*outside NS plays with the cheif's son, though they do seem to be getting to know each other*
Thrax; 8kept close watch8
Sapphire; 8had decided to look round with a few others8
*the place is very big, but also accomodating*
Sapphire; 8wanted to make sure they had everything they needed8
*there were plenty of bedrooms, more than one nursery, lavatories, a sizable kitchen... Janos has been recreating his home in Nosgoth and the result is plenty of space for more than one large family*
Sapphire; 8surveyed each room8
*they're decently sized, some look to be designed for storage space.
8the group each took down notes of what they found8
Ozzy: 8starts to stirr a little bit and calls for 'dada'*
Thrax; 8his ears twitched and he came over; 8lifting ozzy into his arms8
Ozzy: Dada... *softly* M'thirsty dada...
Thrax; 8patted his back and carried him to the kitchen8
Ozzy: *clings to his daddy looking up at him*
Thrax; 8cradled and looked for some milk8
*there's some whole mikl in the fridge*
Thrax; 8fixed up a bottle and heated it8
Ozzy: *reaches for the bottle*
Thrax; 8gives it to him8
Ozzy: *drinks hisbottle, cooing as he cuddles Thrax, this new world is strange and scary but as long as mommy and daddy are there everything is alright*
Thrax; 8cradled him close before rejoining the others8
Ozzy: *drinks his bottle, snuggling*
Thrax; 8sat next to Xavier8
Cheif: *looks over at ozzy, noting how calmed the other white blood cell seems to be by the bottle*
Thrax; 8patted his son's back8
Ozzy: *snuggles agasint THrax's chest*
Thrax; 8stroked his hair8
cheif: *comes over* HOw is he?
Thrax; Still nervous of this new world
Cheif: I think we all are
Thrax; 8nods8
Ozzy: *sucks his thumb and looks timidly up at the cheif*
Cheif: *smiles gently and rubs his head*
Thrax; 8nuzzled his son8
Ozzy: 8starts to suck his thumb*
Thrax; 8stroked his cheek8
Ozzy: *nuzzles his hand*
Thrax; 8smiled softly8
Ozzy *snuggles against thrax*
Cheif: Poor kid... It's a good thing heh as you.
Thrax; 8smiled8
Ozzy; 8finishes his bottle and holds it up* all done daddy.
Thrax; 8sets it down then lifts ozzy to his shoulder and winds him8
Ozzy: *cuddles into his chest, coughing a little before burping softly, closing his eyes*
Thrax; 8cradled him8
Ozzy: *cuddles him*
Cheif *soflty* He's become very infantile...
Thrax; Not surprising, with such change
Cheif *soflty* Poor kid...
Thrax; 8nods8
Ozzy: *starts to whimper into Thrax's chest, burying his head in his shoulder*
Thrax; 8rocked him8
Ozzy: *sniffles* Daddy... *clings to him trembling.. not wanting to say in front of the cheif that he's messed his diaper* *rubs his eyes*
Thrax; 8stood up and carried ozzy to the nursery8
Ozzy: *looks up at Thrax al teary eyed, having more than just a wet diaper*
Thrax; 8got what he needed and brought ozzy to the bathroom, turning the warm water on8
Ozzy: *sniffles* I sowy daddy... *rubs his eyes*
Thrax; 8kissed his forehead before undressing him8
Ozzy: *cries softly, sucking his thumb as Thrax undresses him*
Thrax; 8throws the diaper in the pale then gently sets ozzy in the bath8
Ozzy: *sniffles as he sits in the bath, rubbing his eyes*Bathtime daddy?
Thrax; 8nods8 You need to get cleaned up. 8gently baths him8
Ozzy: *feels better once he's bathed nice and clean*
Thrax; 8tickles his tummy8
Ozzy: *giggles*
Thrax; 8lifted him out and wrapped a towel round him8
Ozzy: *squees a little and reaches for him, giggling*
Thrax; 8nuzzled him8
Ozzy: 8nuzzles back, cooing*
Thrax; 8smiled and carried him out8
Ozzy: 8wraps his arms around his shoulders all content again*
Thrax; 8rubbed his back8
Ozzy: 8smiles, and starts to play with his dreads*
Thrax; 8smiles8
Ozzy: ^_^ *starts to braid them.
Thrax; 8stroked his cheek8
Ozzy: *kisses him on the cheek, smiling*
Thrax;8smiled back8
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