
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Monday, August 30, 2021

Never Thought in Frank: Scene 63-Kiddo's Back

*the nxt morning, Spryman got up, had some breakfast, n told his aide to cancel all his appointments n hold all his calls before he rode on his scooter to the saliva docks, where the bk of his mind told him so*

Ozzy: *was letting the babies get some fresh air wen he sees him coming, n was worried*

Thrax blinked "whats up baby?"

Ozzy: Its the kid, the mayor

Spryman: *stops the scooter at the docks n sees Oz n Thrax first* Uh...Hey

Thrax blinked "How may I help you?" he acted like he dosent know him

Spryman: I...uuh...I dunno. I guess...I was supposed to be here? Evn tho I should be afraid of u n should be arresting u, bt I dunno...

Thrax raised a brow "well would you like a drink?"

Spryman: Umm...I guess *scratched his head*

Thrax would get him a tall glass of fresh juice "what brings you to our boat house?"

Spryman: Like I said, I dunno. Like I gotta help u guys or something *sipped the juice*

Dakara: *came out frm his room* Ah, ur bk. I knew u'd be bk

Thrax looked at his old man "what do you mean back?" he was trying to make sure that dakara confused the boy

Dakara: Ah well, lets just say I sorta gave him a little nudge in the head. So, u bk to help us?

Spryman: Um, yeah, I guess. Whaddaya need?

Thrax got the idea holding the key "we need any idea what this could mean"

Spryman: *looks at the key n took it* Hm, I'll see wat I can do

*both Illust n Lei were peeking out of their room n saw evrything tht happened*

Illust: *whispered* I cant believe he's so docile. Before tht he was spaztic

Lei nodded "wait who are you talking about?"

Illust: *points at Spryman* Him. Remember he's hysterical wen he saw us the first time. Now he's like a lost puppy *giggled*

"too bad we dont got anyone for him, i think he would make a great addition to our group"

Illust: *shrugs* We could always adopt him

Leilani brigtened up "lets!"

Klepta: Seriously? We're adopting a cell now? He's the Mayor. We'd attract worse attention to ourselves

Illust: Not if we convert his physiology to ours

Ozzy: *hears her n gave her a disapproval look, reminding her turning someone is not a pretty sight*

Leilani gave ozzy big fat giant baby eyes, she wanted him in the household cause he would be spoild along with all the other kids PLUS they need a babysitter

Ozzy: *hesitated, then gave her a "we'll discuss this later" look before turning to Spryman* So wen can we knw?

Spryman: I'll let u knw. Dont worry, I'll keep u guys a secret

Leilani would come out and hug the young Mayor "Your so cute!"

Spryman: *surprised at her hug n tried to push her away* Uh, thanks?

Leilani cuddles him in her boobs "soo cute!" her tail swayed

Spryman: Can't....breathe....!!

Ozzy: Hey, hey ur gonna kill him before he can help us

LEilani let go "sorry"

Ozzy: Well, we look forward to ur answer

Spryman: *nods n finished his drink, then left, driving his scooter away*

Leilani gose to ozzy "I WANNA KEEP HIM" >A<

Ozzy: U? Evryone else or only u?

"Umm I think Illust dose"

Illust: I was only suggesting. Didnt think u'd take it seriously

Ozzy; U suggested to turn him so we can adopt him properly. Wat, turn him, like my dad turn me? No, absolutely not

Illust: Hey, easy, I was just...

Ozzy: U were just being selfish. I will not let anything tht had traumatized n happened to me happen to another innocent child, u hear me?! *stomps off*

Leilani blinked "o-ozzy!" she ran after him "c-come on, we dont havta change him, he can still be a cell like dex"

Ozzy: Well tht's pretty much wat she was implying? Is ur sister reli tht twisted?

"were all twisted ozzy, honey weve been virus's all our lives... youve only became one about a 10 and a half months ago*

Ozzy: *sighed n sat dwn* Yeah, I knw...I just... *looks at himself* I just...I still cant get ovr the fact tht I was turned. I'm starting to remember the pain, the agony...N I've been living as a cell for more than 20 yrs, I just...

Lei would sit down and pull ozzy into her lap "your lucky you got the chance to be saved insted of the pain we all went through"

Ozzy: How is the pain of being transformed n morphed into something I'm not being saved?

"you got to live a safer life, instead of fighing for your life"

Ozzy: Well, I'm a cop. I'm fighting for my life evryday, n humiliated for it. I doubt its any different *grinned*

Leil rolled her eyes "One day we may just leave you to feind for yourself to see how hard it is"

Ozzy: *pouts* Not exactly vry comforting *sticks his tongue out at her*

Lei would nuzzle him laughing "we would never do it anyways we love ya too much"

Ozzy: I knw tht. I love u too *nuzzled her bk*

Leilani smiled "my own little brother" she teased laughing

Ozzy: Dont call me 'little', I'm a mother already *pinched her nose*

Leilani yelped and pouted "doo amm aiie"

Ozzy: *giggled* Silly milly *lets go of her nose*


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