Ozzy: Thrax don't.. don't hurt me.. lplease... I-I'm sick... please...
Thrax; 8cradled him gently as they entered inside8
Ozzy: *starting to sob* Please!
Thrax; It's okay you're safe now.
Ozzy: S-safe?
Thrax: Honey we're back.
Sapphire: Is he alright?
Ozzy: W-who?
Thrax: He's has a bit of a fever but it'll pass.
Ozzy: 8looks up at the other virus as she walks over, his eyes widening fearfully*
Sapphire: Oh poor baby he's scared to death...
Thrax; Can't blame though.
Sapphire: LIttle one we're not going to hurt you...
Ozzy: N-not?
Thrax; never.
Ozzy: *starts to sob into his chest*
Thrax; 8rocked him gently8
Ozzy: *looks up at him again, tears still streaming but no longer crying as hard8
Thrax; 8smiled softly at him8
Ozzy: Wh... why are you h-holding me?
Sapphire: *smiles* because we're going to take care of you now...
Ozzy: Wh-why?
Thrax; 8gently handed him to Sapphire8 We care for you.
Ozzy: I d-dno't un-under-understand...
Sapphire* Shhh honey... rest now little one.. *puts herh and gently over his face, gently stroking his cheek wh en he flinches from her claws* shhhh... *sits in a rocking chair and starts to rock him*
Thrax; 8leaned against the doorframe8
Sapphire: *smiles* are you hungry little one?
Ozzy: H-hungry?
Thrax; 8bit on his lip hard8
Sapphire: ~You know he needs this love.~
Thrax: *nods8
Ozzy: *looks incredulious to sapphire and Thrax as the virus opens her blouse and offers her breast to him*
Thrax; 8silently prayed Ozzy would accept his new lifetyle8
Ozzy: *whimpers softly as his head is drawn to sapphire's breast with gentle claws and he feels the nipple slipped into his mouth, after a few moments being gently but firmly held there... he begins to nurse*
Sapphire: There now... good boy... *pats his back and rocks him*
Thrax; 8sighed in relief8
Sapphire: *lets him pull away when he wants then holds the boy to her shoulder, patting his back* There there now... mummy has you..
Ozzy: *tremble sin he rarms but has to admit... he feels better* M-Mummy? *looks up and over to Thrax*
Sapphire: *nods* And Thrax is your daddy now...
Thrax; 8walked over and stood next to his mate and son8
Ozzy: Wh... why me?
Thrax; 8stroked his hair8 The surviour, the spirit.
Ozzy: *flinches a bit from his claws at first then looks up at him*
Sapphire: Shhh.. there there now... no need to fear mummy and daddy's hand hm? Unless it's on your bottom if you'r enaughty... *chuckles and gently pats his padded rump*
Ozzy: *blushes... a LOT*
Thrax; 8chuckles, stroking Ozzy's hair8
Ozzy: *trembles a little*
Sapphire: Shhh... *whispers* Daddy's not going to hurt you...
Thrax; And I never will, my son.
Ozzy: *sniffles softly*
Sapphire: *softly* You're still weak little one... *Stands with him* You need a nap I think...
Thrax; 8lead her to the nursery8
Ozzy: I... I'm not..n-not sleepy... *scared still, b ut not as much as he was*
Thrax; 8stroked his hair8
Sapphire: 8smiles and offers him back to Thrax* Will you tuck him in love? I'll be right back.
Thrx; Of cousrse. 8gently takes Ozzy into his arms*
Ozzy: *looks up at the virus who's holding him, eyes frightened*
Thrax; 8rocks him gently in his arms8
Ozzy: 8looks away a littl e then timidly rests his head on Thrax's chest*
Thrax; 8starts humming to him, rubbing his back8
Ozzy: *sniffles softly and rests his head on his shoulder, not trembling so bad now*
Thrax; 8gentlt lay him in the crib and tucked him in8
Ozzy: wh... whut's this for?
Thrax; This is your home now.
Ozzy: what... abot my apartment? *run down place anyway... no place for teh child he's becoming*
Thrax: It's no where for someone like you baby. 8taps his nose8
Ozzy: But...I've lived there for years.
Thrax; 8kissed his forehead8 This shall be your home now. 8he was wondering what Sapphire had planned for their son8
Ozzy: *looks up at him and is about to say something when sapphire comes in with a stuffed germ toy*
Thrax; 8stepped back a little8
Ozzy: 8looks towardher and blinks a little as the toy is tucked in with him*
Sapphire: *kisses ihs forehead* I madet his for you little one.. sweet dreams. You need to rest.
Thrax; 8started the mobile above the crib8
Ozzy: 8looks up at it*
Sapphire* smiles* Little angel isn't he?
Thax; 8softly8 He is. 8holds his mate close8
Ozzy: *watches them, his eyes starting to droop*
Thrax; 8nuzzled his mate gently8
Sapphire: 8nuzzles b ack, smiling down at ozzy*
Ozzy: *starts to get more sleepy... dang hypnotic mobile*
Thrax; 8softly8 Rest little one.
Ozzy: *tries to stay awake but it isn't long before sleepclaims him and he goes to sleep*
Sapphire: *chuckles* he tried to fight it.
Thrax; He's a bit stubborn.
Sapphire: *chuckles* At this point that's a good thing.
Thrax; 8quietly laughed and lead her out8
Sapphire: *smiles* He's our little boy. Soon the change will be complete.
Thrax; It's only a matter of time. 8nuzzles her8
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