
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Monday, August 30, 2021

Never Thought in Frank: Scene 71-Trapped Like Rats

They all get knocked out and then Leilani wakes up in a glass prison sell

*the gang were separated, the females frm the males, n the babies were nowhere to be seen*

Illust: *groans* W...Where r we...?

Ozzy: *woke up with a sharp pain in his stomach* Aagghh...!!

Leilani looked around worried "i have no idea"

Thrax blinked "whats wrong?"

John heard his son waking up dizzy "f-fuck"

Amber looked around for her child "AMY!"

Illust: *looks ard n saw tht the babies were far off in an incubator case a few feet away frm them* Jazz!! Jet!! *banged at the glass cell, bt it seemed to be impact-proof*

Ozzy: *whimpered* S....Something's wrong...Th...The baby....!! *started bleeding btwn his legs*

Klepta: Oh crap! *recognizes tht situation*

Thrax gasped and tried to stop the blood by takeing off his coat

John stopped him and shook his head "Thrax its too late.."

Leilani was screaming with her sister "NIKKITA!!!!" she banged the walls then looked for spryamn "Paul paul!!"

Ozzy: No, no, no~!! My baby, MY BABY!!! *wailed in agony*

Klepta: Shh...Shh... *rubbed his bk* Its gonna be OK, doll, shh...

Guard: *banged the wall with the butt of his gun* Shut up, u vermins!

Julius: Hey!! Where's the Mayor?!

Leilani looked frantically around the room

Dex finally woke up "o-ow my head"

Illust: *turns to Dex n went to him, tho the wall separated them* D...Dex, our babies... *starts sobbing*

Guard: Hah! The Mayor? He's in jail, waiting for trial for conspiracy to take viruses' side. Tht'll put a damper to his candidacy

Leilani would growl her hands to the glass as she concentrated her heat to the glass "give me my child" her puples went from round into cat like slits very thin her fang elongated as she began to transform

Dex panted and sat up pressing his hand to hers "we'll get out i promise"

Illust: *sobs n sees Lei transforming, hugging her* No! No, Lei-bug, dont! Calm dwn! Dont start!

Guard: Ur child? Hell will freeze ovr if u try to convert any of us to ur side. Now shut it!

Ozzy: *wailed as he stopped bleeding, a pool of blood all ovr the coat n the floor* My baby....My baby... *sobs*

Thrax would keep trying to stop it and felt a big chucnk in jones pants and he just dropped in hope and looked depressed and held ozzy as he began to cry

Leil would punch at the glass crying "I WANT MY BABY!" she had gotten so close to him

Klepta: *took off Oz's pants n removed the chunk, wrapping it up* I'm sorry, doll. I'm sorry

Ozzy: *took the bundle n wailed hard, rocking to n fro* NO, NO, NO~!!! NOOOOOOO~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dakara: *was at a corner of the cell, sobbing, curled up*

John went to Dakara and held him and winces upset also tears forming in his eyes

Leilani wanted Spyrman as tears poured form her eyes "LET US GO WE ARENT HERE TO HARM HECTOR WE ONLY WANT INFORMATION FOR SOMETHING LET US OUT!!!"

Thrax held ozzy close as they rocked

Illust: *hugged Lei tight, hushing her* Shh...Shh... *rocking her* Its OK, Lei-bug. Be patient, shh...

Dakara: *sobs* I'm sorry...I got us into this...I made tht boy help us, its my fault... *sobs in John's arms*

Klepta: *bit his lip, watching Lei being so upset n yet he couldn't be with her*

Julius: *was at the wall, watching Amber*

Leilani sobbed in her sisters arm hiccing

John held him "we needed the info, you did wonderful to have him help"

Amber sobbed in a corner she wanted to hold her babies


Thorn said...

I always get real angry when they separate them from the kids like that. Luve the story anyway. Also, I loved TOYLB. Its absolute genius!

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