
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Monday, August 30, 2021

Never Thought in Frank: Scene 97-Photos and Plans

Olivia had chewed dents into the bowl

Julius: So, now tht we've got our secret weapon, wat r we gonna do?

Dakara: We hv to issue a challenge to Big Momma, telling her tht we will do a fight to the death, n then let her decide where n wen the fight will be

Olivia "I hope i can melt some things" thinks looking at her brother

"Hey brother, since you have ice dose mom have it?"

Miracle: I dunno. Mommy nvr uses his powers before *turns to Oz*

Ozzy: *wasnt in the mood to test it out anyways*

Olivia looked at the bowl, she chewed it in certain areas then created a dented panda pattern

Klepta: How're u gonna do tht, sending the challenge, I mean

Dakara: U lemme worry abt tht

Leilani looked around "hey weres Paul?" she just realized he wasnt with his sister. She saw her sister "hey remeber when we first got oz and thrax together, i still have that video taped"

Spryman: *called frm upstairs* I'm right here, just chking out some old photos

Illust: Wow, for real? Awesome. We should watch it later wen we're free

Thrax blushed madly slightly remeber

"mabey put it online like we said we would" Leilani giggled at her sister "What kind of photos hun?" She walked upstairs

Illust: Oh u wicked fool. Oz will kill us xD *looks at the photos too*

Spryman: Granpa Jonnie showed it to me. He said he managed to save this album before he ran away

Leilani laughed "oh yeah, hey pops, wheres the pic of Klepta and Thrax, the one that you have, we should add it" she smiled as she added her embarssing picture that Illust kept of her dressed like a boy and even looking like one

Dakara: Right here, we should add tht pic of u n Oz in tht dress *grins at Thrax*

Thrax blushed a deep red crossing his arms "I only did it for Zee-zee, thats that" he looked at the photoalbum and saw one picture of oz with the twins kinda misty form "hey look i found the twins pops"

Dakara: *sees it* Huh, so u hv. I was wondering where did tht go. I suppose u took it without knwing they were there, Jonnie. They're always vry good at hiding

John blinked looking at it "thats kinda scary, they look like actual ghosts or something" he chuckled and kissed Dakara in front of everyone passionatly

Leilani whooped

Ozzy: *laughed awkwardly at their display of affection*

Illust: *whooped as well, laughing in excitement*

John smiled pulling back holding Dakara seeing he lost his balance

Leilani smiled "Hey so Illust, any ideas for your new spawn?"

Illust: Well, we dunno the gender yet, so no plans for the moment. We'll see wen the time comes *smiled* Dex seem to still unable to get dwn frm his high tho

Dex was dancing and wiggling cause he was a father again as he purred kissing his mate

Leilani smiled "We should find some kinda wedding catalog if were all getting married here"

Dakara: In cat city? Naw, the best plc to get married is in bird city, at the Eye Channel where u get the sky scenic view. We should head there nxt

"well we could always plan here and get supplies?" leilani stated

Dakara: No need. They call bird city the best plc to get married for a reason. They've got evrything there. We can get it wen we're there

Twins: Tying the knot finally?

Dakara: *smiled* Of course, its been the dream of our lifetime

John purred "he bawled when i purposed to him a few weeks ago"

Olivia looked at the twins and tugs at their shirt "up?"

Twins: *sees her n rolled their eyes, one of them lifting her up with TK (telekinesis)*

Olivia wiggled not wanting that kind of up and held her arms to them "no no held up!"

Twins: *sighed n brought her close, carrying her in one of the twins' arms*

Olivia smiled and nuzzled him purring softly

Klepta: So nxt stop, bird city? Which bird shall we target?

Dakara: Lets target a dove. I heard dove cities hv the most romantic weddings evr

Leilani "thats if we find a dove and hopefully the cat wont kill it"

Olivia sucked her thumb as she closed her eyes

Julius: Lemme give it a shot. I hv my way of charming cat city mayors to do my bidding

Klepta: Oh u "charm" them alright *grins*

Amber pinched his ass "dont be fucking no one now"

Julius: Ack! Of course not. I'm not as amorous as those girls *hinting Illust n Lei with a grin*


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