
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Daddy Thrax-An OJ RP (Chp 226)

8they soon arrive at Vic and Marie's house8

NS: Can I ring the bell?

Thrax; 8lifted her up8

NS: *smiles and reaches over with one arm to ring the bell*

Marie; 8came to answer the door, she looked tired8

NS: *smiles brightly and reaches ofr her* Grandma!

Marie; 8smiled and wrapped her arms round her8

NS: *hugs her back* Hi gramma

Marie; 8wearily8 Hey sweetie.

NS: You ok Grandma? 8kisses her cheek*

Marie; Just tired.

NS: *kisses her on the cheek again*

Marie; 8nuzzles her8 Come in you two.

Vic: Who was at the door honey?

Marie; It's Thrax and Northstar.

Vic: Oh? *smiles and stands going to greet his son and granddaughter*

Thrax; Hey father.

Vic: *hugs him and gives NS a kiss on the cheek* Howa re you both doing?

Thrax; Doing well father.

Vic: *smiles* What brings you out here.

NS: *grinning* Our feet.

Thrax; 8laughed and sat down8

Vic: *chuckles softly* Silly little one. *ruffles herh air*

Marie; 8sat down next to Thrax8

NS: *cuddles up to Marie*

Marie: *stroked her hair*

NS: *nuzzles again and coos softly*

Marie: *smiled tenderly at her*

NS: *smiles back*

Marie; So what brings you here/

NS: Our feet. *giggles*

Thrax; 8chuckled, ruffling her hair8

NS: *grins*

Marie; 8chuckled and nuzzled her8

8a soft whimpering culd be heard from the monitor8

Vic: *stands and goes to check on ihs daughter*

Desiree; 8was waking from her nap8

Vic: *picks her up and checks her diaper* There's my little one. *smiles**

Desiree; 8is dry and cuddles against him8

Vic: *pats her on the back and brings her downstairs* There there little one.

Desiree; 8cooedsoftly8

NS: *letso ut a soft giggle adn strokes Desiree's cheek as vic sits next to them*

Vic: She wanted some cuddles I think. *smiles* Quieted right down when I picked her up*

Marie; 8smirked at Thrax who went redder8

Vic: *smiles* remember when Thrax was this tiny?

NS: Daddy was that tiny?

Marie; He was slightly bigger than her but almost the same size.

Thrax; 8blushes8

NS: *cuddles*

Desiree; 8nuzzles into Vic's chest8

Vic: *purrs softly to his daughter and pats her back*

Desiree; 8snuggled against him8

Vic: *rocks her*

NS: *softly* grandma?

Marie; Yes sweetie/

NS: Are you feeling ok?

Marie; Just tired. 8strokes her hair8

Thrax; 8looked at her in worry8

Desiree; 8cooed up at her father and looked at the rest of her family8

NS: *reaches over and kisses her cheek*

Desiree; 8giggled8

NS: *smiles* can I hold her?

Marie; Be gentle with her.

NS: I will I promise.

Marie; 8gently took her daughter from her husband and set her gently in Northstar's arms8

NS: 8holds her with utmost care and smiles

Desiree; 8cooed happily8

Vic: *smiles soflty* I'm going to get her a bottle.

Thrax: *nodded, stroking his sister's hair*

Vic: *comes back with a warmed bottle*

Desiree: *cooed up at Northstar*

NS: Can i feed her?

Marie: Of course sweetie. *though send her husband a warning glare saying 'leave her food to me'*

NS: *smiles softly as vic hands the bottle over to marie to help NS feed the baby*

Desiree: *takes it*

NS: *squees softly and smiles*

Marie: *smiles at her daughter and granddaughter*

NS: *kisses Desiree on the forehead* Wow she's really drinking it.

Marie: She'll turn away from it soon.

Vic: *chuckles* when you were this age you could really kick it back too Thrax.

Thrax; 8went crimson8

NS: 8giggles softly and cuddles her tiny aunt*

Desiree; 8turned away after only a quarter of the bottle8

NS: *looks up * She doesn't want any more.

Vic *takes it gently* Don't try to make her ok? *smiles* She knows when she's had enough.

Desiree; 8reached for her mother8

Marie; 8smirked, taking her daughter into her arms8

NS: 8rubs her eyes a little*

Vic: you ok honey?

NS: *nods* my eye hurts...

Thrax; 8lifts her into his lap8

NS: *holds her hand over her eye*

Thrax; Sweetie are you ok/

NS: *nods* Hurts daddy

Thrax; What hurts/

NS: My eye.

Thrax; Let me have a look.

NS: *nods a little*

Thrax; 8removed her hand and examined her eye8

NS; *has a bit of hair in it*

Thrax; Honey try to shead tears, it'll help get it out.

Vic: What's the problem?

NS: *is not having much problem with that as she's crying already*

Thrax; She has a hair in her eye.

Vic: need a tissue?

Thrax; 8nodded8

Vic: *hands him one*

Thrax; 8gently wiped her eye8

NS: *whimpers softly and squirms a bit*

Thrax; Easy honey easy.

NS: *sniffles*

Thrax; 8wiped her eye8

*after a few passes the bit of hair comes off onto the tissue*

Thrax; There we go it's out.

NS: *rubs her eye a little and sniffles*

Thrax; 8cradles her8

NS: *nuzzles intoh is chest*

Thrax; 8kisses her forehead8

NS: *nuzzles intoh is chest*

Thrax; 8nuzzled her softly8

NS: *nuzzles back, sniffing*

Marie; 8reach over and stroked her hair8

NS: *looks slowly up at Marie*

Marie; 8smiled gently8

NS: 8gets into her lap and sucks her thumb*

Marie; 8holds her and her daughter close8

NS: *cuddles closing her eyes, sniffling softly*

Marie; 8softly started humming8

NS: 8closes her eyes*

Marie; 8smiled softly8

NS: *feeling better cuddles closer and starts to close her eyes*

Marie; 8sang softly8

NS: *cuddles warmly close starting to drift off*

Thrax; 8smiled at the scene8

Talic: 8walks up behind Thrax and places a hand on his shoulder*

Thrax; 8looked up8

Talic: *smiles*

Thrax; 8smiled slightly8

NS: *soflty* Grandma? When does ozzy get home?

Marie; It won't be long honey

NS: *nods a little, rubbing her eyes*

Marie; 8stroked her cheek8

NS: * rests her head on Marie's chest*8nuzzles8

Marie; 8patted her back8

NS: *sleeps cuddling with Marie*

Thrax; 8lay back and sighed8 You should get some rest. 8looked up8

Talic: *We'll all be alright.

Marie; Get some rest my boy


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