
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Never Thought in Frank: Scene 19-A New Girl In Town

Illust: Well, here we r

Ozzy: Wouldnt we get caught? We're viruses n such aftr all

Klepta: Dont worry. Dog cities r dumb. They cant tell frm cell to virus to germ, n besides, most dog cities r run by Rabies. C'mon, Jules, lets scour the area first *picks Lei up n set her beside Illust* I'll brb

Julius would nod "arlight" he hopped out of the tank with Klepta

Leilani pouted she didnt want to be away from her Klepta but she delt with it

Dex followed them "ill be back love"

Illust: Aww, alright then *sees Oz n Thrax* Aint gonna join them?

Ozzy: I was about to ask Thrax the same question

Thrax stood up "im going" he streatched "Stay here Love" he kissed Ozzy softly "i'll be back" he left out the door

Leilani sighed "this is boring without the men"

A female virus was running and jumped into the Tank

Ozzy: Excuse me? Am I not a man...Holy spit! *shocked at the virus jumping into the tank*

Illust: Woah! Who the heck r u?? *shielded Lei, her protective mode on*

The she-virus panted looking similar to Juluis as some other male virus's ran past the tank panting "h-huh oh im Amber"

Illust: Wat r u doing here? Is tht guy chasing u or something?

Ozzy: *peeked out to see the virus already gone* Coast is clear

Amber sighed "Yeah, they're in heat, you know males in heat, they dont stop till they get some for a week" she plaed with her white hair "So what this get up about?"

Illust: In heat, u say? Uh-oh...

Ozzy: *as soon as she said she was in heat, was able to detect an intoxicating scent frm Amber due to his viral nature, n his body seemed to move by itself towards*

Illust: *grabbed him* Oh no u dont! Lei! Hold him bk!

Leilani would sat on Ozzy and she heated her body to pinn him down "it cant be his time also?!" she growled

Amber yelped "ooh gosh!"

Illust: No, its more like he caught ur scent. Its irresistable to him. U sure picked the wrong time to come here, missy. We've also got tons of men as our passengers

Ozzy: *was struggling a little*

Amber looked down "im not in heat" she began to cry "it was them" she sobbed

Leilani didnt move "stay boy"

Illust: Its not? Oh boy...Thrax better get bk here with the guys

Klepta: Honey, we're home~!

Leilani yelled "in here love!" she purred "cover your nose!" she barked

Thrax came in also

Julius was right behind and smelled amber "woah whos the little fairy here?"

Illust: Amber, our new friend. Hiding frm males in heat apparently, n speaking of males in heat *picks Oz up n tossed him to Thrax* U got someone in heat u need to take care of

Klepta: *caught a whiff of Oz* Phew! Tht is some heat he's got. We better get us to somewhere we can bunk in

Thrax purred "i got this" he picked up his mate and took him outside "my babys in heat?"

Leilani ran to Klepta "Hey baby" she purred kissing him

Julius would look at the female and slightly blush at her pretty face

Amber was wipeing her face from the tears she shed "i dont wanna be raped" she ed

Illust: Dont worry. Aside frm him *gestured at Oz* these men r all safe, no worries. Did u guys find us a plc?

Klepta: Hey there, wild flower *kissed him* Not reli. Anywhere in ur neighbourhood where we can bunk in, Ms Amber?

Ozzy: *was breathing hard, trying to control his shivers tht tingled dwn his spine(

Thrax rubbed his pant

Dex just came in "i found us a cheap hotel for us, i got a bargen for 4 rooms" he walked to Illust "hey there love" he kissed her "missed me?"

Amber blinked "oh i was just going ot mention that, thats where i live"

Julius couldnt take his eyes off of amber as he was interested

Leilani would play with Kleptas long locks

Illust: Great! *kissed Dex* I knew ur a genius *peeks out* Yo, Thrax, Oz! We;re gonna head for a plc to bunk in. If u hold onto Oz tight, u can ride on the tank roof. Best to keep Oz away frm Amber!

Klepta: Well, here we go then *sits on the driver seat with Lei on his lap* Well, lets work ur magic, wild flower

Julius: *couldnt help watching Amber. She looks so soft n fragile, he could almost~
eat her up, bt didnt want to scare her off. Her scent was pretty enticing tho*

Thrax chuckled as she then leaped on the tank and held ozzy close groping his mates butt to keep him occupied

Amber was playing with her hair looking down upset at herself "u-umm ill sit in the bathroom so i dont cause any harm" she left for the bathroom in the back of the tank

Leilani would start the Tank into Gear as they slowly pushed foward

Dex sat in the passenger showing the directions

Ozzy: *whimpered at the grope, gripping onto Thrax*


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