
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Monday, August 30, 2021

Never Thought in Frank: Scene 90-Here Comes the Cavalry

Thrax waited for everyone to get in and slammed the gas as they dove for the nasal dam

Illust: Well, looks like we've got some nice porn for us to watch. Shall we be mean to the mayor n broadcast a copy anyway? *grins*

Leilani giggled "that sounds fun!"

Thrax got to the nasal damn and there were some screams heard

Dakara: *peeked out* Ah, there we r, the cavalry

Illust: Wat exactly did u make the prof do?

Dakara: U'll see *hops off the trailer van*

Leilani would follow her father in law wondering whats going on

Thrax hopped out of the car

*evryone was fleeing frm 2 viruses who were standing there looking a little lost*

Dakara: Brethren! Ovr here! *rushed up to them, took their hand n dragged them into the van*

*evryone looked to see tht it was a pair of twins of the Malaria gene, bt seemed to be slightly modified as they show more features of a T4 than a virus*

Thrax walked over with his father his hands in his pockets

Leilani had followed she changed back into her normal clothes as her boots clicked upon the floor

Dakara: Welcome, brethren. Its been a while

*the twins turned to look at Dakara n seem to recognize him*

Twins: *spoke simultaneuosly* Dakara? Dakara Roja? Wat r u doing here? Wat r we doing here? *spoke together without missing a beat*

Dakara: Its time to rise up n fight our common enemy again, brethren

Leilani came up front and examined the twins "Pops who are the twins?"

Dakara: Explanations later, we better get out. I hear immunity

Julius: Time to take the wheel nxt *took the wheel n drove out of the nose, gliding with the air*

LEilani would blast the nasal guns to melt the opening

*the van soon was out in the open air, n they looked out to see the professor collapsed on the floor*

Illust: Aww, man, I forgot to play a copy of our porno show into the city~!

Leilani chuckled "I didnt" she pressed play on a small remote

Illust: Good thing we still hv tht camera left behind in the Mayor's office *look at the surveilance machine, where the porno was shown citywide, n the mayor was struggling n panicking to try n turn the porno off before being hounded by the press abt this* Haha, look at him squirming like a girl

Olivia walked to the twins and tugged their shirt "Hello Im olivia, this is my aunty Bree, My brother miracle, mY cousins Amy, Nikkita, Paul, Jet and Jazz

Leilani chuckled watching "and the signal can be pretty far"

The mayor tried to find the source struggling

Illust: *laughs* Well, he's on his own now *presses the button to self destruct the camera at the office n turns off the machine* Sorry abt his candidacy

Spryman: N I'm Paul Spryman, ex-mayor of the city of Hector

Twins: *spoke together* Wow, Dakara, u brought in a mayor to join ur cause too?

Dakara: He's family now, not jsut a team member

Julius: We gotta get outta here before they discover the prof's body n lock dwn this plc for quarantine. Find me an exit, guys

Leilani looked around "the small window above his lab!"

Julius: Hang on *swerved the van to fight the air current to get out of the window*

Klepta: I spy a stray cat dwn there! Lets land there

Julius: Gotcha *zoomed the van into the cat's ear*


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