
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Never Thought in Frank: Scene 12 - Sibling Rivalry

Thrax caught them and yelled "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!"

Illust: Woah! Geez, say it, dont spray it, Thrax. Its Dex. He's just Drix without his suit, recognize him?

Leilani heard the yell as she just came back "dammit sis, why do you always get some of it and i dont, drips you finally came outa your shell"

Thrax would blink and look at Dex blinking "Holy Frank" he rubbed his head

Dex groaned "fine im Drix but not really im not the original the original is somwhere, im a mucle cell being put into this pill to work the damn suite" he crossed his arms

Juilus came in with a loaf of bread in his mouth "Lei you should get the boy some clothes"

Lei nodded and went to her truck and lifted up a campartment in the bed of the car pulling out a large duffle bag pulling out boxers, pants, shirt and a jacket and came back throwing it to Dex face "change"

Dex grumbbled getting dressed

Illust: Bcoz I'm better at sex than anyone? *giggled* N I got myself a boy~friend~ *kissed him* U sure u wanna wear tht? I thought u dont want Oz to find out ur not a pill

He kissed back purring"Too late, Thrax cant lie to him" Dex would shut his suite into a small box and placed it in his pocket "plus i wanna see his reaction when he finds im not in my sute" he chuckled

Leilani pouted and grabs her sisters boobs "DAMMIT GIMME THESE!~"

Illust: Ack! Stop tht~! *tickle-attack her to make her let go of her boobs* Get ur own push-ups or something

Ozzy: *hears the commotion n approaches them, then looks to see Dex. It took him a while to register, bt he recognise his eyes* D...Drips...?

Leilani yelped and laughed "but push ups hurt!"

Dex smiled and waved "sup jones"

Ozzy: *blushed hard at how Drix reli looked like under the suit* W-W-Wow, I didnt knw...I-I-I thought ur a cold pill thru n thru

Illust: If u want boobs like these, better work on it. Cool, eh? Oz? Makes u wonder if u would like to tap tht ass, aint ya? *smacked Dex's ass*

Dex blinked and blushed a bit seeing him blush, looking away "No way, theres only one cold pill and hes old"

Leilani whined "b-but, she groaned, i need to get knocked up you always get the massages D<"
Dex blinked and blushed and moaned at the smack

Illust; Ur too still young to get knocked up, Lei. Maybe in a couple more years. *giggled* Well, too bad, Oz, this ass belongs to me now

Ozzy: *chuckles* Ah ha ha, great, Drips. At least u got someone. I always thought u had the hots for Leah tho

Drix winced "I did then you" he blushed "but now her" he nuzzled her happly "but leah hurt me, one night i was trying to talk to her and man she was riding that bitch mayor"

Leilani pouted she then hears a motercycle drive through the wall crashing as she yelped in surprise

Ozzy: *blushed* U...U were into me...? *then looked shocked* She...She was...with the mayor...Oh Frank... *his heart broke a little; he did, aftr all, still hv feelings for her*

Illust: Ack!! Wht the...? *sees the virus driving the bike* You!

Klepta: *raised his shades n winked at the girls* Hey there, doll. Sup, bro *saluted Julius then sees Thrax* Hey, wimp

Dex would blink "who the frank is that"

Juilus and Thrax both rolled their eyes as thrax groaned, "What are you doing here Klepta?" Julius asked

Leilani blinked and looked at Klepta her cheeks heated up but then her viral infections also came about heating the area around her making everyone sweat

Klepta: Just chking out to see if u manage to finally snag tht young doll u call ur 'fiance' *chked out Oz* Which I think u did. Mm-mm, u look mighty fine. Phew is it me, or r u making things smoking hot? *fanned himself*

Ozzy: *blushed n instinctively hide behind Thrax, a little intimidated by his predatorial flirting*

Illust: *realized the heat n smacked Lei's head* Cool it, sis!

Thrax purred "Baby dont need any of your flirting you prick, hes mine, daddy gave him too me"

Lei yelped "Hey oww!" she yelled her tail swaying, she then looked down a bit realizing she wasnt noticed at all by the other virus, her pointed ears flattened and gripped Julius shirt

Julius looked at Her "whats wrong lil monkey?"

Illust: *knew wat it is bt didnt want to point it out unless the situation reli needs it* How the hell did u get ovr here neways, Klep?

Klepta: With this baby, of course *patted his bike, n also the fact tht I totally own this city. Joesville is dying of Rabies as we speak *grins* Sucks to be the last to knw, aint ya, wimp? *leered at Thrax* C'mon, doll *turns to Oz* Why dont u dissolve ur engagement with tht wimp n be with a REAL virus here?

Ozzy: *shook his head as he hid more behind Thrax. He'd rather hv Thrax somehow, surprisingly, rather than this pushy virus*

Lei suddenly got pissed at that and walked to Klepta "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM HE AINT YOURS THRAX EARNED HIM FAIR AND SQUARE" her hands heated up causeing Joe to get a major fever and pounding migraine and heart burn all at once

Illust: LEI, CALM DWN *gave her an authoritative tone tht always commanded Lei's obedience* NOW!! *n glared her dwn until she calmed dwn*

Klepta: Phew~! A spitfire, aint ya, doll? So, how long u guys gonna be here?

Ozzy: *was a little annoyed with Lei's outburst bt brushed it off* I dunno. We're thinking aftr Thrax taken the hippo...hippo...hippowatchamacallit, bt looks like u've got ur turf

Lei winced at her sisters yelling as she calmed down and she began to cry but not making a sound as she ran off

Julius being the brotherly thing ran after her "Leilani!"

"Hypothalamus baby" he purred

Dex would rubb Illust shoulders "Hun calm down"

Illust: *sighed* Sorry, bt sometimes she needs to learn tht her temper is going to get herself n others into a lot of trouble. I cant blame her, since she wasnt raised right by her family, bt it doesnt give her the right to blast off like tht *massaged her temples*

Ozzy: So...since we can't get his turf, whadda we do now, Thrax?

Dex massaged her temples "Well thrax's brother is gonna help"

Julius came back holdling Leilani in his arms "Jeeze, she couldnt stop blubering" he was talking about Klepta

Thrax shrugged "Well wait till he dies, i think we may need ass hole here in our killing"

Klepta: Huh, working together? Yeah right, remember the last time we work together? U almost made Thomas Town into a schizophrenic!

Ozzy: *look bk n forth at the bros arguing*

Illust: She'll get ovr it, Jules. Guys, guys, lets not bring tht up again

Leilani woke up a little sleep and she slipped from Julius arms and went to klepta, this is how she is when she sleeps crying, she gose to something she likes as she hooked herself around klepta feeling safe

Thrax blinked "umm Sweetheart shes geting on that ass wipe"

Dex would think it cute

Julius "yeah umm Illust why is she doing that?"

Klepta: Umm, hey, hey, woah... *was a little awkward at Lei latching onto him* Umm, a little help here?

Illust: *rolled her eyes* Just humour her, Klep. Tht's how she behave wen she ends up crying herself to sleep. She did tht too wen we were on the run bk then.

Ozzy: *giggled at the sight of her latching, reli like a monkey*

Klepta: *groans, sweatdropped a little, bt somehow blushed a bit as well at Lei's peaceful face against his chest*

Lei would mumble and whimper as she had nightmares again, suddenly screaming "NOO NOO MOMMY IM SORRY NOO!!!! KYAAAHHH!!" she woke up falling down on her back wincing as she was cryinging again

Julius ran to her "Lei are you alright" he stroked her hair looking at her face

Lei looked so frightened at Julius, she wasnt awake she was sleep walking "No daddy no i didnt mean to it was an accident "No no please dont hit me! No dont lock me up down there with him he tried to get me pregnate!" she thought she was back at home with her parents and her brother

Illust: Uh-oh, she's hving tht nightmare again *goes ovr n wanted to reach ovr her to hold her bt was pushed aside by Klepta*

Klepta: S'OK, I got this *carried her close, pressing her ear against his chest to let her hear his heartbeat, his way of calming dwn his sibs wen they were younger, including Thrax, believe it or not, he once loved his little brother vry much until Big Momma tore them apart* Shh, shh, shh....Its OK, its OK.... *purred, letting his voice rumble in a soothing symphony along with his heartbeat* Shh....

Ozzy: *watched in amazement, nvr knwing tht viruses had this sort of gentle side*

Leilani blinked as she heared the virus heart beat, her screaming stopped as she closed her eyes and nuzzled to Klepta

Thrax chuckled remebering those day and held Ozzy "so how long ass till the man gose down?"

Julius blinked remebering that when he was busy with the twins he had Klepta calm them down

Dex held her hand "man thrax got some family" he chuckled

Ozzy: Man, u can say tht again *scratched his head*

Klepta: *gave him a devil-may-car glance at Thrax* Not for long. I'd give it abt 3 more days *continued to purr as he managed to lull Lei bk to sleep*

Illust: 3 days? Well its not too long. Maybe u can still get the hypothalamus to speed up the process. U do hv a medical book to keep up with

Thrax smirked "Well ass hole i guess i still got my chance"

Lei was attached to Klepta not wanting to have nightmares as she was not even dreaming, this is one of the few nights when she didnt have night mares, she even had them even when she was with Illust

Klepta: *rolled his eyes* Whatevr, wimp *carried on purring n rocking her, thankfully his super viral strength gave him the edge as he wasnt easily tired carrying Lei like this, besides she barely weighed much*

Illust: Well, shall we turn in for the night? Tomorrow's gonna be a long day ahead

Ozzy: Yeah, I'm totally bushed *yawned*

Thrax swepped his baby into his arms

Julius smiled and went to the truck to sleep there to watch it since they were still out in the open

Dex smirked lifting Illust "come on hun time for bed" he kissed her

Lei would gripp Klept like a child she never truely was

Illust: *giggled* Oh, my knight in shining armour *held onto him as they went to their room*

Ozzy: *yelped wen he was swept off his feet* Um, arent u gonna sleep in the rooms, Jules? I think there's plenty there

Klepta: *didnt knw why, bt somehow he didnt mind Lei being clingy on him, aftr all its been forever since he felt needed like this as he carried her to the office of the warehouse, kicked aside the bigger furniture, fixed some soft lumpy mattresses lying abt n lay there*

Julius hopped into the car "I need to keep watch of the truck, i know there are gonna be some teens round so better stay close right? Plus Lei would have a fit if she found her truck gone" He chuckled pulling out the matress from a compartment in the bed as he had a blanket and a pillow

Lei would purr in her sleep thinking its her sister "i love you, thank you"

Dex smirked as he found a bed and placed her on it gently as he found some blankets and drapped them over them as he held her close to his chest

Thrax smiled "hes right Leilani wouldnt be a happy camper" he brought oz inside to a room to watch julius cause ozzy was concerned

Klepta: *had a feeling Lei didnt direct tht to him, bt he purred bk just the same* Bk at ya, kiddo *dosed off*

Illust: *nuzzled at Dex* I think this will be the beginning of a beautiful relationship btwn us

Ozzy: *relieved tht Thrax chose a room where they can observe Jules, then unconsciously nuzzled against Thrax, enjoying his warmth somehow*


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