Thrax; 8quietly slips out of bed for his morning excuise before making breakfast8
Sapphire: *carries the sleeping cell... or shall we say newly turned virus downstairs, still sleeping, now longer so hot with fever and in a fresh dry diaper, while Thrax makes breakfast she sits in the rocker downstairs and cradles their child*
Thrax; *smiled at her softly8
Sapphire: *smiles* thrax... He's beautiful.... *looks up at him with joyful tears in her eyes*
Thrax; 8smiles8 He is.
Ozzy: *nuzzles into sapphire's chest*
Sapphire: *smiles, patting his bottom*
Thrax; 8pulls them both into a his embrace after setting the table and kisses his mate softly8
Sapphire: *kissesh im back, smling and chuckling softly as ozzy begins to nuzzle, actually looking for her breast thistime* Here you are little one.. *lets him have one*
Ozzy: *takes it readily this time,clinging to her with one hand8
Thrax; 8chuckles8
Sapphire: *softly* he's fully our baby now...
Thrax; Yes my love. 8kisses ozzy's forehead8 Our little Osmosis.
Ozzy: *starts to wake after nursing for a few minutes and yawns*
Thrax; 8smiles8 Morning baby.
Ozzy: *softly* Daddy? Mama?
Thrax; 8his heart flipped8 Yes baby.
Sapphire: *smiles down at him,s troking hish air*
Ozzy: *soflty* I dont feel sick anymore....
Thrax; 8smiled8 That's good news baby.
Sapphire: 8smileslovingly as ozzy nuzzles into her chest again*
Ozzy; *notices his hand and his eyes widen*
Thrax; 8strokes his head8 You hungry baby/
Ozzy: *doesn't appear to hear him, now looking at his hands, which were once blue and squishy and are now distingtly viral*
Thrax; 8strokes his hair8
Ozzy: *looks up at him then at his hands and up again*
Thrax; It's ok baby.
Ozzy: 8soflty* What's happened to me?
Sapphire: *soflty* We've made you into one of us... *Strokes his hair* You're completely our baby now.
Thrax; 8nuzzled them both8 We're a family now.
Ozzy: *softly* F-familyi?
Sapphire: *gently* Yes little one... You're our baby...
Thrax; 8nodded, kissing his forehead and stroking his cheek8
Ozzy: *looks up at him* Daddy?
Thrax; Yes baby/
Ozzy: *softly* You... you chose me?
Thrax; 8nodded8
Ozzy: why me?
Sapphire: *gently* Because you needed our love... and we have more than enough for you little one. *holds him close*
Ozzy: *starts to cry, but they're not a sad kind of tears, he's not sure what they are really... overwealming emotions of bewilderment and joy are welling up within him to know that he was chosen simply because they wanted to love him* Mama daddy! *clings to sapphire as she rocks him*
Sapphire: *Shhh little one... Shhh.. we're right here... You're not alone anymore....
Thrax; We're together now. 8took ozzy into his arms8
Ozzy: *clings tightly to him, nuzzilng into his chest and sniffling*
Thrax; 8sat on a chair then tied a bib round ozzy's neck8
Ozzy: *nuzzles into his chest and yips a bit as he accidentally scratches Thrax's shirt a little*
Thrax; It's okay baby, you'll get use to them. 8he picks up the bowl with ozzy's food8
Ozzy: *nods and snfifles a little bit, nuzzilng into his chest*
Thrax; 8offers him spoonful of food8
Ozzy: *opens his mouth and eats for him*
Thrax; Good boy. 8continues feeding him8
Ozzy: *clings to him the entire time he eats, not once wanting to be put down*
Thrax; 8sets the empty bowl down and wipws ozzy's mouth8 You did well ozzy.
Ozzy: I... I did?
Thrax; 8nods and nuzzles him8
Ozzy: What did I do?
Thrax; 8kisses his forehead8 Your transformation.8 he looked at the time then handed Ozzy to Sapphire8
Ozzy: *nuzzles into Sapphire's neck and looks upa t Thrax, seemingly content as long as he's in either his or Sapphire's arms*
Thrax; Get ozzy cleaned up love, I've got a feeling those idiots will be here soon.
Ozzy: *softly* Idiots?
Sapphire: You'll see little love. *kisses his forehead and takes himupstairs to get him a bath*
Thrax; 8cursed to himself as he cleaned the place up8
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