
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Death Note: The OCs (Remake) - Chp4

*A week later....*

Harrison: *was asleep in his bed after a long night*

Watari: *got up in the morning early as usual to make him breakfast*

Harrison: *started to wake up, yawning and got himself dressed and turned on the news*

*the news started reporting abt the mass mysterious deaths of major criminals ard the world, all died in mysterious circumstances like suicide, hit n run n such*

Watari: Anything interesting on the news, H-sama? *brings in breakfast*

Harrison: As a matter of fact, there is. For a week now, reports of massive suicides and accidents and heart attacks have been shown on the TV. That can only mean one thing. *He turned to Watari* Kira has returned.

Watari: *watched the news* Hmm, it does seem so *then noticed another news where a headmaster was found dead in his office with his throat n wrists slit with the words "I'm a pig" written in blood on the floor*

Harrison: This puzzles me. Kira goes after criminals...what has this teacher done?

Watari: *searched thru the database* According to the database here, he is a headmaster who runs the Roppongi Sakura High. Research shows tht he's a philanthropist, a prominent figure in society n is well-known for his zero-tolerance policy. No criminal records, bt his zero-tolerance had expelled quite a number of students in his line of work

Harrison: In other words, he was not very well-liked at during that school. *Harrison went to work, investigating the murders*

*At the twins' home, Tamaki continued to write down the names of the criminals reported on the news. Despite his young age, he already started attending college and achieved great grades*

Himawari: *on the other hand was a drop-out, knwing tht studying was not her forte, n tht her beauty would be the only way to keep food on the table. She was watching the news abt the headmaster n chuckled to herself*

Tamaki: Don't be so careless, sister.

Himawari: Serves him right for expelling me, just bcoz I had a fling with one of the teachers. He had the galls to keep the teacher n blamed me for seducing him, saying I set a bad example. Tht teacher came onto me

Rito: Got anymore chocolate, Tamaki-kun? Hima-chan?

Tamaki: *took a bite out of a chip and tossed Rito a chocolate bar*

Rito: *takes the chocolate bar n started nibbling it; he wanted it to last*

Himawari: U love chocolate, dont u?

Rito: Much better than apples. Ryuk is reli missing out

Harrison: *examined the first deaths and noticed that they were completely different* I got it figured out. It seems we have more than one Kira on the loose. But they're different. One of them is targeting criminals, like the original Kira. But this other new's random.

Watari: How do u figure?

Harrison: The first death was a serial killer on the loose, known for slitting his victims' throats as his signature. And the other was a teacher who was rough on students.

Watari: I see. Does tht mean we hv 2 Kiras n 2 notes out there? Do u think Ryuk has returned?

Harrison: I don't know. It doesn't seem that way at all. But the two Kiras and notebooks seems possible.

Watari: How shall u approach this, H-sama?

Harrison: Very carefully. *He cracked open a gum pack and slide a piece of gum into his mouth, started to chew.*


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