzles* I know you are, baby. *rocks him again*

Talic: *smiles softly* Other than that one incident... he was very good this evening.... they both were.

Thrax: *smiled* Thank you for taking care of them, Talic.

Talic: It was no trouble. *smiles* They are precious to me.

Thrax: *chuckles lightly, holding Ozzyclose as he began humming to him*

Ozzy: 8sucks his thumb, cuddling and cooing*

Thrax: *nuzzled him and carried him up to bed*

Talic: 8picks NS up as well and carries her, one wing held awkwardly as the child clutches part of it in her sleep*

Thrax: 8smiled, laying Ozzy on his bed and tucked him in* Goodnight baby. *kisses his forehead and makes his way out*

Talic: would you mind if I laid her down next to Osmosis? I've a feeling she'll end up seeking either his or your bed later anyway. *chuckles*

Thrax: *chucklws* Go ahead. *heads to the bathroom for a shower*

Talic: *nods and tucks the little one in next to ozzy and smiles, kissing both their foreheads*

Thrax: *comes out clean and leans against the door frame*

Talic: 8sings something to them in an old language, one his sire used to sing with him of mooonlit skies and happy dreams*

Thrax: *smiles as he listens*

Talic: 8steps awau quietly andlooks to thrax* Whenever my sire would sing that to me I would wake refreshed and happy. *smiles* he always sang it when he put me to bed, and he'd sing it extra if i'd had some form of stress such as a bad day or a bedtime spanking....

Thrax: *smiled* I would do the same as well but with an old family lullaby.

Talic: 8smiles* We all have our own special songs that we pass on I think.

Thrax: *smiles and nods*

Talic: I must thank you thrax.

Thrax: For what?

Talic: For what you have done for a very sad little girl... as much as I have always loved her I could not give her the spark in her eyes you can... for the firs ttime I don't see the look in her eyes that says she's unsure that her daddy loves her.... in fact... she's well aware that her daddy loves her dearly... and she has no fear ofbeing abused physically or emotionally by him.

Thrax: *blushed*

Talic: such a father as you is rare... the unicorns have a name for one such as you...unfortunately I've not the tounge to pronounce it but to them you would be a specific and highly revered sort of healer... for you heal the emotoinal wounds of the most precoius creatures in the universe... children.

Thrax: *stuttered* T-th-thanks.

Talic: *smiles* I should take my leave and allow you to rest. *bows* I bid you goodnight Thrax.

Thrax: *smiles* Goodnight Talic. *heads to his room*

*the house is quiet as thrax heads up to bed the only sound being his children sleeping *

Thrax: *headed to bed and dreamed peacefully*

*about two am there's a rustle of blankets*

Thrax: *opened his eyes* Huh? *sits up*

*Northstar and Ozzy are on either side of him, snuggling up*

Thrax: *smiles and chuckles quietly then settles back down to sleep*

*both children seem to sleep well till morning*


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