
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Never Thought in Frank: Scene 116-Carousel Ride

Illust: *at the carousel, she picked a lion ride n climbed onto it*

Dex chuckled at hopped on a puma behind her

*the ride soon started n evryone, including Dex n Illust, were soon cheering happily as the carousel went round n round*

Illust: Wee~! I havent ridden a carousel since my mom passed away n I moved into Lei's family

Dex chuckled "well its great to be a kid again" he chuckled as they went around

*the carousel speed increased a little n the wind made Illust's skirt fly up, showing her lingerie undies underneath at Dex*

Illust: Oops!

Dex blushed a deep red and slapped his hand to his nose to cover the bleeding

Illust: *noticed him n giggled* See something u like, sweetums?

Dex blushed all hard "of course"

Illust: *giggled* U horny toad, cant get ur eyes odd me, can u?

Dex licked his lips "i fell in love with you so hard, i swear my suite was going to break from the pressure"

Illust: Aww, isnt tht sweet? Bt why me? I've curious for a while. Why of all ppl, me? U knw I'm a germ, n shouldnt be with someone like me, wat with who u r

Dex chuckled "I always had a thing for wild ones, but god, when i met you, i swear if my heart was alive it wouldve jumped right out of me and ran around the world hoping from one person to another screaming at the top of its lungs 'IVE MET THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL IN THE WORLD' he saw the ride stopped and got up picking her up into his arms smiling

Illust: *giggled* My knight in shining armour, my hopeless romantic *leans in to kiss him*

Dex chuckled and kisses her back holding he her up by her waist smiling at her then kisses her stomach "if we have a little girl, what should we name her?"

Illust: Hmm...I'm thinking either Jewel, or maybe more specific, Ruby, to match ur red part of the suit colour

Dex blushed a deep deep red "I like that" he then smiled taking her to carrige and sat her down and payed the guy to go around the park


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