
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Daddy Thrax-An OJ RP (Chp 191)

Talic: *returns home, going into the back yard when he doesn't see anyone in the house*

Kain: 8looked up* Hello my childe.

Talic: 8smiles* Hello grandsire I take it ozzy was feeling up to going to work today

Kain: *nods* Yes he and Thrax left a couple of hours ago.

Talic: *nods*

Kain; 8stroked Northstar's hair8

Talic: *smiles* She's taken to you quite a bit*

Kain; 8chuckles8

Talic; ~She was frightened of you at first.~

Kain; ~No and that surprised me.~

Talic: *pets NS' hair*

Kain; 8smiled then looked up as he picked up a scent8

Talic: 8looks to him* what is it?

Kain; Someone heading this way, a female but her scent is familiar.

Talic: oh ?

*the sound of light footsteps approaching could be heard8

NS: *perks her ears adn hides her face in Kain's chest*

Kain; 8sniffed8 The scent it's almost like Thrx's.

Talic: 8scents the air*

8The footsteps grew louder as Marie appear carrying a bundle in a harness across her chest8

NS: *ifts her head ab it and brigthens as she gets the scent*

Talic: *smiles* it's marie. Thrax's mother. She is trustworthy.

Marie; 8her ears twitch and she turns round8

NS: Gramma! *gets from Kain's lap and runs to her*

Marie; 8smiled8 Hey angel. 8kneels in front of her, cradling the bundle in her arms8

NS: *smilesand looks at the baby*

Desiree; 8slowly opened her eyes and looked up at her8

NS: 8lets out a sfot coo* She's very pretty Grama

Marie; 8smiled8 And she'll be a beautiful young woman when she's older. 8she looked over and waved to Talic8

Talic: *approches her andbows* Good morning Marie. It's good to see you.

Marie: *smiled* Good to see you to Talic.

Desiree: *looked up at the vampire*

Talic: *smiles warmly at the infant,... he really does love babies

Desiree: *smiled at him*

Talic: smiles back and gentlystroke's the child's cheek* She's beautiful Marie.

Marie: *smiles, unwrapping the cloak* She is. *she cradled her daughter as Desiree grabbed Talic's finger*

Talic: *gently tickles the infant under the chin, being very mindful of his claws*

Desiree: *giggles, kicking her tiny feet*

NS: *giggles softly to*

Marie: *chuckled then looked over at Kain*

Talic: That is Kain. My grandsire.

Marie: *raised a brow* Grandsire?

Talic: My grandfather. He created the one who created me.

Marie: *still looked confused*

Talic: His childe was Raziel. I am Raziel's child. He is my grandfather so to speak.

Marie: Ah, I see.

Desiree: *started to naw on Talic's claw*

Talic: fully minds the trip*

Desiree: *coos up at him, tightly gripping his claw*

Talic: *chuckles soflty*

Marie: *smiled* She really likes you Talic.

Talic: Perhaps she senses how much I love cihldren.

Marie: Our family has always been rather myterious, both sides.

Talic: *smiles and nods*

Desiree: *giggled, her tiny dreads bouncing as she moved*

Kain: 8chuckles and comes over, rubbing the top of NS' head*

Marie: *backed away slightly, clutching her daughter*

Kain: *rolls his eyesTalicI"m going to head inside and see abotu coming up with lunch for the little one.

Marie: *kept her daughter hidden, her eyes flashing red*

Kain: 8to marie* I assure you madam. I am hardly any sort of threat to you or your child otherwise that would have made clear long ago.

Marie: *narrowed her eyes*

Kain: Does everyone in this world automatically mistrust strangers?

NS: *looks up at marie* It's ok Gramma. He's cool.

Marie: *kept her daughter caovered*

Kain: *rubs NS head again*

Talic: what brings you here marie?

Marie; Just passing through, I needed to get out of the house and for Desiree to see around the city.

Talic: *nods and smiles, gently stroking the baby's face*

Desiree; 8cooed up at him ,her tiny claws started to glow*

Marie: Oh no. *she quickly drew her daughter away from Talic*

Talic: Developing that power arleady I see.

Marie: *sweatdropped* That's happens when a deadly virus and a immunity virus divide.

Taic: *nods and smiles* I'm not too worried. If she hurts me by accident it will heal quickly.

Marie: *swallowed*

Talic: 8smiles and lovingly strokes the infant's cheek again*

Desiree; *grabs his clsw again and holds it firm*

talic; *chuckles softly* Uh oh. I'm trapped.

Marie; 8chuckled8

Desiree; 8nawed on his claw again8

Talic: 8chuckles at her*

Kain: *Chuckles* you always have been fond of children havn't you talic?

Desiree; 8looked up at Kain8

Kain: Well hello there litlte one.

Marie; 8growled at him8

Kain: Calm yourself madam. I'm no threat to you or your child.

Desiree; 8blinked up at Kain8

Kain: *chuckles8 She's a tad bit smaller than young ozzy isn't he?

Talic: *chuckles* Aye grandsire. But no less precious.

Desiree; 8reached up her tiny hand8

Kain: I'm afraid, my dear, that it has been a number of centuries since i have held an infant.

Marie; 8muttered8 Inexperienced.

Kain: Heh... very much so... Most of the children I have tended to have been a sight bit either older or... larger so to speak... a fledgling vampire, though the size of an adult, are in fact newborns that must get used to the world *chuckles* I still remember when you were a newborn fledgling Talic... You were petrified until Raziel put you in my lap and I dragged my fingertip down your nose...

Talic: *BLUSHES*

Kain: *chuckles* the look on your face was priceless and adorable.

Marie; *cocked a brow*

Talic: grandsire they don't need to hear that. *blushing*

Marie: *chuckled lightly*

NS: Uncle talic.. your face is all red.

Kain: 8chuckles* That's because I am exercizing my right as a grandsire.*rubs said vampire's head in aplayful manner*

Marie: ~This is all too familiar.~

Desiree: *reached to Northstar8

NS: *leans over and kisses Desieree on the forehead*

Desire: *grabs her nose8

NS: 8giggles*honk.

Desiree; 8giggles up at her niece.8

NS: Gramma?

Marie: Yes angel?

NS: Can I hold her?

Marie; *smiled* Be gentle. *gently sets Desiree in Northstar's arms*

NS: *smiles broadly and carefully holds her* She's so little. *cuddles*

Desiree; *snuggles against her, cooing*

Marie: She'll be almost Thrax's size when she's older.

NS: wow that's big.

Marie; Vic and I really know how to divide.

NS: What's that mean?

Kain: A topic for another time I think.

Marie: Despite her age she's too young to know this kind of thing.

Kain: indeed.

NS: Know what?

Talic: nevermind.

Desiree; 8looked up8

NS: *looks confused*

Kain: *chuckles*

Marie: *gently cradles her her daughter* We'll tell you one day little one.

NS: *nods a little and continues to cuddle her younger aunt*

Marie; 8strokes Northstar's cheek8

Desiree; 8yawns then snuggles against Northstar as she starts to drift off8

NS: *giggles softly and cuddles her*

Talic: *chuckles softly*

Marie; 8smiled then gently took her daughter into her arms8 Guess I better get her home to bed. 8kisses her forehead8

Talic: *chuckles* it would seem so. Thank you for stopping by.

Marie; Any time. 8pats Northstar's hair8 Take care angel.

NS: 8hugs him* Love you gramma.

Marie; 8hugs her8 I'll see you all soon, tell your dad and brother I said hi.

NS: I will. *smiles*

Marie; 8smiled then headed back home with Desiree8

NS: 8smiles and glomps Talic who picksh er up*

Kain; 8comes up behind him8 Is their family always like this/

Talic/NS: Yes.

Kain; 8cocks a brow8 Now I know where Thrax gets his personality.

NS: 8giggles* Grampa is scary. *though from teh way she says it the child has no more fear of her grandfather than of her father*

Kain; Talic what did she mean by deadly virus and immunity virus/

Talic: technically they'r eboth deadly though Marie used to be on immunity though if he wanted to Vic could be more infectious.

Kain; 8scratches his chin8 Let me guess she was the best in her field until someine fasley accused her and her family were forced to flee.

Talic: 8nod*

Kain; 8signed shaking his head8 Why do some love watching the suffering of others.

Talic: Sadists?

Kain; Anyone who does that is cold hearted and nothing more.

Talic: 8sfotly* there was a time you were thought to be cold hearted.

Kain; 8rested his hand on Talic's shoulder8 There's a difference between looks and actions my boy.

Talic: 8nods and look sup at him with as mile*

Kain; 8smiled back then lead them both back inside8

Talic; *carries NS in*

*shortly after lunch time NS starts to get sleepy*

Kain; Tired young one/

NS: *nods* Uh huh. *has been playing pretty hard today*

Talic: *chuckles8 Come...naptime

Kain; 8smiled then began cleaning up8

Talic: 8takes NS upstairs and lays her down, tuckign her in*

Kain; 8collapsed on the couch relaxing8

talic: *sits next to him* Heh... kids. *smiles*

Kain; 8smiled8 Yeah.

talic: *is abit tired as well, having been out very late the previous night*

Kain; 8sat up8 Maybe you should get some rest yourself.

Talic: *smiles* i'm alright.

Kain; You sure/ You've been up most of the night hunting.

Talic: *nods* I know.. *hadbeen out later than he meant*

Kain: We've both given off to Thrax about risking his health I feel as though you're doing the same.

Talic: *blushes a bit* I will sleep tonight

Kain: Hopefully you relly need it.

Talic: *nods*

Kain; 8rested his hand on Talic's shoulder8

Talic: *turnsh is head to nuzzle Kain's arm, starting to purr*

Kain: *held him close, stroking his hair*

Talic: *doesn't want to but he ends up falling asleep right there.

Kain: *smiled then carried Talic up to one of the bedroom, tucking him in and kisses his forehead before returning to the living room*


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