*then there was a knock at the door8
Thrax: What the-? *he looks out the peephole.8
Ozzy: *looks up at Sapphire and Thrax having been starting to go to sleep*
Thrax: *backs aay from the door and hurries his family upstairs8
Sapphire: What is it?
Thrax: Sssshhh. 8looks through an opening in the curtains8
Sapphire: *hidses, cradling ozzy close to her*
Ozzy: Wh... what's going on?
Thrax; Company. 8he looked out8
Sapphire: Shh little one.. *kisses ozzy's forehead and cradles him close, looking at Thrax worried*
*outside were a couple of FPD officers*
Sapphire: *rocks ozzy*
Ozzy: *getting frightened* What's going on... who's there?
Thrax; FPD.
Ozzy: I'm FPD.
Thrax; Some of your co-workers baby.
Ozzy: It's ok.. I... I'll let em know I'm ok.. 8tries to stand
Thrax: How do they even know you're here/
Ozzy: D-dunno... Cheif knows I wasn't comign in today...
Thrax; 8looked fearfully at his mte8
Sapphire: *frowns and holds ozzy close*
Thrax; *kept looking out the window then gasped when he saw Drix8 Oh no the pill.
Ozzy: Drix? Drix is here? *starts trying to stand again*
Thrax; Ozzy take it easy.
Ozzy: but drix is my best friend.
Thrax: And he won't be happy to see us with you.
Ozzy: I'll tell him to back off.
Thrax; *shook his head then looked out8
Ozzy: Lemme go to him... hes my friend. *squirms*
Thrax; 8sighed in relieve as they left8 They're gone.
Ozzy: why didn't you let me go..
Thrax; They wouldn't be happy if they saw us.
Ozzy: But... Drix...
Thrax: He'd shoot first and ask questions later.
Ozzy: no... not if I were there.
Thrax:He wouldn't listen. ~And he'll stop after your transformation.~
Ozzy: He would... he would...
Thrax; 8held his mate a child close8
Ozzy: 8starts sobbing* He would.... he would..
Thrax; 8stroked his face8
Ozzy: 8continues tos ob into his chest*
Thrax; *takes Ozzy into his arms and rocks him8
Ozzy: 8sobs into his chest, softly calling for Drix*
Thrax; 8exchanged looks with his mate8
Sapphire: *sighs softly* ~He is attatched to the pill..~
Thrax; ~When his transformation's completely he'll only want us,~
Sapphire: ~I hope so... his attatchment to the pill is strong.~
Thrax: ~Tomorrow my love, tomorrow.~
Ozzhy: *sobs softly into Sapphire's chest*
Sapphire: Shhh little one... Mummy and daddy are here.... *strokes his hair* We're right here... You're safe...
Thrax; 8kisses Ozzy's for head8 We'll always protect you.
Ozzy: *soflty* wh... why? Why do y-you want me... N-nobody... nobody loves me like that... no one..
Thrax; Why woul you think that/
Ozzy: B0because no one.. n-no one does... *of course knows that's not true but there are times when he feels very much the contrary, the cheif has been kind to him for th emost part and Drix is his best friend*
Thrax; We do.
Ozzy: *continues to sob softly into his chest, nuzzling them, not caring that they're both deadly viruses, not caring That Thrax once nearly killed frank and everyone else, he's been very much deprived of the kind of love that only a parent can give and he soaks it from them like a dry sponge*
Thrax; 8tickled him under the chin8
Ozzy: *lifts his face slowly and looks at him, with tears streaming down his cheeks, earlier when he'd been s panked it was the first time he'd ever been comforted after instead of sent away or walked away from*
Thrax; 8smiled softly8
Ozzy: *soflty* Y-you... s-s-spanked me...
Thrax; Only to teach you a lesson, not to hurt you.
Ozzy: *sniffling* Y... you didn't leave me alone... or make me go away...
Sapphire: Of course not... we love you.
Thrax: That's true baby.
Ozzy: sniffles softly*
Sapphire: One must never simply leave a child to feel abandoned after a spanking... they're too emotionalto understand...
Ozzy: M'not a child...
Sapphire: *gently* You are our child.
Thrax; 8smiled* Our baby.
Ozzy: 8sniffles again and rubs his tearful eyes*
Thrax; 8rubs his back8
Sapphire: 8smiles* That's our good boy.
Thrax; 8nods8
Ozzy: *sniffs softly* I don't wanna sleep... *tired*
Thrax; 8looked at his mate8
Sapphire: *chuckles8 wahtever you say little one.
Thrax: ~Told you he's stubborn.~
Sapphire: *chuckles8 ~That he is... Doesn't know when to quit.~
Thrax: *chuckles8 ~No.~
Ozzy: *looks between them* ar eyou guys, like, talking or what?
Thrax; 8chuckles8 It's a connection we have.
Ozzy: like telepathy?
Thrax; Yes baby.
Ozzy: *soflty* oh... That's prettiy interesting.
Thrax: It is. 8looks at the time8
*mid afternoon*
Thrax; 8led them back downstairs8
Ozzy: 8sniffles soflty*
Sapphire: Come on little one... Let's take a nap downstairs.
Thrax; 8massaged his mate's shoulder as they headed down8
Sapphire: *carries ozzy downstairs and smiles at Thrax*
Thrax; 8smiled back then cooed to ozzy8
Ozzy: 8looks up at him and nuzzles a little, letting out a soft cellular coo back* mmph... as he begins to get sleepier the heatseeps into his body again and he becomes oncem ore feverish*
Thrax; 8sat down with Sapphire on the couch8
Sapphire: *as the cel begins to hunker down and slip into a feverish sleep, undoes her blouse again and allows teh cell to have her breast, Ozzy takes it more readily this time* Good boy... *smiles purring softly*
Thrax; 8nuzzled her and pats ozzy's back8
Sapphire: 8smiles* ~He's learning.~
Thrax: *nods* ~He is.~
Sapphire: *rubs ozzy's back*
Thrax; 8smiled at him8
ozzy: 8turns his head to the side as sleep fully claims him*
Sapphire: He's passed right out... *redoes her blouse and smiles* He's precious.
Thrax; He's completely perfect.
Sapphire: *smiles* he is... *rocks him* So sad that he thought nobody lovedh im...
Thrax; He must have had a hard childhood.
Sapphire: *nods* Well... now he can have a good one... loved and protected and taken care of by his new mommy and daddy. *smiles*
Thrax; A true loving family.
Ozzy: 8though not awake seems to hear their words and lets out a soft content sigh in his sleep, nuzzling into Sapphire's chest*
Sapphire: *smiles gently and strokes Ozzy's hair* I think our little boy likes the sound of that.
Thrax; 8silently chuckles8 Yeah.
Sapphire: *smiles* Do you have his pacifier?
Thrax: Just a minute. 8he headed to the nursery and came back cleaning it before handing it to Sapphire8
Sapphire: *nods and smiles slipping it into ozzy's mouth and allowing the cell to suck on it)
Thrax; Need anything else/
Sapphire: Yes. a kiss.
Thrax; 8smirked and kissed her fully on the lips8
Sapphire: 8kisses back)
Thrax; 8smiled8
Ozzy: 8murmurs softly in his sleep *mama...
Thrax; 8smiled at his son then his mate8
Sapphire: *smiling* He knows who mama is.
Thrax; 8softly8 His real mother. 8gently stroked ozzy's hair8
Sapphire: I woudl rip her cruel heart from her chest if it is his orriginal mother that made him fear to be loved this way..
Thrax; Some woman like that, shouldn't be allowed to have kids.
Sapphire: *nods a little* I think the spanking got to him more emotionally than physically... his bottom really isn't all that sore looking... You were not harsh with him.
Thrax; Never my dear.
Sapphire: *strokes ozzy's hair* sweet littleo ne...
Thrax; 8smiles8 He is.
Sapphire: *purrs softly, stroking Ozzy's hair then trns adn Kisses Thrax*
Thrax; 8kisses her back tebderly8
Sapphire: *leans on him, holding their little one close*
Ozzy: *whimpers soflty in his sleep frtom his fever but doesnt' wakeup*
Thrax; 8stroked his hair8
Sapphire: *smiles* At least he's not overheating.
Thrax; Good means his transformation is coming along.
Sapphire: *nods again and smiles rocking the boy in her arms*
Thrax; 8wrapped his arm round her and smiled8
Sapphier: *smiles up at him, starting to sing softly to ozzy*
Thrax; 8lay back listening to her8
Ozzy: mmm.. *nuzzles into her chest in his sleep*
Thrax; 8softly8 Our little one.
Sapphire; *smiles, standing* let's put him to bed.
Thrax: *nodded and fallowed her8
Sapphire: *puts ozzy down in his crib and strokes his hair* There you go little one.. *kisseshis forehead8 Sleep tight.
Thrax; 8started the mobile8
Ozzy: *cuddles into the pillow*
Sapphire *smiles, tuckingozzy in with his bear*
Thrax; 8smiled at her8
Sapphire: *smiles whispering8 let's let him sleep*
Thrax; 8nodded and her out, clutching the monitor8
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