Ozzy; 8started whimpering a couple of hours later8
Talic: 8wakes up and his first instingt is to check his forehead*
Ozzy; 8doesn't have a fever8
Talic: *kisses his forehead and checks his diaper next*
Ozzy; 8soaking wet8
Talic: *picks him up gently and slips from the bed, carrying him out of the room*
Ozzy; 8squirmed about8
Talic: Shhhh... *gently lays him down and removes the soaked thing*
Ozzy; *whimpers8
Talic: *cleans him up and checks for a rash*
Ozzy; *has a pretty bad one8
Talic: *puts some ointment on him* there.. does that feel better little one?
Ozzy; 8sniffed and nodded8
Talic: *puts some mroe on for good measure and puts a dry diaper on him* There... better?
Ozzy; 8reached up to him8
Talic: *cannot turn that down and picks him up, holding him close to his chest* *softly* There you are my sweet fledgling..
Ozzy; 8cuddles against him, clinging8
Talic: *rubsh is back gently andh olds him close*
Ozzy; 8sniffed8 Want daddy.
Talic: *kindly* I know little one..
Ozzy; 8sobbed into his chest8
Talic: *holdsh im close and rocks him*
Ozzy; When daddy gone, she 8sobs8 come back. 8sniffs8
Talic: soon. *gently* In the morning i plan to go down to the hospital and ccheck on him.
Ozzy; 8clings8 Want see daddy.
Talic: Would you like to come with me?
Ozzy; 8nodded8
Talic: *nods8 But for right now it's time to go back to bed alright little one?
Ozzy; 8clung to him8
Talic: *picksh im up and carries him back tob ed*
Ozzy: *cuddled against him, sucking his thumb*
Talic: *rubs his back and carries him back to bed8
Ozzy; *cooed softly8
Talic: 8rubsh isback and starts to humm softly to him to help hiom sleep again
Ozzy; 8slowly, drifted off*
Talic; *rubs his back and drists off son after8
Kain; 8slightly opened his eye and smiled at the three before going back to sleep8
Talic: *purrs softly in his sleep*
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