
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Never Thought in Frank: Scene 32-Link Up

The girls came back holding the groceries "whats with the gathering?"

Julius: Oh nothing, just a bit of reconciliation btwn the two, is all. Dont worry. Wat hv u bought?

Illust: Plenty, enough to last for at least a couple of mths if we're planning to stay here longer

Klepta: Well ur gonna hv to stay, since ur condition is not reli fit for travel

Leilani would purr happly and kissed Klepta "we dont mind"

Dex hugged Illust from behind "im happy to be a father"

Leilani would look at Julius "you should unlock then lock to your new sexy virus" she purred a Amber

Amber blushed

Julius: Uh...Um... *blushed* OK. Tho it'll take time for me to get used to not linking wtih Thrax tho

Illust: Thrax's a big boy now. He can hold his own. Its time u look out for urself n ur girl

Amber blinked "linked?" she looked confused

Leilani goosed Kleptas butt purring

Klepta: *yelped a bit n spanked hers a little playfully as payback*

Julius: Its like a telepathic connection btwn the ones u care abt. Here, I'll show u *severed the link with him n Thrax, saying a goodbye to him before taking her hand n linked with hers*

Amber blinked "Okay?" she thought and shivered as he heard

Leilani purred and kissed him

Thrax smiled and held Ozzys hand as he linked himself to Ozzy not moving his mouth and spoke "i love you Osmosis Jones"

Ozzy: *surprised to hear him in his head* Woah...! How did u do tht?

Julius: *thought* "Can u hear me now?"

Klepta: *kissed her bk*

Illust: *chuckles as she put the groceries away, waiting the scene unfold*

"i just linked to you zee-zee" he smiled at Ozzy

Amber yelped surprised thinking "w-woah"

Leilani would pull him into her apartment

Dex would grab her ass "need help?"

Julius: *chuckles* "I take it as a yes. Lets test it out more bk in ur plc" *led her to their apartment*

Ozzy: Link? *tries it* "Wat does it mean?"

Illust: "Maybe" *grins naughtily* "Aftr evryone else hv left, tht is"

Thrax purred and kissed him "we can talk an feel each other" he thought

Ozzy: "Oh, OK" *somehow accidentally leaked in his feeling of fear, apprehension, sadness n uncertainty abt this whole pregnancy thing*

Thrax would wince and began to cry feeling his lovers pain

Ozzy: *shocked as he saw Thrax crying* Oh, oh, I'm sorry, I didnt mean to...Pls...Pls dont cry *hugged him n kissed his tears away*

Thrax would hold him "i didnt know, im sorry, i promise to make it so much better! I swear it on my life!"

Ozzy: *felt his sincerity n noded* I believe u, Thaz. I believe u. Dont cry, pls *kissed him*

Thrax kissed back calming down


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